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Everything posted by Mikel

  1. I asked him in his view, exactly what he will accept as being a transitional and he said "It isn't about my view. Read the definition of kingdom, phylum, class, order, etc. and see what you think are similar." I also told him all individuals of all species ever are or were transitional and he doesn't agree. He says "It's kind of like me saying that practically everybody agrees that 8 x 9 = 72 and you getting defensive and questioning the fact that I'm speaking for practically everybody. This is not destoying evolutionary theory (yeah, it still is a theory which many scientists are finding to be more intriguing than accurate) it is just stating a known fact."
  2. How should I reply to him (not to the myriads guy but the guy with the 3 "problems")?
  3. Well, once again I'm debating with a creationist. He said there was a gap between reptiles and birds so I gave him this this link to show the origin of birds for him. Anyway, about 2 weeks later he replies saying this I would appreciate it if you guys can help me out again. Thanks.
  4. http://www.giveupalready.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59895&pagenumber=2 That's the page where we kinda get off topic of "under god" in the pledge to biology. Keep in mind while reading my posts i'm only 14 and i'm not even in high school yet (point being I haven't been in biology and i'm not exactly the master debater as my title says) and I was argueing with an adult redneck.
  5. Ummm... well... i'm a dumbass (I haven't even gone into biology yet) so, I'm not quite sure what your talking about. It may be better, since you know what your talking about, for you to argue it. http://www.giveupalready.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59146&pagenumber=2 First you must register. Beware of the moderators. Btw, i'm Mikel on there too.
  6. I doubt it. I think I shamed him.
  7. If I told him that I would get warning type thing for flaming. Our forums have mods. After my last reply and sucessfully refuteing all his arguments he just kinda disapeared.
  8. I gave that first link in a different debate entitled "evolution vs. creationism". A fellow believer of evolution was the first to respond. He said How would you respond?
  9. Thanks. I can't wait to see what other wild arguments he comes up with next.
  10. I'm still debating with the same guy and tearing apart his arguments, but I have a second question. He posted this Sure, scientists created a few proteins from amino acids in a lab under extremely impossible conditions for what the first cell would have undergone. However, take into account that life must have water to survive, yet amino acids are destroyed instantly in water. So the cell would have to overcome extreme odds of left hand amino acids matching up perfectly with right hand amino acids (also virtually impossible) in completely waterless conditions and then IMEDIATELY be taken to water to survive, despite the fact that the cell would have to create, from nothing, a protective covering and energy processing abilities to survive for more than a couple of milliseconds. Are you seeing any sort of gap here now? Yet evolutionists who believe there is not intelligent force that helped out argue that the answers are out there to be found eventually...sounds a lot like a religion to me. Again, can you guys help me out?
  11. Thanks alot. I'll come here for any more questions I have.
  12. Hi! I ran across your forums today trying to find someone who could help me. I'm debating with a guy on another site with forums who appearently has absolutely no idea what evolution is about and one of the things he said was "They can’t explain how that cell evolved into a mulit-celled organism or how that multi-celled organism grew a back bone slowly or how animals went from having 2 to 3 to 4 chamber in their heart….it’s sorta hard to have 2 and a half chambers in your heart, is it not? And supposedly evolution is extremely slow so you’d have one guy with 2 chambers, the next with 2.00001 chambers, the next with 2.00002 chambers….it doesn’t really work…you have 2 or you have 3. You die if you have anything in between." I'm afraid I don't exactly know much at all about the evolution of the heart. I tried researching and couldn't find anything on it. Can you help me? What exactly would you say to him?
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