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  • Lepton

scienator's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. ok, cheers.
  2. If i took a piece of hard granite, heated it and placed it in a dish of cold water, would the rock crumble and experience weathering?
  3. cheers.
  4. hey i have a couple of questions, why does coke remove rust and dirt from metals? (or how) why or how does baking soda remove rust and dirt from metals. Thanks. rust is FeO2 which is dissolved by acid, baking soda is not an acid so it wouldn;t remove any rust. Since coke is low in pH its consiered an acid and would disolve the rust?
  5. hey man, I'm also a college student and have been wanting to learn chinese for some time, i have a mic and msn would be great to swap languages, if you dont already have peeps. Cheers, Anth
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