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Everything posted by DrP

  1. er... it keeps going until it interacts with something else... as stated in the first 3 replies. What else do you want/need to know?
  2. Not really - A hell of a lot of them seem to want to kill each other over who has the best imaginary friend... it's fucking chaos. One day... maybe soon, maybe in a few hundred years or so, when the whole world is educated to the facts about the fact they have been lied to by their rulers for control purposes, we might be able to put this imaginary friend bullshit behind us and move on in love and peace and harmony... if the religious nuts or despot tyrants don't nuke us all first.
  3. see posts 2,3 and 4.
  4. If he existed as a person (there are about 5 other similar myths to his that all say the same thing)... I am not so sure nowadays and now see it as irrelevant. Also, what is the probability that he died and was resurrected 3 days later? There is no proof for that other than stories told.... stories told from a book which has many obvious errors and wrongs in it, so why trust it at all?
  5. Depends where you live in the world... Some people need hope - which religion offers I suppose - but why give hope through lies? Can't we all just be nice to each other and help each other out without the threat of punishment if we don't?
  6. Hmm - it does sound like she has just been taught yellow is green and green is yellow. My friend had the Red/Green one... we played golf and he used a red tee.... after his shot he couldn't see the tee.... "It's right there in front of you" I told him, but it was invisible to him until he felt around for it.
  7. I am not sure how it works in the US - but I would think that you would have to choose from a list of titles offered to you from the research group you will be working with. If you have a good solid title that you want to pursue that you have come up with yourself you could put it forward, they might accept it if it's good and relevant to the group's work, otherwise you might have to find your own individual funding to research your own ideas. More likely you will be continuing the work of your supervisor in your group and interact with the other researchers and your supervisor with respect to how your project unfolds. Good luck anyway! I hope it works out for you and you find an interesting project. Keep us posted.
  8. So a 2.4% reduction in the HSV virus in the circumcised group after 2 years compared to the control out of over 5000 test subject. (7.8% of cases compared to 10.3% in the control). Are we sure they got the same amount of exposure to herpes as the control group? I would imagine they would have to wait a few weeks compared to the control group before 'getting stuck in' to the trials so to speak. Again - I think condoms would be a better prevention than circumcision. I don't understand how it is supposed to be that great with just a 2.4% improvement. My joke (which was in poor taste admittedly) holds true - how far do you go with it? Total removal of the lower half of my body would prevent any chance at all of contracting herpes from intercourse.... but that comes with other problems. Putting on a condom HAS to be better than the 2.4% margin of improvement reported above in that 2nd paper. Or better selectivity of your partners. I still don't see the point in making the cut - especially if you live in the developed world and have been educated to take precautions. Further reading suggests that condoms are not 100% protection, either... but as John C says... it is irrelevant when talking about infants who are a way way off from sexual maturity.
  9. Talk to your head of faculty or a senior lecturer or a professor at the university you are studying at and ask them for advice. I would choose a topic that interests you and one that you think you have a good understanding of. Do they have a list of available topics? I doubt you will be able to make your own project - usually there are a list of projects designed by the research staff and lecturers that you can apply to work on. It is then up to the supervisor who he chooses for the position.
  10. OK John - it might be a real effect.... but I am still not convinced the level of sexual activity of the individuals is taken into account. I smell some bias on the interpretation of the results. If the only benefit is a slightly less chance of herpes whilst engaging in sexual permiscuity then I think that better education regarding safe sexual practices is probably going to far out weight the benefits of snipping off the end of your penis. lol - and how far do you want to go with it? If you cut the whole thing off then there will be even less chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases right? ;-)
  11. Like who Raider? Most Scientists I know that are believers were believers before they were scientists. I don't know any scientists who suddenly convert to Islam... I have know a good few religious types that drop the myths when presented with science though.
  12. Yes - but did that study take into account the sexual behaviour of the religious vs the non religious? The lack of herpes imo could be related to the fact that the more religious a person the less promiscuous they are. Since circumcision is purely a religious practice it would be reasonable to assume that those that have been circumcised are less likely to get herpes due to their reduced promiscuity - Again - how could it possibly have anything to do with whether or not they have had their genitals mutilated? It seems ridiculous - it seems like people want there to be a benefit so they can say that there book is right. This herpes claim is clutching at straws. (Correlation doesn't automatically imply causation).
  13. I would say "Anyone who studies the bible 'for long enough' will soon see that it is full of holes" If it IS the word of god, then this god make a lot of mistakes and is pretty harsh. It clearly isn't, it was written by men and is full of contradictions, errors and ghastly claims and acts of cruelty by the main character who is supposed to be all loving and perfect. He/it clearly does not exist as it is suggested in the bible at least.
  14. Also I'm not fully convinced of that AIDS article. The fact they have a slightly higher amount of AIDS victims could be due to the correlation between being circumcised and being religious.... you are less likely to be so promiscuous if circumcised because you are more likely to be religious (or have been influenced by the religious). How on earth would snipping off your foreskin prevent you from getting AIDS? What's the science behind it?
  15. Yea - it doesn't turn it back to the metal, it goes to the phosphate, which then helps protect from further rusting - I was wrong about the rust being reduced back to iron.... partly why I said "So it seems to convert to the phosphate rather back to the iron as I said, Sorry.." I just assumed at first it was a reduction back from the oxide, which, after looking it up I saw that it wasn't. It's not hard to look it up though... typing 'rust conversion' into google give you loads of info about it.
  16. DrP


    I tend to agree. Isn't often said that those that are the most aggressively homophobic are actually more likely to be repressed homosexuals themselves? I think it is learnt behaviour from an age not so long past. It has only been legal for a few decades in the UK and is still illegal in many places. Most homophobes I meet that want to talk about how disgusting gay marriage is and the like tend to have fathers that have been aggressively homophobic and have threatened their kids to never be gay. (mass generalization I know - but not uncommon).
  17. Looking it up: Phosphoric acid + Iron Oxide -> Iron Phosphate + Water So it seems it converts to the phosphate rather than back to iron as I said. Sorry, makes sense though.
  18. Maybe so Manti - but I am just a little sceptical of these you-tube vids you see of a totally rusted bumper becoming gleaming again after a can of coke has simply been poured over it. Those types of vids are also sometimes used to suggest that coke is bad for you by the anti chem folks- "look what it does to rust! what's it doing to your gut!?!?!" - (I am pretty sure this emoticon used to have a different name... one we can't use anymore on the forum - lol).
  19. I think they slowed down for the viewer that was in the frame of reference of the stationary one - but stayed the same in it's own reference frame. I would let someone else confirm this though as it is not my field at all.
  20. Do you have a supervisor who can answer that question? It is probably going to be best to go with the standard method that your lab currently uses so as to get a consistent comparison with the rest of the results that have come out of your lab. Has anyone else in your group used that machine before? maybe you could ask them which method they used and why and then replicate that for consistency.
  21. By reducing the oxide back to the metal as I said above. It is a reduction reaction. Look up REDOX reactions and start from there.
  22. I think it is over hyped how effective it can be. In theory the phosphoric acid can reduce the iron in the iron oxide back to iron I suppose, but it never seems to be as effective as you see in these you-tube vids of demonstrations of it.
  23. Being fair QQ I do not think there are any ill effects for men beyond a week or 2 of soreness. We've been doing it for thousands of years. It just seems pointless when the 'benefits' are so slight and exaggerated or hoisted up to protect their precious notion that it MUST be of some use as it was ordered by god. @Raider5678 - wrt appearance - I would say you find it disgusting only because it is different to what you are used to - it is YOU that has the unnatural dong mate! Not the rest of us.. Maybe you have become so used to the deformity that was forced upon you that it seems normal for you and everyone else looks weird and disgusting. I can understand that, but it does not make it disgusting. I would just stop looking at other blokes cocks if it bothers you. ;-)
  24. A chemical reaction is one where the reactants actually change chemically. Like, acids and alkalis mixed react chemically to give salts and water. A physical reaction (iirc) is something like the reaction you get with oil and water - there is no chemical reaction, but they separate and force each other apart physically. This physical attraction or repulsion between substances is physical because no chemical change takes place, although, the reaction is due to the chemistry of the molecules involved. There is more to it - you could write an essay about it.
  25. lol - maybe science just isn't for you mate. ;-) Try a career in the arts. Talk to your school teacher about it - you will learn that I am right about those incident light rays that hit our planet,... as I said - if you can't get your head around that then maybe you should try something other than science. It doesn't get much easier. PS - You CAN measure the incident radiation with light detectors and things.... if you plonk them at the poles they register less incident rays than at the equator. The calculations HAVE been performed and you CAN think of the incident light from the sun in the way I showed it in the diagram. I'm not going round in circles with you - it is obvious where you are coming from so I'm out too. I reckon you know all this and are trolling (due to some past disgruntlement with us)... or, you really believe what you are saying, in which case, sorry I couldn't be a better teacher, but I'm out.
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