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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I know... I can't explain it, I've been doing it for years.. - thats why I voted for The Force in the poll. Why not give it a try? I'm sure I'm not the only one who can do it. ?
  2. I use the clock on my mobile these days. I also use it as an alarm clock, although I don't really need it. It's odd - I look at the clock before going to sleep and count hours on my fingers to the time I want to get up. I then lay down, doze off and wake up about 5 mins before my alarm goes off. I realised I could do this when I was a school and had to get up earlier one day for some reason.
  3. DrP

    An Atheist's Creed

    I compleatly disagree - the word as currently defined PURLEY refers to wether or not the person belives in a God or not. No they are not. What about Buddism say? They do not belive in God. They do however have a set of defined beliefs. They are Atheists. What about people who believe in re-incarnation? They do not belive in God (although some may do) so they are Atheists - they do however believe that there is more to life after death, which goes against your creed. The word as defined only describes wether one believes in a god or not. NOTHING else.
  4. sorry. Probably not useful for you, but I keep them in word format under a folder entitaled MSDSs - I've just started to do this for the couple of hundered we have, other wise I have them twice in paper form in 2 filing cabinets.
  5. Sorry Klaynos - right you are!
  6. I've used chemidex - OK for products with brand names but not nescessarily chemicals. For chems and equipment I've got the Fischer catologue (used to use Aldrich and Lancaster alot). Is there one set up for specifically for schools?
  7. I think Hafnium Oxide chips have even better dielectric constants for faster smaller chips. Intel are starting to use already I think - google "hafnium chip" for more info. We'll need mroe advances like this for Moore's Law to continue I think.
  8. DrP

    s e m

    Good point - If mounted then we've always coated with a very fine layer of Pt or Au atoms from a vapour deposition chamber to better reflect the electrons and to stop them charging the sample.
  9. King Dick are a company that make spanners: http://www.ar-sheldon.com/acatalog/King_Dick.html When I was at school, we had a fancy dress day and I went as a mechanic wearing overalls and I carried arround this massive 12 inch King Dick spanner. (you can see where this is going! ) I kept this in my pocket, which got some stares as it was huge, and went up to some of the girls and asked them if they wanted to see my 12 inch King Dick (waggling it around in my pocket). Their eyes all went extreamly wide and they all gasped in disbelief, untill I whipped out the spanner with the words King Dick along side and showed them. Most thought it was funny, and it got me noticed a bit. It's amazing how much confidence a 12" King Dick can give you!
  10. Just thought of this: Do you wanna be my glove puppet? I'll stick my hand up your skirt with no strings attached.
  11. Some Universities do a taught Masters degree which do not involve research.
  12. "I bet he drinks Carling Black Label" Then there was the one (another CBL add I think)that ended in a massive chase with cowboys that spread/crashed over into the next 3 adds! Verry funny. Was some time ago now though. (20 years! or so - crickey! anyone remember them?) Also - the Rebok "Belly's going to get ya" add was funny.
  13. From what I've read it's just you that doesn't have a clue about it. I's a no-brainer - a cover over your head shades you from the sun. A thicker wooly one insulates you in the winter and keeps the heat in - it's obvious (just like the density being mass over volume no-brainer you couldn't get your head arround in that other thread). No offence mean't here - there are plenty of 'clues' given above for you to ponder about the answer and you should be able to work it out from here. If not - then try the experiment that Skeptic suggested with the wooly hat in the sunshine and see how you get on! ........................................................................................................................................... Here's another experiment for you - get 3 thermometers and 3 polystyrene blocks. Place the 3 polystyrene blocks on the ground next to each other in direct sunlight. Place the thermometers on top of each. Leave the 1st uncovered, the 2nd cover with a black baseball cap, the 3rd with a white one. Come back in an hour and look at the respective temps. This should be conclusive. I'll bet you some forum reputation that the uncovered is the hottest followed by the one covered with the black cap followed by the one covered by the white one.. If not - then send me the caps and I'll eat them!
  14. DrP

    s e m

  15. DrP

    s e m

    Then I would guess that pretty much any clear resin would do the job to just set the samples.
  16. http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm
  17. DrP

    s e m

    I've done a bit of SEM. Remind me - what is the acrylic resin used for during SEM? I don't ever remember having to use it for anything SEM related.
  18. When I got to this line I laughed out loud!..... And I'm still giggling. No offence TMC - good luck.
  19. QUOTE: http://www.truthmost.com .....""Over thousands of years, we human beings have not found the consensus answer. We, the spoiled babies, have torn up the increasingly weak mother: the earth. Ah, babies, it is time to lift up your heads, look at the wide and deep universe, and trace down the blood lineage of your mother: It is the bending hands of Milky Way -- the spiral arms - that hug Earth. It is the broad chest of Milky Way -- the galactic disk - that shields the sun, Are your hands and your chest related? Yes, there is your heart! Are the Milky Way's hands and chest related? Yes, that is the meaning of the whole universe! It provides the answer to all your questions. ""................ OMG...
  20. I REALLY have to be carefull driving after a couple of hours on Mario Cart WII. I start getting into the mentality of bumping people off the road and throwing things at them. Also I miss the turbo slide! As for the violence, it does make me shout things at the screen I wouldn't normally say..
  21. What would you use to embalm a dead parrot? - Poly-Myrrh!
  22. Here's an idea - why don't we keep all of the computer predictions somewhere -perhaps in a new thread in forums archives or something, then wait 50 - 100 years (some of us may still be around - if not we could pass on our quest to the next gen of science forum members) Then we can compare to the actual data recorded. We'd be like the monks in The Fifth Element who keep the info about the aliens and the master weapon secrate for 300 years untill they return..... OK, I'm getting a bit carried away here, but you get the idea?
  23. DrP

    An Atheist's Creed

    'LOVE:1- Intense feeling of deep affection or fondness for a person or a thing; great liking. 2-Sexual Passion. 3.etc.. ' (Oxford Dic) Nothing supernatural about it in the dictionary definition. PS - Infact there are well over 10 different listings. The Ancient Greeks had several words to cover our different uses of the word love. For instance (excuse greek spelling) AGAPE - meaning an unconditional fatherly love. EROS - meaning the luuuv between a man and a woman sexually. PHILLIA (sp??) - which was brother and sister love (NOT erotic obviously) or love for your close friends.
  24. DrP

    An Atheist's Creed

    'ATHEISM: - the theory or belief that God does not exist'. (Oxford Dic) Thats all really - I agree with doG, there can be no creed for this, you can believe all sorts of things, the word only pertains to ones belief (or not) in a deity.
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