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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I used to work with a guy who wrote a book about this. He reckoned that aliens had left us a code (passed down by the knights templar - and left through other specific clues) as to when it would happen so that we would get a chance to try and stop the colision. He reckons it will hit in 2075ish or something like that. I have a copy given to me by the author - It is quite a good read and some of the science sounds plausible - but I don't really believe it at all. I wouldn't advise your GF to read it if she is paranoid about impending asteroid collisions though. The book is called 'Geneset - Target Earth'
  2. Nice one YT - very Charles Bronson. Exept the mugger could sell it on.
  3. I had a course of physio once for the tendons in my shins (mild shin splints - not the fracturing, but the pulling away of tendon fron the bone - long story - anyway); The physio prescribed ultra sound and electrical pulse treatment. I must admit, although she was a lovely lady who would explain the science behind it all to you, I thought she was a bit of Quack! (Since going to her, I have spoken to other people who also have had to visit her and she ALWAYS without fail preascribes ultra sound for whatever complaint they have - a bit like the old 'leaches for everything' style of doctoring:D) Anyway - the electric pulse treatment consisted of 2 electrodes placed either side of the painful area - she then handed me a dial and told me to slowly increase the current up as far as I could without going into too much of a spasm from it. Then I'd sit there with this current going through my leg for about 10 mins before she she unplugged me. Felt weired - and being fair - I might just as well have tried the leaches. I've not heard that one before.
  4. Melamine Formaldehyde? Acrylic? Not sure what would be the most suitable for encasing your elements - I think some people use MF.
  5. Report it to e-bay.
  6. What did the police say about the matter?
  7. Nice artwork and photos!

  8. DrP

    What is this pic?

    lol! Must have been a typo- I'll put the answer to the powers that be and see if you win me my myserly prize.
  9. I've used both - laptop more versitile for working, but I preffer a desktop anyway - more power and much better for gaming.
  10. DrP

    What is this pic?

    Well, I reckon the two screw type things are like electrode attachments to secure wires - so it could be some kind of bridge or galvo type thing?
  11. It is to do with how much energy the material absorbs from the sun. The air is transparent and most of the sunlight passes through (warming a bit on route). The metal bumber actually absorbs more heat and is indeed hotter. The metal then slowly releases said heat and warms the air slowly, but yes - it is hotter, because it absorbs more radiation. PS - it's why you can fry an egg on the pavement on a hot day - or burn your feet on the sand.
  12. We've had this out before - I agree. It's still not safe (but driving is not safe anyway - even when completely sober) but drink driving is WAY WAY worse. It's because you feel less confident and take less risks (even though your reaction times arn't impared that much) - were as with drink - you feel way MORE confident and take more risks, even though this time your reactions are SERIOUSLY impared. PS - NO_ONE IS SAYING TOKING AND DRIVING IS SAFE HERE - JUST MUCH SAFER THAN DRINK DRIVING FOR THE RESONS STATED ABOVE.
  13. It depends what it is your putting off. eg. Taking your medicine. Stopping smoking. Starting an exersise program. Complimenting the wife.
  14. DrP

    What is this pic?

    OK - it was a conductivity meter. Here's this weeks:
  15. Wife in viva as we speak, hope she is alright I think she will pass... No more MrsP Soon to be DrP too very confusing. ............................................................ MrsP with a PhD now DrP Along with me! Yay! xxx I knew she would pass great piece of ass, whoops, forgot, no need to rhyme - class!....
  16. DrP

    Oh wo is me!

    of course!
  17. DrP

    can man Fly!

    Perhaps Joe was a shaolin monk? Head stand flick flacks - yea!
  18. Yea - I don't get it either.
  19. Well this seems to suggest 40.8% as a record for the transference of light energy to electrical. - http://www.nrel.gov/news/press/2008/625.html We/They seem to be getting there slowly anyway.
  20. sorry - still pretty good though. Especially as he's just a kid.
  21. http://www.katu.com/news/28432984.html Have a look - they reckon it's 500 times more efficient than normal ones. Makes sense.
  22. Fair enough - if you want to derive the RHS from the left then yes. But once the equation has been set up and you have your (T/T)a^x = RHS already then canceling the Ts would be fine for sure, and a bit tidier to give a^x = RHS no? The RHS has T in it so you havn't lost the relationship between x and T by canceling. Thanks for the explaination anyway - I do remember vaugely from school that there was a situation where our teacher advised us not to cancell so we could keep a variable in the equation to proove some derivation - I don't really remember alot about it though. Also - sorry - but I think I should bail out of this thread, and let the real mathemeticians discuss this, as i think I'm getting a bit confused and maybe missing the point. Cheers anyway.
  23. Right you are - I wasn't thinking blackboard chalk anyway - just proper chalk dust, we buy the stuff in 25 kg bags along with Dolomite powder (magnesium calcium carbonate) and the stuff is quite pure. The MSDS's say there are no hazards for ingestion. I'm not sure I wan't to go eating the stuff really as there may be dirty contaminants and stuff - was just an idea. Perhaps small amouts of edible binder and some mint flavouring and it could be pressed into tablet form and sold for huge profits!! £3.00 a pack must be a huge mark up. I thought Rennies etc.. were supposed to help with both?? I'm not sure.
  24. I've been looking at indigestion tablets - they are very expensive. Most contain Kaolin, Magnesia etc.. Chalk dust being a major part. In some parts of the world, people actually eat dirt, clay and chalk to ease digerstion problems. Milk can help. My question is: Couldn't one just eat a pinch of clean chalk dust to cure/ease indigestion, instead of paying £3.00 for a packet of Rennie?
  25. DrP


    There are devices you can by which are based on the Hall effect. I think thay are called Guass meters or Magnetometer or something like that. You can get little hand held dials which register field strength as you bring them closer to the magnet. My dad had one he used to test to see if my car alternator was working properly. Type: 'measuring magnetic strength' into google - there is a fair bit of info there.
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