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Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Now, we will talk about improving the conventional (non-ether based) special relativity theory to be vacuum medium (ether) based one! And the first crucial step which we have to do is to derive “Lorentz transformation”! Here, according to the diagram (a) below, we will show shortly how the derivation could be done by using “k-calculus”. A and B are the world–lines of two relative motion observers. A is at rest to vacuum medium, while B is moving with constant velocity v. Let P is an event at a coordinate (t, x) relative to A and (t’, x’) relative to B. When A send out a light ray (c = 1) at time t-x to illuminate P at time t and also receive the reflected ray back at time t+x. Similar remark applies to B, where we use primed quantity. Assuming A and B synchronize their clock when they met. Then by some arrangement and using the definition of k-factor, we get is equation (1). Next, by combining (1) to the space-time coordinate relation (2), then what we got is the Lorentz transformation as in (3) or (4)! It is interesting to note that in the conventional derivation, two pure basic “assumptions” were used, (while our derivation is the based on “measurement” only), so, what was got from this derivation is just only an “abstract mathematical formula without any physical meaning”! In contrast, we could interpret “physical meaning” (of the Lorentz transformation) from our new derivation as follow; Let us start with Galilean transformation, x’ = x – t, t’ = t … (3’), in which Newton classical mechanics was based on! This is the concept of instantaneous action (any action between two separate bodies could be taking place by require no time, even they are infinite distance apart) and universal time (i.e. time is the same anywhere), but why? The reason is that in Newton concept, vacuum space is an empty one, so it means that light speed must be infinite, and then the Lorentz transformation (3) or (4) will change to the Galilean (3’) one! By the way, it is usually misunderstood that a physical medium which act as the carrier for light wave must be very rigid in order to bear such a high speed. But this is not quite right because if we assumed that vacuum medium is something like earth atmosphere air, and if we compare it (air) to something like hydrogen gas which has a thinner density than air. Then we would found that wave speed in hydrogen gas is faster than normal air, i.e. for air’s mass density ~ 1.2 Kg/m^3 and its sound speed is 331m/s, while hydrogen mass density ~0.089 Kg/m^3 and its sound speed is 1284m/s! In conclusion, we could get physical meaning of Lorentz transformation as “the relative distance and time between two relative moving inertial frames measured by using light speed c via vacuum medium space (while Galilean transformation deal with imaginary infinite light speed via empty vacuum space)! More detail please sees CSTR in my website. Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Up to now we have seen (from several former posts), “how the existing of vacuum medium (something like the old ether) could improve the conventional (non-ether based) modern physics theories (i.e. EMT and QMT), and could solve the unsolved problems in them too”! Anyway, before going further, it would be nice to talk some detail about the “vacuum medium” (which we have referred to it several times) by comparing to the old ether. But, unfortunately, there is no much detail about the ether; what we known is that it is a physical medium filled vacuum space, in which its properties gives rise to electric and magnetic phenomena including the propagation of light wave. In short, we may say that vacuum medium look like the ether, but the crucial difference is that it is not something which filled vacuum space as the ether does; instead it is a new kind of substance that each of its infinitesimal part holds each other together (by its internal contraction force) and forming to be the “physical fabric structure of our vacuum space”! For vacuum medium’s mechanical property; it is a continuous isotopic homogenous medium which has very thin in mass density (< 10 ^ -26 Kg/m ^3), so it is permeable by all matters almost without any observed resistance! Anyway, it has very large elastic coefficient and sensitive to shear force (rotational force) while not to compressive or longitudinal force. Finally (after learning some basic concept of vacuum medium), in the next post, we will come back to consider more detail about improving the conventional (non-ether based) relativity theories (special & general relativity) to be ether (vacuum medium) based one! Also we will see how the modified theories (which I called them as “Completed Einstein special theory of relativity, CSTR” and “Completed Einstein general theory of relativity, CGTR”) could solve the problems of the conventional ones! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Now we will show another example of how the vacuum medium based QMT could solve the problem in the conventional QMT, i.e. the problem with hydrogen atom model as shown in the diagram below. All of us may familiar with Bohr model of hydrogen atom as shown in diagram (a) in which the circular motion of electron for the stationary state is at Bohr radius (calculate by using classical mechanics) and it was criticized that it would radiate energy and spirals into the nucleus! In conventional quantum mechanics, where what we got is a better model of hydrogen atom as shown in diagram (b). It has shown the probability location of the electron around the proton nucleus for the ground state in atom which was calculated using Schrödinger equation. And in diagram © shown the radial probability density which is maximum where the radius r equal to Bohr radius. Anyway, even in the model of quantum mechanics, there is still NO explanation why electron can stay separate from the proton nucleus, and it still depends on Bohr assumption (the postulate of stationary state)! Instead, the problem could be explained by using the concept of “vacuum medium space” (instead of conventional empty vacuum space) and “electron and proton are something like tiny black holes of vacuum medium” (Please see detail in VMTE). Armed with the concept of “quantum vacuum mechanics” (vacuum medium based QMT) we could use the model shown in diagram (d) for explanation why “electron can stay separate from the proton nucleus and having the probability density” as in (a) and (b). Normally electron can move freely (even at absolute zero degree temperature) in “Bohr shell” for the reason that, it is the place where the “Coulomb attraction force” (between electron and proton) equal to the repelling force of the “vacuum medium” in between! (Detail could be seen in CEMT) Finally we also knew that there is always a small vibration in any atom, except at absolute zero degree temperature! So any electron in any atom in (d) could not stay only within Bohr shell, instead it has the probability to move to other location out of Bohr shell when time goes on. So what we got now is a better explanation for hydrogen atom model which is more realistic and understandable! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, In the former post, we have talk about electron wave (i.e. the co-moving wave of electron particle), but someone may ask what the electron wave look like? So we will now explain some more detail by comparing it to light wave (packet) or photon, as shown in the diagram below. Let us first we start with the summary that explain what a photon is! (Please see detail explanation in CEMT.) In diagram (a), when an electron in an atom was exited by external energy and move from its normal state (of lower energy) to excited state of higher energy. Immediately the exited electron will jump back from unstable (excited) state to its normal (stable) state! Because the “transition time” is very short, so the jumping back electron will transfer its impulse force’s with energy back to the surrounding vacuum medium. This makes the disturbed vacuum medium oscillates and radiate out as a “wave packet” of photon from the atom. Now for electron (particle) wave, when an electron moving through vacuum medium (remember that electron is immerged in vacuum medium), it will rotate while disturbing the medium around. The disturbed vacuum medium will adjust itself by creating standing (co-moving) waves in front and around as shown in (b). Note, both electron wave and light wave are rotational transverse wave of vacuum medium, while there are some differences between them. First, while photon is a free wave packet which propagates with the velocity of light, particle wave is a standing wave packet moving together (co-moving) with the particle. Next, both photon and electron wave were created by a moving electron! If the moving electron is accelerated, then photon was generated, while a uniform moving electron creates particle wave. By the way, we often called photon as “acceleration or far field”, in which it will radiate after created. While electron wave was usually called “velocity or near field”, which will not radiate, but co-moving with the moving electron! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, In this post, we will start with one of the most crucial problems (of the basic concept) in the conventional QMT, i.e. what the WAVE of particles (de Broglie wave) is! Indeed, Max Born whom who gave the correct interpretation of wave function (which was used until now) himself used to call this mysterious wave as “ghost field”. Anyway, in one sense, it is not difficult to understand why experts do not know what the particle wave is. The reason is because conventional QMT is non-ether based theory, and what they were familiar is that a moving mass particle (such as electron) in empty space without any medium, so what is waving! Instead, if QMT is ether based theory, then it is easy to visualize that a moving electron could disturb ether (vacuum medium) and creating co-moving wave! Up to know, someone may ask, could we derive the formula for the wave? Of course, we can! But it is quite lengthy, so please see detail in the paper “completed quantum mechanical theory (CQMT)” in my website. (It is interesting to note that historically de Broglie wave relation (1) below, is not just a hypothesis as we know today. Louis de Broglie had derived it in his Ph.D. thesis (which Einstein had recommended the award) and later was awarded the Nobel Prize! λ = h / p ….. (1), [where = particle wave’s length, h = Plank constant, p =momentum]. Nowadays, almost all text books do not talk about the “derivation’s process” because physicists think that it is WRONG; instead they accept only the output! But now we will see that the original derivation is still correct and it is corresponds to the concept of vacuum medium wave, and this also give the “physical meaning to de Broglie waves”!) Now, armed with Vacuum mechanics, we are ready to solve almost any unsolved problem in the conventional QMT! First example, we will return to explain how the new vacuum medium based could easily solve the collapse wave interpretation problem as show early in the diagram of the former post. According to the conventional interpretation in (a), there is no explanation “how each electron convert itself into waves, passing through both slits and then the two part of waves collapse back into a single particle on screen”. It is something like the “magic of electrons”! Instead, when using the concept that particle wave is the co-moving wave of vacuum medium, it is easy to visualize and understand how electrons do the magic as show in (b), i.e. all the electron particles moving together with their own created particle waves. Some of electrons pass through slit 1, while others pass through slit 2 randomly. While each electron passes through slit 1 OR 2, its co-moving waves will pass through both slit 1AND 2 at the same time. After passing through both slits, both the waves will interfere each other while moving toward screen. Because the constructive interference zone carries most of the energy of waves (the high probability density), then it will guide the co-moving electron to follow within the zone! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Peron and friends, Let us referred to Peron’s post # 60 p.3 in which he commented about my solution for the collapse wave interpretation problem in quantum mechanics (by using the concept of the disturbance of vacuum medium created by the moving electrons as in the diagram repeated below), and I have answered some of his questions in my post # 64 p.4. Now we will continue by going back to the beginning (of what we will talk) by reminding us that actually the conventional quantum mechanical theory is non-ether based theory. But unlike Einstein conventional theory of relativity which is really non-ether based theory, quantum mechanics based on something which we may be called as MAGIC ether based theory! For someone who familiar with quantum field theory (an extended quantum mechanics) would found that its “vacuum” concept is not an empty vacuum space, instead it is full of infinite number of virtual particles – antiparticles which create and annihilate at any instance in all time! Nowadays, one of the main aims of the LHC mission is to find Higgs boson. According to the standard model theory, Higgs boson was created from “Higgs field” by Higgs mechanism. But the interesting point is that conventionally, Higgs field was postulate to be “matter field” which is existed by pervading in vacuum space. In one sense, the Higgs field plays the role of a new type of vacuum, analogous to the old ether! In conclusion, we could see that at first, quantum mechanics concept start with non-ether based theory. Then in quantum field theory, vacuum space is not empty space anymore, and finally it is an ether based theory. So it is interesting that the concept is changing, how could it is something like that! By the way, for someone who was involved in detail with quantum mechanics theory, would found that there are many unsolved problems by using the conventional non-ether based concept! For an example, the problem of collapse wave interpretation we mentioned early. From now on we will talk in detail “how the ether based concept could solve” the conventional non-ether based concept, please follow in the next post. Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Now we will show how to solve another problem (which can not explain by the (non-ether based) in the conventional electromagnetic field theory) by using vacuum mechanics (the mechanism of vacuum medium) concept. The problem is about Poynting vector (the energy flow of electromagnetic wave in the conventional theory) which is very interesting but not quite popular. Anyway, we could found it in a famous “The Feynman Lectures on Physics”. Vol. 2 text, and even in a popular “Physics” text by D. Halliday, R. Resnick, and K. Krane Vol. 2! (a) Charging a capacitor. (b) Electrons flow in a conductor wire. According to the diagram, it was explained by Poynting vector concept that the energy appears in the resistance of the conductor wire (b) does not enter from the connecting wire but from the surrounding space around the conductor! Also in (a) the energy stored in the capacitor does not enter from the connecting wire but from the surrounding space around the capacitor! How vacuum mechanics could solve these crazy problems is because of the new concept charge particles, i.e. electron and proton are condensed vacuum medium, and which are something like tiny black holes (please see a scientific prove in the paper “Vacuum mechanics: a new approach to the theory of everything” in my website). While stream of electrons (electric current) flow in the conductor wire in (b), they attract and rotate the surrounding vacuum medium which appeared as magnetic field. And when we calculate the total energy around the conductor by using Poynting vector concept, we would found that it is equal to internal energy in the resistance (of the conductor). The reason is because that actually the attracting force acting to the surrounding vacuum medium is the same thing as the Poynting vector! In case of capacitor in (a), plenty of electrons stored in the negative plate (and protons in positive plate), both electrons and protons attract each others and also attract the surrounding vacuum medium! In conclusion, the feeding of the flow in energy to the capacitor is the stored of charges in both plates and in turn the stored charges will create internal stress of vacuum medium which appear as the Poynting vector around! By the way, some more examples could be found in “Completed Maxwell electromagnetic field theory (CEMT)”, indeed we could solve any problem in conventional electromagnetic field theory by using vacuum mechanics. In the next post we will see how vacuum mechanics could also solve the problem in quantum mechanics theory too! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Once we have a mechanical model for electromagnetic field theory, i.e. electric field is a polar vector and magnetic field is a rotational vector occurred via stress-strain relation in vacuum medium, and then we are ready to solve the problem and explaining how electromagnetic wave was created and propagate (which was mentioned early) by following the diagram below. Radio power source in (a) is transmitting stream of electrons in the antenna conducting wire. While the electrons are moving they will rotate and drag the surrounding vacuum medium and creating the rotational stress in vacuum medium which is appeared as surrounding magnetic field B. At the same time, the vacuum medium was twisted, so the generated torsion wave will propagate along the wire at a speed of light. And this is appeared as electric field E. Next, because radio source is an oscillating generator, so the flowing up and down of electron’s stream (from generator) will create waves in vacuum medium around the antenna conductor and then moving away from the wire as shown in (b) and ©. This is the radiation process of electromagnetic waves! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, Now we will show how to improve the theory of Maxwell electromagnetic field by using the new concept of “vacuum medium”, and we will start with a new physical model of the theory, derivation of the Maxwell equations, and finally solving the problem of the conventional theory. First, we create a reasonable and suitable physical (mechanical) model by using the guideline of “the quasi-elastic body model of ether” (fig.(b)) developed in 19th century by professor Arnold Summerfeld , in his famous text book “Mechanics of Deformable Bodies”, p.108 – 111. This could be done because both of them have the same medium’s mechanical property that is they are continuous elastic mediums which are sensitive to rotation. Our new model proposed in fig.(a) is the flowing stream of electrons (-i) pass through the conducting wire with negligible resistance. This was done by electromotive force provided from battery and which also maintaining potential difference for the wire. Because the moving electrons are rotating and dragging the surrounding vacuum medium within and around the wire. This will create the rotational stress in vacuum medium which is appeared as surrounding magnetic field B. At the same time, the vacuum medium was twisted. So the generated torsion wave will propagate along the wire at a speed of light. And this is appeared as electric field E. Next, we could derive Maxwell equations from the proposed model above by relating the electromagnetic field parameters (i.e. E, B, permeability and permeability of vacuum) to the stress-strain relation parameters and properties of vacuum medium (i.e. translation, rotation, deformation, twist modulus and density of vacuum medium). Anyway, we will not go into technical (mathematical) detail, one who interest could see detail in “Completed Maxwell electromagnetic field theory (CEMT)” in my website. In summary, we could derive Maxwell equations from the mechanical properties of vacuum medium in the proposed model above! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Klaynos, Why? How? How it involved in this matter? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Klaynos, Do you mean something which I have talked with Rockman in the post # 13 p. 1, would you please look back to see it again? What is the novel EM device and how it was involved with this matter? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Friends, While waiting for the answer from D H, I will talk about the consequence of the new idea of the existence of a new kind of ether (which I called it as vacuum medium) upon Maxwell electromagnetic field theory! For someone who familiar with Maxwell electromagnetic field theory would know that when James Clerk Maxwell first created the electromagnetic field theory, he also invented a mechanical model of elastic solid (ether) called a granular model of space for its philosophical concept. But after Einstein had created special theory of relativity (STR) which no need the ether concept, then people have ignored the proposed model and only the equations were used until now. This seems to be alright, but something badly followed, i.e. the problem of how electromagnetic wave was created and propagate! In the next post, I will show scientifically how “vacuum medium” could solve the mentioned problem. Further more, the new concept will also solve the existing problems in the conventional theory. Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, Indeed, I am not quite clear about your word, would you please explain in detail, is it right or wrong, polite or impolite, or anything else? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Modulators and friends, Up to now, I am not quite sure what should I going to do, does anyone has any suggestion? Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear D H, Where are you? Up to now, do you have any other questions about my “new idea” which was thought as “speculation or pseudoscience”? Would you please reconsider it again? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, It is NOT a “standing wave”. It is a traveling wave! Standing wave means wave which is oscillating back and forth, while a traveling wave is one-way propagation (from source to receiver). No, it does not have any persistence of compression and rarefaction when the input wave is passed! It is easy to see just one single input sound wave, when the wave is traveling pass from the main input pipe into the branch pipes, the air in the main pipe is calm to the normal state. Even in the two branch pipes, when the divided wave is passed to the output main pipe, it leaved the calm air behind. Finally, at the output main pipe, when the compression from one side meets the rarefaction from another side, they cancel each other in to the calm state, i.e. the input energy disappears! We can not get any energy out because it was used to calm down the air state in the output main pipe , NOT the persistence of compression and rarefaction in the system! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, You are not answered all the questions which are related, so I assume that you are not understand the working process of the acoustic experiment shown in the diagram in the post # 81. Here we will repeat it again with more detail! In (a), the loudspeaker sent it sound wave energy into the pipe. For simplicity, we will consider only one complete cycle of the sound wave energy, say, X. The traveling of the sound wave propagates via air medium by its stress-strain action passing through both two branch pipe with equal energy of X/2. At the output the divided sound wave energy will combine to X energy again, so the total energy is conserved! In (b), the situation is the same as (a), the only difference is that at the output, the divided sound wave energy will combine to zero energy due to the familiar destructive interference. But the crucial point is how the destructive interference works in air medium? It is easy to visualize that one part of X/2 energy is contraction force, while the remaining part of X/2 energy is expanding force. When the two part of energy combine together, they cancel each other, then give the non-vibrate air medium! Anyway, in (b) case, the total energy is still conserved; the input energy was used to change the vibrate air medium back to its normal “calm” state. So we may say that this experiment is the indirect prove of the existing of air medium, isn’t it? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, You just questioned in # 82 about the existing of internal stress in air, and in # 84 you also did not accept that sound wave involved with internal stress, but now you accept the mechanism of sound wave is compression and rarefaction! Now what is the compression and rarefaction in air, isn’t it the changing of the internal stress in air? Yes, we have to use an external force to start the oscillation of air’s internal stress (stress-strain action), but what you mean “difference in pressure or density will dissipate”, and dissipate to where? Would you please explain how the destructive interference in air works? “Additional energy” of what? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, Then, what is the mechanism of sound wave? And according to the diagram, where is the output sound wave energy gone? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, I am wondering how you are so easy forgetting that the longitudinal compressive stress and rarefaction in air is responsible for creating sound wave! What is than which you think it is the mechanism of sound wave? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Would you please see what I have explained in the second paragraph of my post # 77? I have calculated from the formula in the text books in which I referred to in my post # 72, how is it wrong? What is it and how it relates to antenna? Yes, the total energy is conserved; please see my third answer above! Would you please also see what I have explained in the last paragraph of my post # 77 in which it was talking about magnetic field, while in this case is about electromagnetic field! By the way, to conclude the concept of the two-solenoid experiment and the two-antenna experiment we discussed, I will show the simplest experiment analogy i.e. an acoustic interference experiment as follow; In the diagram shown, was used to demonstrate the interference of sound waves. If the length of the two branches is “equal”, then what we got at the output is the “same level” of sound waves as the input. But if the two branches’ length is different with a halve wavelength of the sound wave, then ideally, the sound level at “the output is zero” due to the destructive interference of the waves from the two branches In conclusion, the total energy of the whole system is conserved, but the (seem) disappeared of the energy (in case of two branches’ length is different) which due to the destructive interference in the air medium, is the energy which was used to release the internal stress in the air medium! So we may say that it is an indirect prove for the existing of air medium. Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, Why and how? Why? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com . -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear Klaynos, Of course, we have to integrate the field energy over all space, but what we are interesting is the energy different! For example, at some fixed (volume) boundary which far enough from the near field zone, we will get some amount of the far field radiated energy, say A. Then after reducing the spacing between the antennas, we will get another amount of the radiated energy, say B. According to the theory of directional transmission of radio system, we will found that A is bigger than B! Note that the radiated energy, B was included the reducing of transmission energy due to the mismatch between the input energy source and the antennas (due to the effect of changing of mutual inductance), but it is a minor part of the different between A and B! Would you please tell me some, how it relate to antenna? What is “nothing new or interest here”? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Dear swansont, What effect? Pease do make clear that what I say that energy is not conserve was due to the (seeming disappear) part of the energy was used to cancel the internal stress in the pondering medium! It is the same thing as what was happened in the two-solenoid experiment. So in the whole system the total energy is conserve! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com . Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedDear D H, Up to now, do you have any other questions about my “new idea” which was thought as “speculation or pseudoscience”? Would you please reconsider it again? Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, You are right, for someone who are not familiar with radio communication but know that an antenna could be affect by other one near by, may conclude that I am cheating! One reason that I first talking without mutual inductance effect because its effect is a minor part of the total power. It is something like what you have talked in the first point of # 57. Actually, for someone who study the most precise calculation in radio radiation system would found more complicate thing such as what was called as “near field” zone around the antenna. But, actually what radio engineers make used from radio radiation system is as what was called as “far field” radiation zone and it is this field is what we involved in our experiment! By the way, in my paper I have talking about the two-solenoid experiment first because it is simple and obvious for any physicist and this second experiment was included in order to show that we could also play with electromagnetic field! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com . -
Einstein’s return to the ether is good news or bad news?
vacuodynamic replied to vacuodynamic's topic in Speculations
Dear swansont, Sorry, at first I think that you are not familiar with radio communication, so I try simplifying the discussion with you by referenced to John D. Ryder, “Network, Lines and Fields” (second edition, p. 553-555.) text book. Now, it seems that you want to go deeper, then let us discuss in more detail, i.e. including the effect of mutual inductance! Refer to the VHF directional radio system with two dipole antennas, (in which I have used as the experiment in my paper) which followed from the explanation “Antenna Applications Reference Guide” by Richard C Johnson, Henry Jasik, (p. 2-13 to 2-15.) text book. And in this text book, mutual inductance was included! According to the second text book, it has shown that the “power density pattern” of the radiation signal, wills gradually reducing while antenna spacing is decreasing. The reducing of radiation power consists of two parts; the first part is according to the ideal mathematical formula, while the second part was due to the mismatch of the impedance between source and antenna (i.e. the effect of mutual inductance). And it is not difficult to calculate both the two part of the reducing of radiation power. Please note that important point of the first part of the reducing power of radiation is that it was due to destructive interference of radio signal from both antennas is always exist whether the second part (mutual inductance effect) is included or not! Sincerely, Nimit ------------------- http://www.vacuum-mechanics.com .