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Everything posted by zombieSquirrel

  1. Yeah, I can see how it looks like spam. Sorry about that. I don't think I'll need a battery upgrade. Most gaming will take place at home, near some outlets. Thanks.
  2. I'm sorry. I was under the impression that at least some of the people here would know a little about computers. I'm new to computer shopping, and I want to be sure I'm buying a good one. Edit: Would you prefer I posted the specs on the computer?
  3. I'm looking for a laptop computer, and I think I found a good one, but I would appreciate your opinions on it or other options. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834115675 This is really pushing my budget, but I'm hoping for a holiday deal sometime soon. Some of the things I'll be doing are game programming, surfing the web for educational material, and some gaming. Since gaming will be the most difficult of these tasks for it to perform, I decided to use a laptop's ability to play games as the decision maker.
  4. Hello, I'm TriNitroSocks. I like chemistry, music, and things that go zoom and/or boom
  5. Here's a site http://www.chemistrylecturenotes.com/. I don't think you have it. The ChemTutor doesn't seem to work though, at least not for me.
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