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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I haven't had a chance to read it.... but has he taken into account all of the points we were complaining about in the last telekinesis thread? i.e. - has he made it impossible for drafts to get under the bowl? Is he even using a bowl (if not then just get out of town)? Has he ensured that vibration and oscillation cannot cause rotation as the system attempts to reach equilibrium? The main thing is that he uses a sealed system so his breathing doesn't effect eh spinner (like was shown to be the case with the standard psy wheel hoaxes). Also - the placing of hands around it can effect the spinning by channelling breathing... as was demonstrated in debunk videos of the standard psywheel. - So - how is this one different?
  2. That's perfectly alright anyway - I did miss the point. It's not that uncommon for things to pass me by, lol.
  3. I thought the apes evolved (At least I think they did in Charlton Heston one. They had been in space so long that the planet was overrun by apes after a nuclear war or something like that). The sharks in the other film were actually genetically mutated by the humans to make them a lot more intelligent.... for which they showed no thanks for whatsoever.
  4. So! The moon isn't made of cheese.... but a neutron star maybe? :-D
  5. Head off? Move off? Tootle off? Pop off?
  6. Yes to whoever above said that religion was an ignorant reality (although I would say it was an ignorant UN-reality). It really is , by definition, backward. It has held the world and many people (my self included) backwards for too long. The problem is.... how does the world get the believers in Allah, Jehova and Vishnu etc, to file away such mythical deities along with the likes of Zeus, Thor, Anubis etc? (because banning it would just stir up hatred and wars and 'prove right' the extremists that want you to think the rest of us are godless heathens)
  7. In a BH the whole thing has collapsed in on itself and has been compressed so that these gaps between the atoms are no longer there - thus the almost unfeasible density as it is like one giant super nucleus (or something else - but not normal atoms arranged as we would normally find them here). That's how I have always visualised it anyway.... it's probably wrong - now maybe a proper space physicist can explain it properly. ;-)
  8. Yea - it is kind of a retake of 'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' which is the one with monkey and the sausages.
  9. better than the original anyway. ;-) They took a monkey to Mars - the air was breathable and they found plants that grew sausages.
  10. They done it to sharks in the film 'Deep Blue Sea' (I think that was the one) - but the sharks rebelled and ate most of the cast! It was a terrible film - frankly, I think those sharks were bloody ungrateful!
  11. yea - I agree - it is clear not aether. (even the spellchecker doesn't like that idea) - there is 'probably' some mundane explanation like residual warmth or other things that have been mentioned. How about tiny amounts of corrosion on the moving parts which get blasted off during the running. You start it up again and it's fine... leave it laying a round for a week or 2 and you may get some fusing of the moving parts on a scale not noticeable beyond doing accurate measurements of the forces required to overcome the initial friction of the start up? Just speculation obviously. Whatever it is, my point was that the 'real' explanation, whatever that turns out to be, can be/will probably be found through scientific study. I don't see that as 'fringe' science. Making stuff up about an un demonstrable aether isn't 'fringe' science either - it is just making stuff up or misunderstanding the phenomenon, imo.
  12. I don't see how it is 'fringe science' as you put it.... it is a real and measured effect (from what I read briefly - I could be wrong). The explanation for the effect may be clearly wrong and provably so - but that doesn't mean the effect doesn't happen. There is probably some perfectly reasonable explanation for it - like most things.
  13. Yes - the misunderstanding is of what an ion is - it can be a single atom or a part compound that has a charge imbalance. in Latin,, mono = 1 poly = many, so yes, a mono atomic ion only has one atom. Polyatomic = many (more than one) atom. The ion defines a charge imbalance. The same prefixes are used for single unit building blocks (mono-mers) that can be reacted into chains of many of the initial repeating unit (poly-mers). mer = unit. So monomer and polymer are single units and many units of a macromolecule.
  14. It doesn't SJ - only people that don't understand science believe that it does.
  15. I liked your last guy. He done some good things, like turn the economy around a bit, provide a safety net for the poor if they get sick... that sort of thing. Shame it's been repealed with nothing better to replace it.
  16. It has a beginning as we know it - we don't know what was about before that. We know that it is, we do not know why.
  17. Yea - I like that Jonathan Pie too.
  18. WHY though!? Just saying doesn't make it real. There is nothing observable to support this that cannot be explained in other ways.
  19. So you went for the one you thought had less experience, brains and integrity then? ;-) (Sorry - that was trolling a bit, thus the wink... but it has to be asked, lol)
  20. How did it even happen though? A phone call across the Atlantic requesting that info be retained for another 24 hours before release to allow for some homeland investigations to take place before committing the details to the public. Then what - they say yes and put the phone down and laugh? They say yes and then get side tracked and forget to tell anyone that the information is classified until we hear more? They say yes, put the phone down, go and tell whoever is responsible for releasing the info to wait and then that person forgets or doesn't care? I don't see how it happens. It says much about the voting masses if they put in these incompetents (and they still support them).
  21. What does it even mean to go below absolute zero? Negative energy? I read the paper and it still doesn't make any sense to me because of what I learnt as a definition of absolute zero. Seriously though handy andy, what is you level of Physics education? I have a degree in physics and I don't understand string theory - it also seems to change (probably because it is a work in progress because we have no way of testing it). It also involves a poop ton of maths. I wouldn't recommend trying to get your head around it if you have no physics background. There are a couple of people on the whole forum (Mordred might be one) who 'may' be able to explain it... but if you want to study it in more than layman's terms and try to pick holes in it then don't even bother imo.
  22. I'm not disputing that the article claims it has gone sub zero... Something about potassium atoms forced into a matrix... blah blah (at work - no time to fully read all of the articles), but I am not sure what being below 0K even means. By very definition at 0K there can be Zero energy, totally motionless atoms with no vibration, no excitation... so what does negative temperature even mean on an absolute scale? (PS - Sorry - did not see Kip's post - this is in reply to post 40)
  23. It's cutting edge stuff! ;-)
  24. Using the matter to bolster sea defences is an awesome idea Studiot.. Dredge out the sea beds and strengthen the shore... although as has been mentioned above it would still cause a huge amount of environmental damage to the sea floors.
  25. On the subject of leaking intelligence I heard on the radio today that the US had released details about who Salman Albedi was before the British secret service was ready to disclose anything about him. It said that the secret service requested discretion from the US as to the ID of the bomber until after they had finished a certain line of enquiries and had released the info themselves to the British public - but the Americans just went ahead and released all of the info they had on Albedi anyway without any regard to the request from the British not too. It was probably a clerical error or some kind of incompetence rather than a fingers up to the British.. but it is still pretty dumb.
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