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DrP last won the day on May 21 2019

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    Golf, Science, Coins, Music, Fossils, Warhammer 40K,Chess, Magic, Love and Peace.
  • College Major/Degree
    Chemical Physics + PhD
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Occupation
    Coatings Chemist.

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  1. Tried to rescue a Bee today...  I am way too soppy...  I fished it out of a pool of water that was probably alkaline due to the cement. I hope the little fella/girl is OK.  I put it on a leaf over the fence but it fell into the bushes.  It seemed to have some strength left in it so it might survive.  Just gotta leave it and hope it survives - it probably has more chance in the bushes than it did in the cement water.

    I do this a lot with bees - I never know if they survive or not... some are just too weak. I have tried sugar solution in the past with varying successes and fail rates - Sometimes they tuck in and sometimes they are too far gone..

    I guess every little helps.  :-( 

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. DrP


      Yea - they put themselves on display the little hussies! Spread out all over the kitchen wall without any shame at all. Brazen!

    3. DrP


      being fair - I think it is them that are eating all the wood louse - there are shells all over the floor in the entrance room. :-/ I clear them up from time to time but they come back - I guess I'd rather have a few hidden spiders in the place doing their thing rather than have the place crawling with wood lice.

      My scalp has gone all itchy just thinking about it. :-/

    4. StringJunky


      They keep the living and dead insects cleaned up, catch flies and the only inconvenience is a bit cobweb clearing once a year when they get dusty and can be seen. They are unseen housekeepers. What they do when they crawl on you in the night is tasting you to see if you'll be worth coming back to when you pop your clogs. :D  Like I said, if they aren't in my way I don't care. I've had to kick two bats out in one place and kill 20 field mice in a week at one time... two of them were taking the mickey playing with each other like i wasn't there! I was a bit sad when my trap killed a dormouse though. The joys of living in the sticks.

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