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Everything posted by DrP

  1. The 'Best' source will depend on individual preference and upon what level you want.... As I pointed out in your other thread, I bet 'The Penguin Dictionary of Science' gives a pretty good definition/explanation as a starting point. ;-) Check it out. Or for simple definitions like that then even wiki might help you. If you really just want a definition then Wiki should be fine (in fact the PDS will be better and more concise)... if you don't understand them and want help then you have to ask a specific question.
  2. Ha ha ha! no no, my undergrad degree was Chemical Physics... we only touched on Organic Chemistry on that course, whereas, I had to use/was expected to know a lot of organic chem when doing my Ph.D. which was in straight Chemistry... thus, I found it useful to look up reaction pathways up and other terms that I was unsure of or never actually learned during my BSc or A-Level. You'd be surprised at how good it is for definition of terms... well, it is a dictionary after all, so maybe not.
  3. @OP/Rexspidy - For 'basic' information regarding the defining of terms and clearing things up that you find and do not understand in text books I would like to recommend 'The Penguin Dictionary of Science' and or 'The Penguin Dictionary of Chemistry', although I have always found what I need to know in the former. Just to make it clear - I am not joking, teasing or being sarcastic at all - they are really good books for define things that the text books assume you already know. I was still using 'The Penguin Dictionary of Science' for the odd thing whilst doing my Ph.D..... although I do realise that that makes me sound a lot like Holly from Red Dwarf. lol.
  4. Indeed Mr Strange... and you could then take any one of those titles and take a detailed subsection of it and spend 3/4 years studying and researching around the subject for some kind of post grad degree.
  5. I would imagine they come from a collection of scientific theories rather than just one as it goes Strange. Most theories tend to build on scientific principles laid out in earlier theories I would think.
  6. err - the photoelectric effect!? Heck of a lot of practical application of that, which is a QM effect. EE, you are just unaware of the scale of which QM is used in everyone's everyday lives obviously.
  7. Where is the H-Bond thread you talked about? PS - And you can't just expect him to assume the figure you gave are correct - what rot!
  8. What level? Degree, college. high school, GCSE, A-level? If you know absolutely nothing about the topic you listed I will assume it is school... then you need to tell us what year - what they teach you depends on what you know already and how far through the course you are. Also - you need to ask specific questions - not just list your syllabus and expect us to explain it all to you straight off like that - what exactly do you not understand about the periodic table, for example? I mean - the 5 topics you listed above could be the titles for 5 x 1 hour lectures as an intro course into chemistry.... you ain't gonna get all that from this thread,
  9. That is such a broad field - you want a book on chemistry tailored to the level/course that you are studying for. If you have a test tomorrow then or something then you have left it too late. So in order to be of use to you we will need to know: - what course are you doing?
  10. Where is this H-Bonds thread? I can't find it.
  11. Yea but when we cut out finger nails it restabilises the orbit surely? I think it has something to do with gravity and the extra weight the earth gains every time fingernails are cut. ;-)
  12. Yea, but we haven't got to part 3 on the list yet have we. ;-) Anyway, just saying, you are now aware that it is a possibility. As others have said though, it is a logical line that will solve it. If you want to use maths you could use a Venn Diagram with an arbitrary/estimated demographic showing that a number of seniors know most of what they should, some know some of it, but none know all of it and none know none of it either, or something like that. You could conclude the assumption that just by not knowing something, you still know other things you should and you don't really care what he thinks anyway and he should stop being so childish. Hope that helps. Just to add, I wouldn't bother going through all of the trouble drawing out your Venn Diagram and stuff, you are just giving him more attention and his plan might start to work. ;-)
  13. Why would it change at all? It is supposed to be a constant (G), no?
  14. Think about this for a second... It is possible that he is trying a classic psychological pick up trick with you.. ;-) It is a classic which seems to really work (Which I have NEVER used because it is horrible) - 1- put the girl down by making them seem stupid (by suggesting that as a senior she should know a whole bunch of stuff she don't),, This annoys the girl but bugs the hell out of her making her think of why he said such things.... she thinks about it/him all day and subconsciously thinks about how she can win his approval (because we all like to be liked). 2- she tries hard to convince him she isn't dumb or spends days on internet forums trying to come up with an equation to prove he is wrong... continually thinking of the guy (even if she doesn't fancy him yet). 3 - The girl returns to talk to him to challenge his comments, armed with an equation even, and then he then suddenly lightens up and gives compliments.... the girl is greatly relieved on the sub conscious level - it has all worked for her - all of her hard work and thinking and trying to get the guy's approval has worked and he has complimented her and it feels real good.. she has a warm feeling in side... hmm - it has something to do with the bloke who is now smiling at her... hmmm... she didn't realise she felt this way about him before.... 4 - do you see where this might be going? ;-) Without realising it you are trying to gain his approval... if you work hard at it and he then rewards you with positive attention then you will have feelings of positive relief accompanied with an actual positive feeling towards this guy who is actually being a jerk to you.
  15. Yea, I don't go for that either.
  16. DrP

    Trump Vs Mexico

    I did not say that! ;-) Luckily in most modern 1st world countries you can get a top education regardless of where you are from - it just depends on your grades. Just as you can get free health care if you get ill or have an accident so that you don't end up like it is in some shitty parts of the world where only the rich can afford education and medical treatment. ;-)
  17. No-one is going to go to the shops to buy 1m^3 of milk. lol. In the end it doesn't matter - as long as we all use the same units... if one or 2 backwater countries do not line up with the rest of the world then who cares... but we need the US to play ball or it just falls apart.
  18. DrP

    Trump Vs Mexico

    When you make a mistake in jazz it is best to repeat that mistake a couple of times so it sounds like you were meant to play it that way and the 'error' then just sounds like freaky impro. ;-) Somehow I do not think that this will work with politics and government though. lol.
  19. lol - that's funny Swans' - being fair, we still cling to mph and other old weights and measures here too. I was grumpy recently when the brand of tobacco I buy changed from 1/2 ounces to 10g packs. (mainly because 10g is less than half an oz, but more to the convention).
  20. That was the metre - not the whole system? Whatever, your missing the point, as a Brit, I like America and a lot of Americans but their retarded measurement system is somewhat of an embarrassment. I hate to see a country I feel so related too and LOVE actually, be the butt of international ridicule for their backward measurement system, outdated gun and medical laws and their misguided religious beliefs.
  21. You've still lost me studiot.. sorry. We are in the 21st century. I suggested getting into the 20th century because that is when the rest of the world took on SI units as a world standard.
  22. Sorry, it 45 years ago for us, not 35. ;-) 19/08/2015?? What's special about it? And don't ask me to write it with the month before the day as that would just be dumb. ;-)
  23. I wish you guys would toe the international line and use SI units.. we are bad enough in this country with miles and pints, but at least they don't cause problems internationally. We changed to decimal SI units 35 years ago. You need to also... this is why the first Mars rover was destroyed. Last week we had to send some products to the States... last minute rush changing all the labels and packaging to gallons rather than litres.. If I had it my way we would have just said 'sorry, it comes in Litres'. Get into the 20th century guys!
  24. DrP

    Trump Vs Mexico

    Do you want to become "great" at the expense of the poor and the environment though? You can be great anyway!
  25. reference them and ask him about them then - don't just say he's wrong - show it with references to what you have read - probably it will just be the case you have misinterpreted something. Anyway - I'll stay out of the conversation now as I do not know enough about BHs. I still imagine them to physically be really dense matter (rather than a singularity) - much like a neutron star, but denser - made from squished fundamental particals of matter - like a giant macro nucleus... but I am probably wrong about that. ;-).
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