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Bridget Jones

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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Yes you're right, thanks. Glad it was hypothetical and not an actual answer to an assignment!
  2. So let me get this right if I was for example expressing flourine, I should write: {9}^{19} F ?
  3. Thanks for that Dave. This is the first time I've used a forum so format of my post not that good, guess I have to work on that one!
  4. Hi Please could anyone advise the best way to show 7 successions of alpha decay on: 234 U 92 I know the answer is 206 Hg 80 Should I show it as 7 different stages eg. stage 1 234 230 4 U ---- Th + He 92 90 2 Stage 2 230 226 4 Th ------ Ra + He 90 88 2 etc etc or can I simplify it as : 234 206 4 U ------- Hg + 7( He ) 92 80 2 Hope this makes sense, I would be most grateful for any advice. Thank you
  5. Hey, Guess you must be studying via the OU!
  6. Hey, Guess you must be studying via the OU!
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