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Everything posted by DrP

  1. OK Fred - I was at a coatings show last year where they were reporting large increases in performance from anti rust primers from the addition of modest amounts graphene powder added to the formulations. They were trying to convince people to take samples for testing in their own products. I said I would test some out, for completely different purposes, but then it turned out they wanted about £1000 for a sample... so I did not bother, lol.
  2. I do not know - maybe because you know it's not real? (OK - the porn vid isn't real either, but it in a way it is as they are really doing it). The strip isn't real - also, is it possible you were nervous in front of the pro stripper? Or tired? Or just not in the mood? I wouldn't worry too much about it, whatever the reason - people have too many hang ups about sexuality - just go with the flow and do what you like/want or whatever comes natural. Enjoy life my friend, it's too short for hang ups.
  3. It's not wrong, but the negative impacts are usually dramaticised by the papers. Even if it isn't dramaticizsed they only focus on the negatives. They play on people's fears to sell papers. Any way - I'm off for a bit - Happy Easter. Peace out.
  4. It doesn't need to - why even bother if the debateable 'benefits' are so slight. Wait until it's an adult and let it decide. I have never had that operation and wouldn't want it at all. I have never had any problems... in fact, I think my problem with toilet seats and basins not being deep enough would be far worse a discomfort without the extra skin there for added protection against the cold damp porcelain.
  5. How does an influx of immigrants cause price rises or poverty? Quote: "an increased technology had an inverse effect on people's lifestyle." How? Anything that saves us precious time and effort is great... Are you going to claim that the wheel was a bad ideas because we now use less effort to cart things around, thus there are less carrying jobs and people are less strong from all the carrying they are no longer doing? The world continues to evolve in it's thinking and progression. Carrying jobs are no longer available, but we have new jobs now that people can do which replace them. If you are worried about fitness you can take up an energetic hobby or just go to the gym. Why blame advancing technology on the worlds social problem? You are from India? India gets a lot of international aid. It is often asked why a country with an advanced space program needs aid to feed the poor. Can you shed some light on why people of lower castes and the disabled are treated so badly and left to starve and fend for themselves whilst the government spends billions on space programs (sorry if this wrong - please correct me if I am mistaken). (Also, I do not want to sound hypocritical, we have homeless people here too). ...and I wasn't really hurt by your statement, sorry of I gave that impression. I want to see the world grow in it's ability to create and design new things.. having people blame technology for the worlds problems just pisses me off - it is the greed and laziness in the world that is the problem imo, not technology. @Argent - yea - it was better in the way that you could bully people and be obnoxious and get away with it. You could legally rape your wife. You could be as racist as you liked without recourse... fantastic days! Not that long ago either - civilization is still in it's infancy.
  6. I would think you are right that it would have something to do with the pressure it is squirted at and also the aperture size. High pressure and small hole and you would end up with a atomised mist I suppose. Too slow and it will freeze and block the exit. Somewhere in between would give something similar to what moontanman describes. Get it right and get a long mercury sausage.
  7. QUOTE "Today's gadgets have made life too comfortable" Really? - Tell that to the starving poor in India and Africa, tell it to the people that struggle everyday just to keep their children from dying of starvation. Tell it to the depressed, alcoholic, unemployed with 4 kids on UK council estates. Speak for your self on that one mate. How can we ever become TOO comfortable? That sounds like the kind of anti tech talk I get from New Age hippies that generally have a chip on their shoulder about things they don't understand. Sorry for the (slightly) emotional response, but I find it a little insulting to suggest that we are 'too comfortable' because of new and fascinating techs in the world. It reminds me of the 'it was better in our day' BS that plagues every generation of old people. QUOTE:"..addicted to mobiles.... result is obesity" - and people said the same about televisions, transport, radios, books.... etc.
  8. QUOTE"When a mass becomes locked in orbit around another mass why are they not falling into each other?" I stopped reading after this. Maybe I missed the point, if so, mark me down, but the answer to this is well know and is school physics.
  9. I've never seen the attraction to seeing a woman undress that you can't touch on a stage whilst you are surrounded by dozens of leary letchy blokes all cheering and jeering.. Whilst the video you suggest was probably viewed at home in private - your report doesn't surprise me much.
  10. Yes - our knowledge if definitely growing with time. The models for BHs have change over the last few decades from what I can tell.... we are still learning about them. We are only just about to take a picture of one, so you could say we are in our infancy with what we know. These theoretical physicists do a great job of assembling a picture from the info they have. When I first joined this forum, the thinking was that a BH was a singularity.
  11. I've never heard it put that way before.... I don't think that's right. The Energy that comes off as EM and particular radiation accounts for all of the mass that started in the reaction before the explosion.. there is no record of any of this dark matter being formed and no need to make something like that up as all of the lost mass is accounted for in the radiation. Where does this dark matter go to after it is formed then? Again - I'm only in the conversation out of interest - I'll sit out now as it is going to get over my head - but I am pretty certain this dark mass thing isn't right (which is why it is in speculations I suppose). Why do you think that this dark matter is formed during a nuclear reaction? What evidence drives you to this line of thinking/conclusion?
  12. So, radiation IS the dark matter given off? - you've lost me. E=MC2 accounts for all of the mass that translates to energy. Surely if the mass was turned to dark mass then we would see less energy than we do. It doesn't make sense to me.
  13. Well, no-one yet has had it passed on - I think it would have been reported. The lack of cases of it ever happening before might suggest it just doesn't happen at all.
  14. problem is though, ALL of the mass and energy from a nuclear explosion is accounted for - from where is this 'extra' coming from to form the dark matter... and where does it go? What make's you think this dark fluid matter is formed at all during the explosion?
  15. Is it not the same thing? Your child has it injected into them. They get a mild form which can't be passed on. How else are they supposed to pass it on? Are they suggesting it leaches out of him or something? I'd tell them take a hike and get with reality and stop behaving so backwards in their thinking. If they don't like - don't come over. Try ridicule maybe? Why should you have to jump through hoops because they choose the more dangerous path for their kids based on their ignorance of accepted published facts. I thought it was going to be illegal to opt out of vaccines soon anyway.... maybe I misread that somewhere a few months back.
  16. Not according to that information release from the NHS. "...,your child won't pass anything on to non-vaccinated children."
  17. Yea - the kids from our golf club started talking funny ("nah wot I mean blud?) - they ham it up with a Jamaican accent too... cracks me up as they are middle class white boys. They are deadly serious though and we are supposed to just accept that that is how they talk now. lol.
  18. "Did the article about SMBHs make sense" It seemed to yes (as I read through quickly), but I'm still not sure about this universal black hole. As I said - I'll sit out. I have changed my personal understanding of black holes several times in my life as new things have been discovered. I'll sit and watch some more. Cheers. (Aside - there was recent talk of combining different scopes to 'look' at a black hole and get a picture for the first time ever - I wonder how that is going)
  19. I bet she doesn't cover her face with boot polish though Zap's? ;-)
  20. Yea, I thought as much... I can't remember who first said "It is important to keep an open mind.... just not so open that your whole brain falls out and goes splat on the floor". (Derren Brown maybe?).
  21. QUOTE: "Ordinary matter evaporates into superfluid dark matter". - Has that been tested? Maybe I should sit out of this one - it is beyond what I learned in my Chemical Physics degree. I'll watch and see what other members more experienced with black holes and nuclear physics make of it. Cheers.
  22. Because people take political correctness way too far, are way too sensitive and hold a lot of anger in them that they need to let out somewhere or another? I don't see a problem with any of the examples you listed. But then I am not black or Chinese. Hey - I always thought that imitation was the highest form of flattery.
  23. I don't understand this 'outflow'. What does that mean? Things get sucked towards black holes, nothing flows out, no? Also - "....when a nuclear bomb explodes matter evaporates into superfluid dark matter" - I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen. Maybe I am misunderstanding you somehow?
  24. How about some coloured oil paints on water? They make some impressive patterns on guitars by dipping the whole guitar into a bath of water which has oil based paints swirled round on the top. For 'depth' in the media, I suppose you could add the oils/surfactants that leach out of the paints to the top of the paint in the bucket rather than waiting a year or so for it to leach/separate out.? e.g. - take your bucket of blue paint.... squirt some oil and washing up liquid onto the top of the paint surface (play with amounts to get the effect you need) - add some white and yellow paint on the top and swirl with a stick.... you might end up getting the same effect. I once had a sample of paint that I was trying to make which kept separating out with in a day or two... I used to swirl it slightly and then paint with it claiming I had made stripy paint. lol.
  25. "Perhaps they are wrong" - Perhaps - but why would we even think they might be wrong? We have seen no evidence yet that it might be that way at all. If you say Radin et al have got some evidence then you might as well present it here as we have not seen a single piece of evidence so far that suggests consciousness is outside of the brain. Ever, not a single piece so far that hasn't been explained. I would suspect that their evidence is flimsy - let's have a look.
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