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Everything posted by DrP

  1. IF you do have one, then contact the company you bought it from and ask for a replacement. Seems unlikely though as no-one else has one. How did you get hold of it?
  2. There was recent talk here of solar plants in deserts. Looks like the Chinese are building one in the Gobi. I hope the project is a great success! - 25 square kilometers - 200 megawatts http://www.iflscience.com/environment/first-large-scale-solar-power-be-built-chinas-gobi-desert
  3. DrP

    Fuel Cells

    Pt is very stable... it is highly unreactive - it won't oxidise that readily... if you had an iron electrode, for example, then all that O2 will rust it in no time. Pt won't.
  4. Sharks don't sleep because they have to keep moving to keep water flowing through their gills. They can and do sleep if they can find a perch with flowing water. I saw it on a documentary about sharks once... they found a tunnel/cave system under the sea with lots of rocky ledges where the sharks rested - the flow of water through the cave enabled them to remain stationary whilst still having water flowing through their gills.
  5. "Ugly giant bags of mostly water"
  6. Could it be coupled with forced learning somehow? Again, a little pie in the sky, but maybe we will one day have the tech to download the knowledge required for such skills directly into the brain along with the DNA coding to allow the talent needed to display the skill... Thinking about it, they already did that in The Matrix... but that wasn't real... or was it?
  7. Well put Strange... I was kinda hinting at the same thing. My next approach would have been to show some erroneous plots like you have of Number off beans eaten for tea on a Thursday vs. Mass murders in central Alaska. There are loads of things that follow the same curve that are unrelated but appear to be if you plot them.
  8. That table mentions nothing about giraffes though does it.... ;-) it is the same table as in your opening post.
  9. Where? They show or rather report that a giraffe sleeps for 4.6 hours, fine, and that it has a respiratory rate of 8 to 10, fine. Where does it show a correlation between sleeping hours and respiratory rate... I could not see it.
  10. HA ha ha! David Lineker said he should retire to his secret base and stroke his cat. lol.
  11. Hmm.. so by running a few conducting rings around my material with varying AC and DC currents will allow me to 'tailor' it at the sub atomic level to achieve any property I like from said material.... (increased hardness, transparancy, magnetism, etc.) I don't see it - It isn't explained at all and looks like a con seeing as people have already lost millions in it and it is set up by team that already conned people out of millions in the past (Molten Metal). Problem with arresting people like this con man is that they have friends in high places.... the average man on the street won't understand the case and anyone who does and wants to prosecute will probably be bought or bumped off.
  12. New evidence of what exactly? That a Giraffe gets 4.6 hours of sleep and that it's respiratory rate is 8-10, yes. It doesn't connect the two though from what I could tell.... unless I didn't read it thoroughly enough.
  13. I wondered once that it maybe just one large mental institution... but where are the staff!? I'm feeling a lot better now and think I want to go home.
  14. I met a guy from Nigeria - he was amazed that it was still daylight at 10pm in the summer here... There it gets dark at 8 pm every day summer or winter... I had to explain to him about the tilt of the earth and stuff and he was amazed - even more so when I told him it gets dark at 4.30 pm in the winter.
  15. He was clearly far from the truth.. it was a ridiculous idea that a child would think up as was stated so by someone in the thread. If you come to this site saying that you think fairies exist or that you might be able to shoot laser beams with your eyes if you concentrate hard enough.... then you can probably expect ridicule or derision from some of us... it is a SCIENCE site - not a site for gibberish (although we sometimes wonder).
  16. Probably because that is what the they did... they destroyed the machines and burnt down a factory because they were being replaced by machines.
  17. Sound is a pressure wave - not EM. The skipping rope is a standing wave I think, but clearly not EM. UltraSOUND... (clue is in the name), not EM. Maybe that is where your mis conception is coming from not understanding what EM waves are or something? Put enough energy into these waves, EM or not and they will be harmful. (Yes, the skipping rope, the rock music and the ultrasound too).
  18. www.gizmag.com/the-periodic-coffe-table/9766/ Check this out. ;-) Would love one of these! A few years back they were going for about £5K :-/
  19. I could write my thought onto a piece of paper and put that into a box.... would that count?
  20. Water IS blue Strange.. ;-) Although only very faintly. :-D It's due to the free electrons in it... unless this is yet something else we were taught at school or uni that turns out to be false or out dated. There is nothing on wiki about the blue in water being from free electrons, but that happened a lot. ;-)
  21. 1 - white 2 - depends on the star 3 - depends on the mineral.. oh - salt - clear (single crystal). (although can appear white depending on the size of the crystals and number). 4 - ? No-one was there to testify. 5 - Doesn't make a lot of sense to me... bone? 6 - Depends on the creature - but bone white. 7 - 'associated' - grey. Actual - don't know. 8 - non question really - depends what it is filled with. 9 - hmm - don't know why I don't like this question - seems objective and depends on definitions etc.. 10- I think it depends on the animal - I am not sure 11 - is there any relevance to this? reds, browns and yellows. 12 - green 13 - The sky is blue due to scattering and water is blue due to free electrons 14 - some of them have nothing to do with it.
  22. DrP

    Greece 2015+...

    True - pretty much all of their post war debt was written off... I think Greece signed off on that too.
  23. I haven't delved into the figures.... but we produce our own electricity and feed excess into the national grid and get paid for it. It's clearly the way ahead, especially as solar cells improve in efficiency and flexibility and become more cost effective.
  24. Nice idea.. could do with keeping the car cool over here at the moment - heatwave yesterday. Our company has recently fitted solar panels on all the roofs. I was quite pleased and impressed. Did you see the vids I was talking about? The cells clip together real simple and have little chips in them to connect to the whole network of them.
  25. Plenty of people play the guitar sunshaker. ;-) Check out my soundcloud page! ;-) www.soundcloud.com/dr-p-20 Good luck with your friend.... I bet you can convince him about the roundness of the Earth!
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