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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I do feel for you. You are not the only one and despite what you say it isn't all about looks. My jaw drops sometimes when I see a really hot chick with a really geeky awkward looking guy. It gives me hope! lol. I am lucky enough that I can flirt with pretty women and they seem to like it... Very rarely though do I actually get dates because I am a bit of a weirdo... (or so people keep telling me ). Girls like me and enjoy my attention, but they never really seem to want to date me. I am quite fussy too and tend to go for girls that are way out of my league.... younger, fitter, smarter, richer, prettier etc.. When they start to get to know me better and they see past my charisma, boyish good looks, charms, wit and talents they usually decide they do not want to date me and I can tell they think I am a weirdo. It can be depressing, but you just have to get on with it. The less I try to care about it the better the results. I am past being worried about the rejection - this helps. (I can't be that bad at it... I was married for 6 years). Sod it - go to Amsterdam with a couple of pals and pay for it. So what? - no one will care... it isn't all it is made out to be anyway... true love is what people are looking for and it isn't all about sex. - not wanting to embarrass myself here, but being honest, no-one knows you better than you and no-one will be able to pleasure you better than yourself.... if you know yourself well enough. ;-) Of course - this is all just my opinion - this is a science site, so I do not know what the actual science of attraction is - I think it differs greatly for individuals. Regarding the OP - of course you can love multiple people at the same time. Deeply also. You are obviously talking about love between partners (Eros) rather than a general love for mankind... you can have that one (Agape) for many many people at the same time.
  2. "Sieg hail" Was a Nazi chant. It meant 'Hail Victory' I think. It sounds the same as 'seek ale' Ale is beer - an alcoholic beverage. Ha ha ha - No, but last night though!... ;-) - just kidding - your mum is too hairy for me and her claws and teeth are too sharp.
  3. DrP


    Quite some time ago someone I knew was doing a project with laser sensors using semi conductors as the sensor. I can't remember why, but I remember he got excited when we suggested Hafnium/Hafnia... I think it might have had something to do with the band gap and the incident light he was trying to detect.... (I think it was hafnium, - does or can Osmium also be used... maybe it was doped into silicon or something?). Now I have started to write here I realise I can't really remember anything about the project at all (none of which I'm allowed to talk about anyway-lol)... and I am not sure I can add anything to your suggestion or even claim to fully get my head around all of it - sorry, lol. Thought I'd post anyway, if only to say hi.
  4. People even use plastic. Would probably melt/burn under a blow torch flame, but fine for a cig end.
  5. What do alcoholic Nazis do?...... ......Seek Ale!
  6. ... maybe it is a misconception. I am not sure what gave me this premise.... I am sure I have heard it said that you can't have inner peace and be angry... being angry is a natural human emotion imo. Sure, it isn't the most desirable emotion in most situations, but it is a natural and evolved feeling that is real and I am not sure anyone has a monopoly or the perfect wisdom on how to deal with it, feel it, embrace it in an adult fashion whilst keeping inner peace.... Again - depends on our personal definitions of it. Peace out!.
  7. Sorry - Maybe I confused some things that Prometheus has said in the past with what you have said. I though you had both studied or practiced Buddhism at some time.... or at least knew a bit about it.
  8. Sure - bung £20K my way and I'll start building the kit necessary to start setting it up.... Do you want me to send you a Paypal invoice? or better still, as you suggest, we can cut the nonsense and just not bother wasting our time.
  9. This here is why no-one is taking you up on your idea to do the experiment.
  10. ...how many people do you know with a 6 DP balance? Quick search reveals they are well over 10 grand. Why would anyone purchase one to test a flawed theory - as pointed out above, there is a lot of gobledy gook on your site that is just plain wrong, so why would people invest to test an idea which proves nothing anyway? Your Ph.D. is in Biology right?
  11. But I don't think any of us have a 9 DP balance. ;-)
  12. Yep - but that is still beyond the capabilities of my most accurate lab balance. let alone getting it into a vacuum.
  13. As we said - it is more complicated than that and depends on other conditions. It will be difficult to work at the level of accuracy needed also. We can see from your site that there are so many basic misconceptions and wrong concepts that your experiment will prove nothing that you wrote either way, whatever the recorded outcome. It certainly won't disprove modern physics or the theory of conservation of mass or energy as you stated it might.
  14. I think it is far more complex than that - as Sensai points out there are cases where W can increase and decrease. I am not sure I'd trust your 100mg result either... are you sure ALL surface water molecules were removed from the surface of the metal before the initial weighing?
  15. This from your page doesn't seem quite right to me... I do not see where this has come from - I have never seen mass/gravity described like this before- where did this come from?:- QUOTE from Yaniv's page: "Gravity on earth The positive charge of earth creates a positive field (Figure 14). A cation or a nuclear located at close proximity to earth experiences this field. This positive field pulls on electrons and pushes on positrons forming a dipole with a weak positive pole facing the earth and a strong positive pole facing away from the earth. The weak positive pole decreases the repulsive force from the direction of the earth and the strong positive pole increases the repulsive cosmological force from above pushing the cation/nuclear down. The theory predicts electrons are pulled down to earth and positrons are pushed away from the earth and precision deflection measurements of electrons and positrons passing through a magnetic field should test if this gravity bias exists."
  16. Then what leads you to believe there might be a weight reduction? I can only assume that the predicted weight increase from elevated temperature is from increased energy of the particles? If so then this would be such a small amount that I am unsure if it would be measureable with a standard lab balance. How many dps are we talking about here? I would not trust, without calibration, that any balance of mine, 4dps or otherwise, would give exact reproducible results when subjected to temperature variations and vacuums let alone be accurate enough to look at the tiny changes predicted. I could be wrong but do not know.
  17. In fact, upon further reflection I would like to thank whichever moderator removed my post. a, it was off topic (although in reply to a comment in the thread), b, could have been seen as offensive to anyone who voted for DT, offence was not the aim. c, was derogatory towards your leader, which as Tar suggested constitutes an insult to individuals that voted for him. I bear the man no ill will and hope he is very successful as a POTUS and leads in a new era of global peace for mankind which can be celebrated worldwide for many generations to come. I meant what I said - but maybe shouldn't have said it. I hope this act of repentance is enough not to get me shot by the FBI or banned as a user on this site. ;-) I hope you accept my apology.
  18. What was your experimental set up when you measured this weight loss during temperature rise in a vacuum?
  19. Yea, he didn't claim you were a Nazi though did he? He compared your double standards in the conversation with the Nazi tactic advised by their propaganda minister... there is a big difference.
  20. what? that's totally daft. He is a human being - the post of POTUS doesn't give him infallibility. My previous post in reply to Tar's comments on North Korea have disappeared.. Were they moved to a more relevant thread?
  21. There is nothing wrong with being ignorant about something - that is why we ask questions. We are all ignorant of something or other.... the more I know the more I know that I don't know. The problem lies when someone with no experience in a particular fields tries knock down accepted 'facts' and theories because they don't fit with their own world views... they won't then accept facts at all as they contradict their own beliefs (beliefs based on hearsay, religious beliefs or whatever their friends or family have told them). With regard to your mum though... she could just rip them apart with her polar bear claws no?
  22. ...and the ignorance of the question has been pointed out. The waves he means are gravitational waves, not gravity waves. Obviously sound waves do no travel through space.... and he knows this already but can't seem to accept that the LIGO detector measured gravitational waves... he thinks it was vibration I suppose.... even though the exact same vibrations get detected thousands of miles away ...yea - I see he was banned now. So what though? The whole thread is trash anyway seeing as the question was asked on a false premise that the waves detected must have been sound waves due to their frequency... which clearly is not true as many told the guy, but he still harped on about them being sound waves and asking the same question repeatedly as to how they could travel across space. He was a troll or an idiot obviously.... the OP was answered ages ago and is over.
  23. How many more times are you going to call them gravity waves when it has been pointed out over and over by several that they are called gravitational waves? Also - what is the relevance of the wavelength? Why should we expect them to be larger or smaller than we measured them to be? It isn't my field, so I can't tell you the exact details of how it was achieved, but why would we have any expectations about what the wavelengths will be seeing as we have never seen them before?
  24. I agree Moontanman - I thought I'd conceded that the shark was probably unlikely. If not then I do now. If things did get a back bone though then I think they would converge to similar shapes (not identical and I use similar here broadly.... i.e. a back, a mouth, some teeth, an anus). I'm sure they won't be friendly and they won't be flying spaceships. lol. You are right - without mass extinctions, any one of the other strange early life forms could have gone on to evolve into the variation of dominant species on the planet. Who can fathom what they would have grown into.
  25. Depends on your definition of it.
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