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Everything posted by DrP

  1. Moo... you know as soon as the boarder is opened again the suicide bombers will come through and the missiles will start again - it happens every time. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOh - so as I type it happens as Panglos has posted. What do you say to that bombus? Are you going to berate Hamas now for war mongering? THEY WANT A WAR WITH ISREAL!!! THEY WANT THE REST OF THE ARABS TO GET INVOLVED!!! THEY WANT ISREAL DESTRYED!! THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE HERE.
  2. I was talking about the casulties from the white phospherous.
  3. Err - it was on the news. There was a video clip of a civilian guy stamping out a smoking flare. QUOTE (from http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23611375-details/Israel%20uses%20phosphorus%20shells%20as%20smokescreen%20for%20troops/article.do?expand=true ):"Under the Geneva Treaty of 1980, white phosphorous is banned as a weapon of war in civilian areas because of the severe injuries it causes. But there is no blanket ban under international law and white phosphorous can be used legitimately as a smokescreen." Just repeating what I saw on the news!
  4. Well - I guess a Pumpkin is orange... (is it a fruit though?). I have a few tricks making coins, notes and cards disappear - some are sight of hand, some use rigged equipment. My favourite was burning someones £20.00 note and restoring it again. You can ham it up by not actually finishing the trick - you know: "can I have one of your £20.00 notes please sir? - Thank you" .. (do the trick and set fire to it) - "thank you sir - well done" and send him back to his seat without doing the restoration part of the trick. You can make it appear again later in a match box, another envelope, inside a balloon or whatever. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOK - here is blog that looks like his - http://derrenbrownart.com/blog/ havn't had time to look at it properly, but will do at some time. Maybe we can e-mail him and see if he knows of any tricks we can demonstrate over the net. He might share some with us.
  5. OK - when we were children, a kid down the street had a dad that, err... how shall we say... 'wasn't arround very often'. He was in and out of prison all the time you see. Anyway - an example of the genius of this criminal mind was as follows. He decided to rob the local post office... not any old post office! HIS local post office. He put a stocking over his head and went into the PO carrying a shotgun. The cashier, failing to notice the gun said "hello Mr X, what can we do for you today?" (As she recognised him instantly as he went in there every week). He demanded cash - which I beleive the cashier gave him. Panicking a bit, because he'd been recognised, he ran out of the post office, straight accross the street and into the path of an oncoming milk float. They called an ambulance for him as well as a police car.
  6. I can't really help as I got onto the Ph.D. course I took as a natural extension of my BSc/MSc project - no interviws at all. There were a few people trying to get a small number of decent projects though. I think my supervisor picked me over people who may have got better grades because of the enthusiasm I had for the prospective project - I went to see him before putting his project down as my first choise to ask him to go into more detail about it as I was thinking of applying. I thnk this forethought impressed him and he gave me (and my mate) a short talk about what the project was about - we asked some questions and told him how enthusiastic we were about getting onto his project because we liked the subject.... The project was ours! Unfortunately though - it is difficault to fein genuine enthusiasm.
  7. Radishes make you constipated you know. (sets up joke for later:cool:) I have had people say potato before actually! The whole thing wotks better face to face so you can be sure that the person is REALLY concentrating on the math and then when they think of the veggie they mustn't have time to let their mind wander - hey it doesn't always work. I was quite pleased that it worked for some people over the net though! Let me think. There are quite a few, but nothing imeadiately come to mind that would work over an internet forum! As I said - I was quite please that the veggie tricked worked. No reason why it shouldn't - try it on one of your freinds! Keep the math very simple and FAST.... Then after about 15 - 20 questions - spring the vegitable question on them reall quick and don't give them time to think about the answer make them say the first thing that comes to mind. Most of the time they will say carrot - or rarely potato..... and if they are REALLY messed up then they might say radish. Have CARROT written down on a piece of paper that you have given them before hand. For extra effect (if you want to make it show-y) have the prediction inside a ballon that you can shoot out of the sky or something.
  8. See - It worked! This is a very basic trick that uses the fact that similar areas of your brain that process maths, also process the colour orange (IIRC! - I have no refs for this - although it was in a book I read once - no idea what it was called). I guess that he takes this alot further and can get you to pick a number and a suit 'seemingly' at random from a pack of cards and then he plucks it out! Somehow he askes the right questions before hand to condition your brain so that when you are aske to think of a random card - he knows what you will pick - like I knew you were going to say carrot! He done the same thing to a group from a marketing company - he gave them an idea and asked them to come up with a poster to advertise it. After their brainstorming session they designed a poster. When he got back to them he unveiled a poster he had drawn up himself earlier that day (which he left under a viel in the corner of the room) - which, of course, was exactly the same as the one they had come up with - down to the slogan, the logo and the pictures! This was a more complicated example of the carrot trick - on route to their meeting, DB had arranged for them to bump into people wearing badges with a similar slogon on it - to pass shops with posters in the window with certain designs on them, had fake posters and suggestive symbols put up all along their route to the meeting. He even got a bunch of school kids to cross the road, in front of their cab, carrying objects that were relavent to their mental conditioning prior to said meeting. Complicated - but it worked.
  9. I love all his programs and have got the DVDs. Best thing with the DVDs is that he goes through how he sets up his tricks. Some of it is amazing! He uses a mixture of photographic memory, psycological suggestions, advanced body language and plain old illusion/magic trickery. I've tried some of his tricks on freinds - It's quite eye opening how good you can get at placing a subconcious thought or spotting a lie! (some of these thought implants are like the old "think of a vegitable" trick after you have got someone to do a string of simple maths questions in their head - the answer always comes out as....... see below!)The most impressive I think is the card counting and sequence memory - he really does put this down to memory techniques, card counting and shuffling practice (Memorising the change in the sequence with each shuffle - juding the number of cards cut by eye and re-arranging the sequence in your head - at least that is what he claims he does. With the rotating table - I've seen him explain this before - it's a bit like an ouiji board - the peole are subconciously pushing it around themselves. I saw him get a whole room going with about 5 or 6 tables in a big hall. As for levitating it though I do not know - I had an idea - I think it is similar to the old floating ball under the table cloth. Classic illusion. TEST: Try this! Do these sums in your head as fast and as honestly as you can. (in case they are too hard - I've done the first two for you!) 5 x 5 = 25 6 / 3 = 2 4 x 5 = 3 x 22 = 120 / 2 = 4 + 17 = 40 / 10 = 12 - 7 = 4 x 4 = 34 -6 = 24 + 9 = 12 + 17 = 34 - 11 42 - 13 = 8 x 5 = 22 + 7 = 4 + 14 = 12 x 3 = NOW! what is the first vegitable that comes into your head??!? [hide]CARROT[/hide]
  10. Yea! Klaynos will also become famous soon enough - but he has 2 greens and 11 rep power points, where book worm has 3 rep points and is on a distinguished road with one green and I will become famous soon enough with one green tab and only 2 rep power points.........and I thought I had it all figured out, but,... but............OMG I'm so confused!
  11. Cool - so I was right first time. ......... oh - and my shameless attempt to sponge free rep points off of other members in this thread in the name of an experiment didn't work..lol!
  12. DrP

    Thanks all

    So have you built any working prototypes for ANY of your devices? If not why not? Why spend your time crying on the net to strangers - where you'll get little sympathy - when you could be out there curing the sick and fixing the world's energy problems? Seriously! What is stopping you???...... We all have ideas for a better world... It's actions however - not ideas that you need.
  13. OK so I was wrong then. I have 64 rep points. Does that mean I give 6 rep points (a tenth) or just 2?
  14. Just a guess here:- It's on a similar level with the UK, which gets a fairly varied temperate climate. Montreal isn't surrounded by the sea like the UK is - so it will be alot colder in the depths of a winter freeze. Also - the UK gets warmed up by the flow of warmer water from the gulf stream accross the Atlantic - where-as montreal doesn't. Besides - you can't make a comparison based on instantanious temperatures - I think Switzerland can get pretty cold for the same reasons (Land locked -no gulf stream and altitude). It was -8C here the other night in the UK! (OK - that IS cold for us - it NEVER gets down to -28C)
  15. Presumably if I give you rep then you get 2 points of it because my rep power is two:- lets see..... Then if you do me then I'll get three I suppose! That's my guess anyway:D
  16. DrP

    Thanks all

    What is this 'it' that you are talking about? What are you talking about? Booooo...
  17. The news last night suggested that the white phosphorous was used only to provide a smoke screen for troop advancement. They pop out a few flares that give off white smoke for ages to give cover to advancing troops. It suggested that injuries caused buy these happened in an attempt to stamp out the flares. So - these 'civilians' that were supposedly burnt up by white phospherous attacks were actually burnt when they were trying to sabotage the Isreali smoke screens by trying to stamp out the flares.
  18. OK - She had a large clear desk. A large 2 inch deep tray filled with sand (about 1.5m x 0.75m from memory). In the middle of the sand tray she had a large ceramic tile/plate. She had a small pile of the Al and Fe2O3 with a pinch of KMn04 on top with a Mg ribbon sticking out of the top as a fuse. There were blast shilds accross the front and angled to the sides of her demo. I don't know what extinguisher she had, but she always had one near her desk anyway. The reaction, although very hot and unstoppable - didn't last that long due to the amounts of material she was using. I think it was safe the way she carried it out - although it was about 1986. She lit the fuse (wearing all her safety gear) and legged it back round to the front so she could watch it from behind the shielding with the rest of us. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedPS - this was the same teacher who let me try burning Mg ribbon in pure oxygen. That was a bit scarey - but quite cool. Was suppose to be purely a teacher demo - we got to burn it in air and the teacher then demonstrated it an oxygen gas jar (with one of those long metal spoons with a cymbol shapped guard round the handle which closes off the gas jar). I asked if I could have a go and she said "alright". I'm ashamed to say that I bottled it a bit and was a bit shakey, but won some cool points for doing it iin front of the class.
  19. Neither sound that manley though.
  20. Our chemistry teachers used to demonstrate the reaction behind a blast pannel. (With a sand bucket and fire extinguisher at hand). This was in the 80's.
  21. That's interesting about the lapse rate... I always thought it was a simple case of pressure being lower - so T is lower. That and the fact that the earth has some warming effect on the air nearer the ground.
  22. Yea - the guiness ice cream does sound really nice! Bacon and egg has been done by Heston Blumenthal already. He also invented Snail flavour ice cream though:embarass:. I've been meaning to organise a trip to his resturant "The Fat Duck" - it's about £150.00 per head for the night for his try everything style menu. (He makes his ice cream using Liquid Nitrogen for a faster freeze - thus smaller ice crystals and smoother ice cream! ) Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedHere - try this: More of Heston in action: http://video.google.co.uk/videosearch?sourceid=navclient&hl=en-GB&rlz=1T4PBEA_en-GBGB276GB277&q=Heston+Blumenthal&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title#
  23. So what number of prizes is that then the tree?
  24. The film must be good. I liked the Golden Compass and the 007 flicks. (GC may have been 07 though - can't remember)
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