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Everything posted by Aguirre

  1. Very funny indeed very funny!

  2. Very funny indeed very funny!

  3. Are you sure? What an statement. I would say not in a past spacetime location.
  4. To explain the constance of the speed of light you have at least find a reason where this constance comes from. Otherwise it comes falling down from heaven. And i think the constant of the speed of light is connected to the Eigenzeit. No more to say at the moment.
  5. Don`t forget the eigentime (Eigenzeit) for every Photon that has a eigentime Zero.
  6. The topic is:"What`s the oppostite of entropy" I think your statement is to short and can therefore lead to the understanding that the entropy can have 2 directions. Your statement let totally open where the work to lower the entropy comes from. So i think, i am not so far away from the topic.
  7. Entropy is defined for closed systems. What kind of work you need to lover of entropy? But the entropy is a natural law. Acorrding to Landau-Lifschitz is a every day experience. And by the way, how you define "closed systems"? When entropy is a natural law than the system where this law is true should not be only a artificially system.
  8. What has the entropy, the scale factor and time in common? And what not? 496=496 In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft Sig
  9. Time as far as i know is a dimensionless value. But time is the factor that creates a 3 dimensional space or lets say a 10+1 dim space with a certain rate. 496=496 In derRuhe liegt die Kraft Sig
  10. So the arrow of time makes us going in the one way direction future. But it does not explean why we can not see in this direction. Where yet nothing is you hardly can observe something. There is no space-time structure in the future cone in the Minkowski space. But if you look into the night sky you will see space-time structures, occupied space-time structures. Occupied by space- world time. By the way how you explain the non- equilibrium state of the universe? 496=496 In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft Sig
  11. Let me start with a simplequestion. Why we can not see intothe future but it is the only way wecan go, why we can see the past but thereis no way to go back?
  12. “If it expanding how itpossible?” That was your question. And I said we will find itout. No more no less. Now, how you explain thenon-equilibrium state of the universe withoutthe expansion? 496=496 In der Ruhe liegt dieKraft Sig
  13. I am Sigbang alias Aguirre. I am interrested in physical systems and transportation problems, at the moment i am working on the topic in what kind of structure our universe is expanding into and what a rule time plays in this game.
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