OK. Firstly I have not read the author you have not recommended and now I feel an urge to but right now I won't because I know it will confuse the badly proposed questions as I am obviously trying to get to grips with something here.
I agree we are nature therefore we are part of natural law and our nature is to be inquisitive or enquire and as a result we have science and philosophy etc. For the record I believe in these processes of thinking.
However at the risk of sounding and appearing thick, if the population increases, if life is sustained, if population growth increases, if a scientific/health goal is longevity, if large populations to do not acknowledge scientific discoveries where we are asking the population of the planet to use and consume foods that are good for our health that use packaging or that require pesticides to produce which in turn pollute, increase global warming etc, if we continue to use up our energy resources........I can go on......we are basically imploding. Now this sounds incredibly pessimistic I am the first to hold my hand up here, but is this not blatently obvious or am I bringing everyone down around party time.