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Everything posted by DrP

  1. The physical addiction lasts for just 4 to 5 days - after that it is ALL psychological dependence. I don't know if that will help. After a week, when the craving becomes unbearable, you can tell yourself that it is just a trick of the brain and the withdrawal symptoms you are now experiencing are ALL psychological. It might help you fight it as you will at least know that it just will power - you've done the hard bit! You've broken the physical side of it... it's just your brain lying to you so it can get it's fix. Also - you will need to find a replacement to occupy your brain. Get a hobby or chew gum? Basically -replace the habit with another one. Good Luck.
  2. That definition is fine though. Weather it's an Iodine gas molecule I2 or an iodine ion I-, it's still elemental Iodine. It cannot be broken down to any other element. Basically - if it's on the periodic table then it's an element. It doesn't have to be an individual atom to be called an element. As the other posts said, most of the elements form molecules. H2, Cl2, etc.. they are still elements. The group 8 elements stay as single atoms I think - because they are stable as they are so don't need to form bonds.
  3. Same here.... When I was at school (a few moons ago:D) I had the same experience. I loved Chemistry and worked really hard at at and found Physics a bit boring - come the exams I'd always get better marks in physics than chemistry. My chem teacher said it was because of my extreamly poor spelling, grammer and hand writing, which I don't think counts in chemistry anymore - so I'd probably be OK these days.
  4. QUOTE: Friends:

    MonsieurChauvin has not made any friends yet.





    ........ I wonder why????

  5. It is common knowledge that the sexes think in different ways (goes back to hunter gathering days when different skills were required) - it does not mean they are less intelligent if they score slightly lower on average in a particular test. It depends what the test was designed to pick up on. It seems to me (and I could be wrong - so I apologise in advance if this is so) that you are deliberately trying to be provocative with your post - by writing your final conclusion in very large red letters for example - it seems like you are trying to provoke some kind of angry response from someone. Anyway - I like my women smart. I once dated a girl who, when leaving law school, went to work for a firm who gave mandatory IQ tests. She got the highest result they had ever had within the company. My wife has just passed her PhD in chemistry and I went to see the internal examiner afterwards - the external was in his office also having a coffee - they said that she gave the best thesis defence they had ever seen and were going to recommend her for a prize. On her organic final for her BSc she got 98%. She shrugs this off and says that it was just an easier paper than normal and is very modest about the whole thing -- but no-one else got 98%. ................................................................................................................................. PS - Riiiiight!! I've just read the last thread you started and that explains alot......................
  6. Quantum mind power Gimmie your money now... argh ..argh.. it's not working!
  7. OK - I thought that might have been the case. I guessed right then. One asks the question and the other directs him to his website. A few weeks later later the origional poster comes back and says how it changed his life to try and get everyone else to go there to too and spend their money. But they are the same person - Blatent.
  8. Rubbish! I can't be bothered to read through all of that site - How much does it cost? I agree with the benefits of positive thinking and some 'mind over matter' type senarios can be helpful for healing and achieving - but it is NOT scientifically explined - this QMP stuff if waffle. It may well help you with your life, if what your trying currently isn't working, but it is just waffle. I play golf. When it rains and is really windy - everyone moans and hates it. I personally CHOOSE to enjoy it (Sometimes this is difficault when it's cold, wet, windy and you've been out in it for nearly 4 hours solid with EVERY () part of your body soaked to below the skin). By making this CHOISE (requires a bit of endurance), I find that I actually play well in bad weather and win more in bad conditions - and I enjoy it.
  9. I'm not getting drawn into any of these conversations - I have just been following this thread for sometime now and I'm enjoying the discussion taking place. FYI, xnebblah..67whatever - the thread is not labled BS - it is labled SEPARATING/SALVAGING the BS from from FACT... so of course people are going to try and be precise with any terminology - how else can they seperate the BS from the Fact unless we are speaking the same language?
  10. OK - just watched the video without sound - so don't know how it's done. don't know alot about sulfur hexaflouride - I presume it's really dense. What about a heavy noble gas like Argon or Xenon? Would that work?
  11. DrP

    What is this pic?

    I see what you mean - but they are sent out from a company that sells refurbished and recycled scientific equipment - so it has to be something sciencey. I thought it looked like a clampped on stopper to a gas jar or a jar or acid or something. (?)
  12. DrP

    What is this pic?

    She hasn't let me know yet, she just said it was so easy that loads of people got it (????) - but I will update you when I find out. I put your suggestion to her - you never know, we might get the mystery prize. The first one was a conductivity meter.
  13. As far as I'm aware ATH is not listed as a carcinogen. I buy it in 25 kg bags on 1000kg pallets at work. Looking again at it's MSDS again - there is nothing on there to indicate that it can be harmful. I think it is advised not to breath any dusts from chemicals though. Here's an online MSDS for it: http://www.frankmin.com/athms04.pdf
  14. DrP

    What is this pic?

    OK - here's this weeks attempt at winning my 12 bottles of wine, which I can put away for the christmas hols:
  15. You can buy magnetic field shielding in metal mesh form. Not sure I can explain it quickly of the top of my head. Type 'magnetic shielding' or something like that into google and have a read around.
  16. I don't have this synathesia as far as I am aware, but I somehow assosiate weekdays with colours. Almost scary how similar the colours are to yours! I have: Sunday - Yellow Monday - Black/grey/brown ish Tuesday - Yellow Wednesday - Red/Dark Orange Thursday - Brown Friday - White Saturday - Blue. I would say A = Black, B = Red, C = White D = Dark Brown, E = light Brown F = White, G = Reddish, H = White again I = pretty transparent J = yelowish........ hmm - this is strange.. I don't know why I would picture these letters with a colour to them. Maybe it could be some conection to learning as a child - If in your first reading book it read " A is for APPLE" and there was a picture of an apple then you might asosciate A with green?? Maybe?? Thinking harder (kicking long term memory into overdrive) I think I had bibs as a baby with days of teh week on them. Some of them could have had colours on them as above - very vauge memory though.
  17. Yes - the air is thiner and the pressure lower - thus the temperature as well. (PS - Have you read the Wheel of Time? )
  18. DrP

    Mobile Phone Signal

    hahaha... I know it sounds daft, but this is an observation, not a speculation. not sure what your talking about here.. So would the body of water in the pipes and the metal pipes themselves do this then do you reckon?
  19. Now - I know how daft this must sound, but I HAVE experienced this for a few years now so here goes: At work, we get a very poor mobile phone signal (out in the country). The best (and often the only) way to get a text message to send from my office is to go right to the corner of the office (Where the toilet is) and hold the phone up high. Fair enough. - Now - some days the signal gets weaker and doesn't register on the phone at all, even when held high in the far corner of the office. On days like this, I find that I can usually get a message to send if I A)-hold the phone up close to an electrical conduit, or if that fails B) I hold the phone next to a tap of running water! Now - The tap with running water works 90% of the time - even when all else fails! I can't really explain it, except to ask whether or not this column of running water will act as an amplifier for the signal or not? (similar with the electrical conduit - does this act as an antennae or something?) I don't know why I tried this originally - I just thought it might just possibly amplify the signal or something - and low and behold it works nearly every time. PS - I am ready to belive that this is just co-incidence, but it happens a bit too often for me not to ask the question.
  20. DrP


    I thought nail polish remover was usually acetone - or is that out of date now? MrsDrP just brings acetone home from the lab to refill her nail polish remover pot.
  21. DrP


    What site was you looking at before this started happening?
  22. What happened to Jissplat? I thought he might of pitched into this conversation. Would have been interesting..
  23. maybe - maybe not. What if they were here a thousand years ago and knew about what would happen - but had to go and knew they wouldn't be around when the incident was going to happen - so left us the info we needed to know to stop the collision? They couldn't tell the authorities at the time because because we weren't far enough advanced in our understanding and would have attacked them, misunderstood them or just not taken it seriously and then not passed the info down. So, they encoded the info in a way that we would be able to spot years later when our technologes were capable of understanding them and when we needed it. (...) Exactly - they don't put the info in libraries - they entrust the info to the kights templar and encrypt it in certain geologies and messages in the landscapes. Anyway - it might be a test, so they might want to see if we are capable of deciphering our code and can prevent the impending doom by coming together as an international body of people to overcome our peril - thus brining world peace and love and harmony etc, before they come back and say 'well done children - you have passed our test - now you can join our integalatic community of worlds and benifit from our technology and resources'. OR, as I believe - it could be a load of old dross. Anyway Bocaj - I wouldn't let your GF read the book in case she believes it and really starts to panic - although we do have another 60 years or so.
  24. What's with the Bismuth? Does it always form crystal like platelets like that? Looks very nice.
  25. In which case you could then cover the whole building as sisypuss suggested - and have some pannels around the building in it's 'garden' which are angled towards the sun to make a joint wind/solar powerstation. In fact if you built the whole thing next to a river then you could have a paddle mill in the river and collect the energy as it goes over the water fall for hydro electric - even better, if you have it on the river estuary, then you could also have a few floaters in the sea collecting the wave power... giving us a 'solarwind-hydrowave' power station!! The employers could park their cars in car parks which have those new little ramps that go up and down as you go over them - thus adding more power to the mix as they go to and from work! What do you think? Solarwind-Hydrowave Powerstations for the future win??
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