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Everything posted by DrP

  1. Could someone not write a program to simulate all the forces on a pendulum and see what it kicks out during a simulated eclipse and at other times?
  2. What do you think of the flute sound from 0.34 seconds on in this tune? It comes and goes throughout the track and trades melodies with other instruments. Excuse the rather shrill intro I was experimenting. Some of the track I like but it does get weird in places, I am just posting it as an example of a simulated wind instruments. https://soundcloud.com/dr-p-20/gypsy-dance I do play the bass... that octo bass is aq bit much though, lol. Needs to be with an orchestra for sure.
  3. I see where you are coming from about the tooth. Hard to say, if it is a shark tooth then it is in a bit of a mess compared to some that come out. Where did it come from? If you can place where you found it and identify the rock formation it was from then you can date it and give a better estimation as to what it might be. Are there a lot of sharks teeth found in that area for example?
  4. yea, I can see that. Agates, crystals and a geode. I like the dark blue one.
  5. link doesn't work either for me. says 403. lol - I can add it too my error collection.. not seen that one, usually 404.
  6. I was struggling yesterday from my phone.... I sent them to my laptop and it was way easier from there. I'd LOVE to get an MRI scan of that Hadrosaur fetus. If anyone one has access, thinks it would be cool and is willing to run the scan then please do let me know! Yea - I have started putting stuff into boxes and adding pics and notes... I think it displays the fossils nicer.
  7. Here is the Hadrosaur fetus and bone bits - 135 myo from Utah. Also a couple of pieces of Sauropod vertebrae from the UK and an Iguanodon claw and bone. Then an alligator jaw bone from South America, 3 to 5 myo. Then there is the box with the lepidoes head, it's flank and other fish bits up to 160 myo. Also some other fossils - ammonites, some trilobites and a segnesosaur dinosaur egg.
  8. Have a keyboard hooked up to a machine that plays the woodwind? Keyboards are easy in comparison. I can play stringed instruments best.... but from dabbling, keyboards are far easier when it comes to the fingering techniques and strength needed. There are some good settings on the kaosilator pro - the original was a toy, but this new one (the pro 2) is SO amazing. The wind settings sound like real instruments and the playability is SO intuitive. It uses a touch pad with left to right to adjust tone and notes (which you can have as an analogue sliding scale, chromatic steps or even set to a particular key, scale or mode) and has effects (volume, echo distortion whatever) on the vertical. It has a good drum machine and a looper built in (which could longer, you only get about 8 to 16 bars repeat) and I think it is supposed to be for DJs, but I LOVE it for soloing with wind instrument sounds or distorted guitar sounds. Honestly... I have played the guitar for over 30 years and still struggle to play the solos I want to play... I had this thing 5 mins and could convert what I was thinking in my head into the exact sounds nearly that I was going for... In 5 mins of playing with it you can be Joe Satriani - as you think of what you want to play and move your fingers over the pad - the sounds are generated. (I suppose it takes SOME talent to play - but so easy as you literally cannot hit a wrong not due to the fact you have set it to only hit notes from the key you want to play in). You can bend and slide note like you can on a guitar - it is very cool. I know this isn't what you were looking for - but thought I'd share it as it is kind of relevant.
  9. There might be something to be said for getting things off your chest and sharing your problems... if you feel you have shared them with a supreme being then it can put you in a peaceful, comforted, contented state of mind. This might help a person relax - like meditation too - brings about a peaceful and rested state of mind. Although some intercessory prayer can be exhausting and heart wrenching.... and seemingly a waste of time. Not sure I buy the magnetic field thing for temples. Obviously there is the placebo effect also. see above.
  10. He is asking (from OP) why terrorists haven't built a small home made nuclear bomb yet. 1 - the materials you need are very restricted and are monitored. 2 - it is quite complex to make and get right.... I am not sure your average jihadi has that level of knowledge.
  11. .....and what computer game was it and what exactly made you chuckle?
  12. DrP

    Zinc Rain?

    I thought Aluminium first off... maybe from a drinks can, but the boiling point of aluminium is 2470 C. I don't think the furnace gets that hot. I will try the test you mentioned though. Thanks.
  13. Here is my lepidotes fish head. About 140 odd million years. It was part worked when I got it but have spent a good few hours with the engraver to slowly reveal more of the bone from the rock. It's from the UK. Trying to post the pic of my Hadrosaur fetus. Says the file is too big. Not used to posting from my phone. Will have to sort it out later. It`s my favorite fossil.
  14. I get there is a force... other wise the pendulum would not react to it.... it is what causes the force that seems ambiguous from briefly reading around. It is the dark flow that I do not get. Simply moving the planets and the star about so they align or not will obviously have some effect on the forces felt by the pendulum... as you showed in the math above. (post#114)
  15. I have no idea whether you are right or not Mordred - but it sounds more feasible than this unproven dark flow stuff. Maybe I totally missed the point again - sorry if that is the case. I don't even know what it is supposed to be, even though I read about it briefly earlier. Further reading is probably in order for me.
  16. There is a furnace that gets some use near me for incinerating stuff. I would reckon, from what I know about furnaces, that it probably burns from about 800 to 1200 C (maybe higher) depending what's in it, whether it is closed or not, how full it is and stuff. It has quite a high metal chimney. OK - on the out side of the furnace, sometimes, metal spheres form about 0.5 to 1.5 mm in diameter. They stick to the side of the metal furnace. I was wondering what these could be and the only thing I could come up with was that it could be from metal contaminants in the furnace. It would need to be a common metal with a boiling point lower than 1200 C. I think that maybe some zinc (BP - 900C ish). I am thinking that any zinc in there gets vaporised, sent up the chimney with the smoke, condenses pretty quickly and falls back down and sticks to the side of the furnace as these metal spheres. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the outside of the furnace may have been treated with a zinc rich metal primer paint.... and at high enough temperatures the zinc could melt out of the paint layer and coalesce into these little balls which solidify when it cools. So - which is it? Zinc rain or zinc leachage from the coating. If it was rain from the chimney smoke then maybe the balls would be more splatted? Some are a little squashed, but some are near perfect balls. I don't think it comes from the coating because of the formations are in streaks running down from top to bottom... as if it has rained down, but I could be wrong. Thoughts?
  17. oh - totally! Great film though.. the nuke grenade just reminded me of it.
  18. Yea - I think that is density related though. It makes for really heavy armour and bunker busting shells. They have small hand held nukes in the film 'Starship Troopers' - I think they are fired from a grenade launcher or a bazooka or something like that. They are about the size of a bazooka shell tip. Fictional though. Loved the film!
  19. No apologies needed, I was just wrong.... it isn't my field and I was speculating/repeating something I read on wiki. Maybe the page meant acoustic gravity waves (not that I know what they are either). I just wanted to ask/speculate. I just don't like the idea of jumping to a conclusion as to the cause of the effect just because it has been measured (if it IS even a real measurement and not experimental error or something... it is odd that others have only reproduced it with mixed results). I realise they are too weak to have any effect.. is there a way they might be amplified through resonance with something else? I realise I am showing my ignorance of the topic, but it is just interesting to me. I know that resonances can cause huge increases in wave amplitudes. I am just not buying/not understanding this DFA. How significant is this observed Allais effect anyway? I was under the impressions that the anomalous readings were only a slight change to the expected weight measured. It was mentioned that not everyone can reproduce and that made me think the effect could be intermittent (or experimental error). If it was intermittent then this made me think of the lines of a diffraction pattern which could have been amplified for some reason or another.. As the earth passes through the amplified diffraction pattern you would see fluctuations in weight (if they were amplified enough). As mentioned before - it doesn't matter what I think about it.. it is what it is, but it just looks to me as if it is unexplained (if it is real) and I hate it when people jump to conclusions about the explanation of an effect just because it is unexplainable within our current understanding. Thanks for your patience.
  20. I thought the 'dirty bombs' didn't need crit mass... they don't make nuclear explosions, rather they just fling a load of radioactive waste about, polluting the area. Although... how dangerous would a hand grenade sized lump of plutonium be if spread out by conventional explosion? Would be more of a pain in the arse with respect to clean up I suppose.
  21. Do you mean like a dirty bomb? I am hoping that as they keep such a tight restriction on who can get hold of Uranium that the security services would shut them down before they even make it.... lets hope anyway. Also, they use Plutonium in bombs, Uranium is for power stations. You probably could make a dirty bomb with Uranium though I suppose.
  22. If the effect is real.. (I have only done minor reading around it on the net and most of what I know is from wiki and reading/following this thread... wiki said that it was speculative and there have been mixed results in trying to replicate it)... I liked the interference of gravitational waves from the 2 sources speculation as an explanation of the effect (touched upon on the wiki page). I am not buying this 'dark flow acceleration' explanation - it seems unrelated to me. The interference pattern in the waves could explain why sometimes you can measure it and other times you cant... depending upon where the measurement system is set up (on a peak or a trough of the gravitational wave). As we now 'know' that gravity waves are a real thing (or at least have been detected), would it be better to assume that this effect has something to do with interference of these waves? Rather than some 'dark flow'... what does that even mean? - I must have missed something somewhere... I'll go back and read this through again if I get the time. Sorry if I am missing the point - I don't want to disrupt your conversation... I'll sit out and keep following the thread. I am none the wiser as to what this Dark Flow is supposed to be though, I will re-read and look it up some more sometime.
  23. I agree that things need to be better. I really do think we are improving though. These things just don't happen over night. I mentioned in that other thread that raping your spouse in the UK was only outlawed by the court of European human rights about 20 years ago. (That doesn't mean everyone went around raping each other.. it was just wasn't classed as illegal). We have a long way to go. The UK has pushed and campaigned for animal rights and fair treatment of animals for a long time..... we still only banned fox hunting a few years back and the current government are trying to bring it back. Less people in the UK are proud to have gone to a Spanish bull fight... if you say you have gone to one here now people usually look at you with distain. We were taught about how bad battery farming of hens was back in the 80's and I am pretty sure there are less of those farms now. I do not think there are many people that enjoy the suffering of any animal. Those that do can go and burn for all I care. Although there are animal rights activists that actually bomb cancer researchers cars and homes because of animal testing. Total extremism and despicable. Yes things need to change as you say, but I think they are changing... albeit slowly. What can you do?
  24. My 2 cents with regard to the OP: - I must say that I do not like factory/battery farming either. But I thought that these practices were being reduced. Certainly over here we advocate ethical treatment of the animals we eat. I think that is a good thing. No point in being cruel about it. I am sure there are still atrocities going on, but I hope to human nature that we will become more and more ethical in our treatment of the animals we kill for food. We are still developing as a human civilisation.. it was still legal (or rather, wasn't illegal) to rape your wife in this country just 21 years ago (It wasn't seen as rape to take your spouse without request - thanks to the court of European rights this has changed, consent is now needed). Obviously the world still has a long way to go with regard to 'becoming civilised'. I am sure, as with human rights, animal rights are also improving thankfully. Trying to guilt people into being vegan probably won't work on anyone except little girls under the age of 10.
  25. Thorham - What will happen to the worlds stock of cows if everyone becomes vegan. Will they suffer less? Or die out and become extinct like most other life forms on the planet? There are ways of reducing animal suffering and farming methods that can avoid suffering to animals. Total veganism doesn't guarantee the non suffering of these animals. I don't think it is necessary or fair.. we are animals too. If you took a carnivorous or a omnivorous animal and forced it to just eat a vegan diet then I would say that that isn't natural and may cause suffering to that animal. I am all for the reduction of animal suffering. Doesn't mean we all have to be vegan though.
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