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Everything posted by DrP

  1. DrP

    Today I Learned

    That article is from the daily mail - they are renown for twisting facts in the way they report things. I wasn't going to, but I read it anyway - It doesn't say at all that the person 'thinks' they are a 6 year old girl. They know exactly what they are - it says they want to LIVE as a 6 year old girl because they were denied the chance to be one as a child. Take ANYTHING you read in the daily mail with a pinch of salt... or just don't bother reading it. I knew a trainee police man once - he was in the daily mail with 6 of his colleges as they were on a training course to teach them how to stop traffic and issue tickets. A reporter from the daily mail (or daily hate as some call it here) took their photo and reported it in the mail the next week. "Keystone cops take 7 police men to arrest drivers turning right at no right turn sign" was the headline. The whole article was about how incompetent the police were in London as it took 7 officers hiding behind a bush to jump out and arrest drivers violating the no right turn sign - it was totally mis reported and basically a total lie. Just saying - sometimes the headlines in the mail are totally opposite to what is actually happening. This article about the trans guy is probably there to anger people into hating gays more. Who cares what gays or anyone want to do to their own bodies or that of their legally consenting partners. It is none of mine or your business and certainly not the daily mail's business. Alas - their regular reader take it all as truth and slide into their own hateful view sooner or later as they believe what they read to be actual news.... when it is mainly propaganda designed to make you hate gays, the poor and immigrants..... allegedly.
  2. Give him what he asks for - if he decides he wants to learn a musical instrument - let him and encourage him, but don't force him. If he wants to sign up for a course of language lessons - let him. If he is interested in a particular sport - take him to the practices or allow him to go. Just support him and love him and be there for him. Best wishes.
  3. I can't tell from my screen whether it is Neo from the Matrix or Elijah Wood from something else. As for the caption... I'll admit that first time I saw it I thought it was something about Lesbian, Migits, Gays, Transexual, F****** or something like that - but then it clicked as to what it actually meant. Sorry. lol. I am sure we have done this before - my name is not very exciting - it's just my initial.
  4. lol - we don't really need them moontan - I was attempting that humour thing that people go on about. The first 3 replies to your OP made me laugh a lot.
  5. A faster shutter speed on that camera would give us a better picture and allow us to discern whether they are angels or gulls. I am not sure any conclusion can be made as to whether these entities are unidentified, a new species of bird, aliens or gulls.... unless, you know, you actually use a tiny part of your brain.... then you can clearly deduce that they are birds of some kind.
  6. I'm really not sure I could get my head around all the fingerings for any wind instrument. I can't even get a scale out of a recorder, but then I wouldn't want to. I can barely get a sound out of a sax, let alone a note. I don't read notation, although I had to a little when I leaned a bit of piano, but I used to be able to sight read some guitar tabs.. I have always been a bit to lazy to really learn to sight read music and I haven't just 'picked it up' like I hope I would have done. Strings though are different - probably because I've played the guitars on and off for decades. I can find root notes easy enough by ear and then play and jam to almost anything from there with a knowledge of a few scales, keys, modes and chords etc. Keyboards I like but find it difficult to split my thinking between the two hands if they play separate lines. I love music and the guitar has been one of the joys in my life. I'll have to get organised and get that touch pad out again - I know I keep saying it but it is SO intuitive to play. It isn't supposed to be a solo instrument but I can probably knock out a better solo on that than I can on a guitar. Do you play or compose much?
  7. It's clearly nonsense - just because we (here on this thread) cannot explain it, it doesn't mean that it hasn't got a reasonable explanation like a simple magic trick with modern chems or something. Even IF there does turn out to be some chemical reason to do with cardamom seed (which I am doubting more and more the more I hear and see) the explanation they are giving regarding the baby demon and the mother and father thing is still BS. And that's a big if there - I mean - just look at it!.... look how large it is!
  8. He can see through you alright.
  9. Wouldn't something like Xenon gas be better for that? Bigger molecule so probably wont leak. Nice and dense. Probably too expensive though so nothing wrong with nitrogen/air.
  10. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    I know - I was being facetious. Thanks for the +1 Have one back for being a good sport.
  11. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    Isn't that a little 'misleading' though. ;-) If it is a totally different situation (i.e. they have Palestinians on their very close boarder that are know for trying to blow them up) then why equate it to the USA?
  12. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    I'm not sure where I got it from - from some snippet of the convo or I mis read somewhere - it WASN'T the headline though. It seems pretty irrelevant to me - some bloke, regardless of his belief about guns, left a loaded Glock in the toilet. Not surprising since 1- he is human and fallible like any other human regardless of how much training they have. 2 - there are so many guns in your country that probability alone dictates accidents and mishaps number far greater than in any other country in the civilized world. Regarding DELIBERATE misleading - of course it is wrong - it is just if you are getting in a twist over that article then there is something wrong with your thinking - dissonance probably although I don't fully understand it - I don't think anything was deliberate and if it was it was so slight and irrelevant anyway. Point is - humans make mistakes.... if you let guns in schools then sooner or later there will be a mistake that involves children. $Regarding sides.... I hate that comment - I am not on anyone's side here except that of reality, truth, facts and common sense.
  13. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    Sorry - I don't know where I got that from - it obviously wasn't from that title though - it says 'he was open to the idea of carrying in the classroom" - even so - I still don't see where I have been mislead or what the relevance of it is at all being fair - other than it points to him, as a human being, being fallible - which is why many think it is totally crazy to have guns in schools.
  14. OK - I invented a new Magic trick late last year (well, 2). I just assumed that it was something I'd seen on the internet or had seen and copied - for some reason I almost remember reading or seeing something like it on the internet, but can't find anything similar from the sources I could have seen the idea before or from anywhere. I described the effect and how to do it on a magic site and some veteran magicians have said they have never seen it. I think it is new and quite modern. The effect: Person picks a card. Card is placed on top of the deck as 'the film' in the camera. I use the deck like a camera to 'take their photo'. Their card is shown again on the top of the deck. The card needs 'developing' so it is rubbed several times..... it then changes into the same card but with a picture of the person on it. How? You need to find a person with the likeness of the picture you have on the card and the rest is standard magic moves involving any standard force, some slight card control and then a standard colour change (like Erdnaise or a DL for example). There are many modern art decks now with pictures/art works of people on them - some are generic and it isn't too hard to find people who bear a resemblance on them. I have about a dozen cards where the pictures are the spitting image of people I know. (The Anne Stokes deck is superb). It isn't hard then to switch the back of that card with a standard bicycle back. Once you have this it is just plain sailing with standard magician techniques to get the effect. 2nd trick - same mechanism. The person picks the card and you change it to solid gold in front of their eyes. (you can buy decks of cards that are gold plated - probably vapour deposition or something and they are very cheap) - the gold card is easier as you do not need to find someone with the same likeness - but the photographic development into the spectators likeness is a more powerful effect imo. Enjoy - it is a good trick and fun to perform - The Erdnaise colour change isn't easy though - I practiced it and got it off specifically for this trick. I wouldn't have tried it in the past as it is a bit over my head/out of my league, but it was worth learning/practicing to produce this effect. if you want more details please ask. ;-)
  15. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    So enlighten me - How is it misleading? I took it to mean that the guy who said he'd go for training regarding the arming of teachers left his gun in a public toilet. Was I wrong? In what way was I mislead? This is what was wrote yea? "Sean Simpson, a teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, has spoken in favor of gun control efforts and said he might be open to the idea of carrying a gun in class. Now, he's been arrested after leaving his Glock 9 mm pistol in a bathroom over the weekend. " As I said - I took this to mean that the guy who said he'd go for training has been arrested because he left his Glock in a toilet. Can you correct me as to what it actually means and point out how I have been mislead - because I still don't get it.
  16. Maybe it is quite new (I invented a new magic trick myself and it got some praise for it on a magic forum I visit - I was very pleased to have invented a brand new trick ) - if it is new then it could take a while for the effect to become known. My guess is that he slipped a chemical into the glass as you were chewing that reacts with your spit to produce fire. Easy enough to do the slight of hand involved - finding the right liquid/powder might be harder though. I'm sure there must be something out there that would give that effect.
  17. Could you repeat the effect yourself at home? Was the jar you spat into your own or provided by the man? I still think it is probably a magic trick - but am open to being proven wrong.
  18. When you say it happened to you too.... do you mean the priest done it and you saw it or that you ate the seeds and then reproduced the effect yourself? Again - the priest swapping the jar seems suspect to me. Sounds like a magic trick. Creating fire from what seems like nothing is an easy magic trick, you can but it on e-bay. Disclaimer though - I haven't tried it as an experiment - maybe it works, if it does then it will have a chemical explanation. As of now though I believe it to be a magic trick - point me to some evidence of it actually being a reproducible effect and I might change my mind.
  19. DrP

    Arming Teachers

    I am confused now - how exactly is it misleading? The headline says he left his gun in a toilet. He actually DID do this, so how is it misleading anyone? I don't see the point or why or how this is misleading at all. Maybe I should read the whole article, but really I can't be bothered. The headline says it all. It doesn't claim he was right or wrong in his support for arming teachers.... it just factually states that he left his gun in a bog somewhere like a dick. So, how was it misleading again? They do over here. I made the mistake once of using the pupils corridor loo just before a class when I was supply teaching some time back. I was cheered on and given much encouragement the whole way through my visit by about 30 pupils outside shouting "Go on Sir, squeeze it out!" and Go on Sir, you can do it, squeeze it out and snip it off"... and other such encouraging comments thrown in with some random insults and suggestions that I wash my hands before class etc... being honest I found it very amusing - I am far too immature to be a proper teacher. lol.
  20. OK - But again - you are talking about optimizing your life span within what we already know to be possible. The OP wants a pill that can make him live to 375+.... you won't do that with diet controls and exercise alone. You need to look at the reasons we die of old age even when we have kept to a perfect diet, kept away from exposure to cancerous causing things, lived a balanced life of the right amount of exercise.... we are still going to die at the end of it because of what happens to our telomeres in our DNA. The pill will have to fool them into not realizing how old they, are or something like that, so that they keep going. I am not holding my breath for a pill. I'd love it -- would love to live for longer - I feel though that even if we had this pill already it would be for the rich and privileged only and we probably wouldn't even hear about it until they thought we could afford to pay it to make them richer. We are reaching overpopulation anyway - why would we extend life spans? Maybe the answer would be to have fewer offspring and choose them wisely - maybe inoculate them against death from old age when they are born, something like that. For us though, I feel it might be too late.
  21. But he said 'requirement'... not what we calculated and give as a recommendation. Every person will have a different minimum requirement for the amount of calories they will need to survive compared to their activities. If you daily take less than this then eventually you will waste away.... you can't extrapolate that Okinawans thing back and conclude that even less calories will prolong your life further... if you get too few then the health effects will surely be wasting away to death, not prolonged life. And even if you DO optimise you calorie intake - this is optimization of what we already have - not extending life in the way the OP was suggesting.
  22. Surely you cannot survive on 'sub-caloric' requirement. If you require those calories then it suggests that they are needed for the sustaining of your life and you can't do without them. Surely if you did not get enough calories then you would eventually waste away and die. Maybe I am missing the point, but you can't extend human life by diet alone without current knowledge. This pill the OP talks about won't just be a diet supplement - he is talking about stopping the degradation of the teleomeres on DNA strands to prolong life beyond what we currently see as possible regardless of diet.
  23. Predetermined and predestined are different. (I think this is right - maybe I should look them up in the dictionary to check) If you plan that you are going to assemble all of the parts of a 747 correctly next month then the plane that will be built is predetermined by the set of plans you are working from. i.e. it is predetermined that the plane will be a 747 (because the plan says so, so IF you follow the plan then the plane will be a 747). It is predetermined because you have decided that the 747 is what is to be built. It is NOT however predestined! You do not know if the assembler will die, or the plant explodes or is bombed, etc... there are many unknown factors that you could put in that put the probability of the 747 being built between 0 and 1. IF it gets built it WILL be a 747 as that is predetermined by the plans and the decisions made to build a 747, but you could not know for sure that it is predestined - how could you? With the chemistry - IF Hydrogen meets Oxygen under the right conditions it WILL react to make water. This WILL happen so the out come is pre determined. You can say that the out come WILL be water IF they meet. Whether or not they actually meet has nothing to do with it - nothing is predestined (or nothing can be proven to be predestined or not ayway). It isn't random. Mutations are random - but the selection of which get to survive and reproduce is not random.
  24. That's why I asked him if he was a member of some club. Maybe he has been brainwashed by the zeal of the speaker, confused by science sounding words and some mis information that sounds like it might be right to the untrained ear. How someone with a self professed lack of knowledge about the subject can claim that all the current theories are wrong and then ignore explanations from professionals in the field that point out his obvious and basic errors is beyond me... (I mean, it is high school physics and not even slightly advanced).
  25. I do understand the mind set - it isn't always intentional - I was a Christian for many years and was quite evangelical. I used to think that Evolution was a error and that the world was created. That morphed into god driven evolution and 7 days being 7 time periods of hundreds of millions of years rather than days... but in the end you have to face facts and stop lying to your self and face reality and see it for what it is - a lie (or an error in understanding).
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