Yes, honey and sugar may be similar in terms of carbohydrate content, but honey is virtually a complete food in itself (as long as it is a good quality one and not a cheap one packed out with syrup!). It contains almost all the amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements required to sustain life, so although sweet, unlike sugar it is not full of empty calories.
It is so beneficial for so many things - helps to soothe and support the digestion, can ease digestive upsets, is a good support for the heart and the arteries, is a great healer and natural anti-septic that can help wound healing both internally and externally, helps to relieve a sore throat, counteract allergies, raises the anti-oxidant level in the body, is a great all-round beauty aid for nourishing the skin and the hair, can be used to fight fungal infections, reduce inflammation and scarring - the list is endless. Although it may raise blood sugar, it is far more beneficial for diabetics than sugar.
A few days ago I did an experiment. Last thing before bed I took my blood sugar which was 7.4 (133). I then drank a mug of drink consisting of approximately 1 tablespoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. One hour later my blood sugar was 6.7 (120). Seven hours later on waking, my blood sugar was 5.2 (94). As my average waking level is usually around 6.8 I was pretty impressed. Cinnamon has been known to reduce blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. I have had a sore stomach and taking this combination has eased it and kept my blood sugar low.
If I were to choose between honey or sugar I have absolutely no doubt which one would be the better for me.