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About Eureko

  • Birthday 07/14/1987

Profile Information

  • Location
    Madrid, Spain, Europe.
  • College Major/Degree
    Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Environmental Science.
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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. And don´t forget the accumulation of dioxins and free radicals that might cause natural deaths of organisms... But, if we take an organism, and hypothetic one, I wonder (also at molecular level) what´s the difference in the just two consecutive moments that differ from the living to the dead organism...
  2. Yes, I know the topic of this discussion. I saw it and it called my attention cause I have been wondering so much time if the universe could expand faster than light, even thought I never looked for the answer. I haven´t read all the comments thought. And I don´t know any about relativity but I will read it all and if I still having doubts I will ask them.
  3. Maybe could we say that living matter suffer process by itself and dead one does not? That´s it: reproduces, grows, gets feed... etc. Well, I just don´t know. I don´t know the answer but I´d like us to discuss about it so let´s see what could we find. I have always wondered what´s exactly the difference between a dead body (I think about a human one) and a living one, if, in both cases they have exactly the same structure... what´s the key to differ between the one living and the other dead, what makes it one to be one way and the other the opposite...
  4. Oh, thank you so much, man! I just had to get through my lazyness, haha... My interest is bigger.
  5. I have no clue about it. I just voted for a finite space from what I know from reading Hawking. If there was a beginning, and it started there and continued growing, how could it become now infinite? It should have grown over everything growable! Weird to imagine. I think it must be finite. Me declino a pensar que también tiene una masa finita.
  6. Why there´s only British and American Universities? Why there´s no one from other countries? I guess we are much under all these... This stinks.
  7. Hell. I have always wondered about this! Somebody with the answer?
  8. 20.M.Madrid, Spain.
  9. I´d define intelligende as Mr Skeptic did at first time. The hability to solve problems, it is just this. If you solve a problem but create a new one it means that you´re very intelligent in solving the kind of problems you already solved (as he explained, a subtipe). And, solving every kind of problem and not creating new ones it is not just intelligence, in my opinion that´d be something like wisdom, a very balanced intelligence.
  10. I voted for this (integ(uv) = uv - integ(v du))one cause in Spanish (I am Spaniard) we memorice it with a funny phrase: S(uv) = uv-S(v du). S(uv) = Un Viejo-Salido(Viola Dos Universitarias). And this means: A green old man raped two universitarian girls. Funny?
  11. No, no, so we can´t create, we can GET knowledge, and order it, discover it and formulate it. But never create. Maybe it is a vice of the lenguage that we say it so many times, I believe.
  12. Oh, yes, haha, I know. I was just joking. So, you don´t think we can get knowledge from anywhere, right? We can´t create knowledge. It sounds like Thermodynamic First Law: Knowledge can´t be created (destroyed?) only can be transformed. Sounds good.
  13. Don´t use me as an example, please!
  14. That´s true, despite I have my moral convinctions, I don´t believe in a single morality system so I am a moral relativist in this way. So, I can´t define better since it has a different meaning for each one, but I said that "I think" it would be better, and this is cause we don´t need religion no more, it was a very usefull tool in the past (to explain natural events, to base the social system, to build a morality...), nowadays we have other tools that work much better than religion, and by my experience it only produces friction in the society and make people blind of the real world. I agree with you, what a fake paradox! Not being does not mean being.
  15. That was so great. They sound pretty good for me. I already herd about many of these ones (never though about the desert´s sand). I find this a very interesting field to study about from global warming, if we could modelize all this with functions it would be a nice "computer game". This scares me too, have you herd about Lovelock´s wonderland?
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