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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I'm just sheeple....thats my existence right now,I just happened to stumble across this board and thought it would be a good idea to ask some science questions that have been floating around in my mind for a long time... Thanks for the reply...I'm going to check out nihilsm on Wikapedia tonight. Power to the Sheeple!!! we are one!!! silly me:embarass:
  2. "And ‘nothing’ is another abstract concept. There is no ‘nothing’ really; there is always something there that can’t always be positively identified. Zero is not nothing, it is an important starting point. Yes! this is where I was going on the topic of Infinity!! So there is no such thing as nothing? If I close my eyes I will see some kind of field,a black field in my case,sometimes white,so the color of the field,or background to be more exact is definatly not all of nothing..ok....but what is it? It(the nothing background) would have to be a part of ONE whole right?So if we only have one whole...we can't add another one whole to the whole we have already....my point is that I'm starting to believe that Addition is the biggest lie and joke ever...addition is a con...made up by evil capitalists lets say to keep this crazy theory interesting and exciting. We can devide the whole.but never add to the whole because it (the whole) is the whole.One sheeple plus one sheeple = 2 sheeple....NOT! .... ONE whole sheeple divded by two is still ONE sheeple. So nothing would be equal to Infinity????? but could nothing possibly be greater than everything (infinity)????
  3. Are you suggesting that since I might be wrong on something...I would be wrong forever?
  4. Zero is equal to or greater than infinity......Right? wrong?
  5. OK...Seattle builds the brain,and Pttsburgh builds the body....Who builds the eyes? Why Do some Isolated jungle tribes smear mud all over thier bodies? Is there some kind of ancient tribal collective memory of a predator robot that could not kill them because the robot could not see the natives? because the mud camoflauged them????
  6. [ "Genetic discrimination? Can you elaborate? I'm just curious. I really don't understand what you are asking, but perhaps someone else here will know oodles of info on this subject". ok...an example would be....A medical marijuana patients Insurance company cancels the insured policy because THC was found using genetic testing....or simply....how do americans protect thier privacy rights when peeing in a cup?
  7. Hello all! ? If urine were passed through a medium...a filter of some sort....would it produce filtered urine? would the urine still be conciderd urine? I want to find out if urine can be voided through a filter and cleaned of toxins or markers that could be used as information for a case of genetic discrimination against the person making pee pee in the cup.
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