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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I reckon he won it fair and square... whilst making all of the moves for the GMs he was fully immersed in the game and probably got some good ideas which he tried out on the poor guy who was lowest rating. I have played my best games after watching some vids of classic games between top players from the past..... better when it is fresh in my head - leave it some time and I forget what I have picked up or loose confidence and start loosing again. Bobby Fisher and Tal are players to watch (for me at my level anyway - probably outdated now). - edit - posted same time as LA... Yes, OK, so the guy was the weakest player - I still reckon that he had an advantage by watching the GMs play each other.
  2. Nah - I'm sure he won the odd game.... may be he was just using some of the same openings he used in the GM games... I'll look it up tonight after work - I thought he won it. Good trick though.
  3. Derren Brown done the GM thing with 9 pro chess players (about 4 of them were GMs)... Was a good trick - he was quite convincing and they did not cotton onto what he was doing because he had them all in a circle and done it so that it wasn't blatant... it was right in front of their noses. Then there was the 'odd' game that he managed to 'win'.. I'm sure he had some other trick up his sleeve with that one.
  4. I bought a Chinese painted blown egg the other day in a vintage display box. It was in a charity shop and they usually put the date on the item when it comes in..... well, apparently they got this egg in next week! Amazing - I had to ask if they got it in next week from a time traveller, or if the date was actually a sell by or a hatch date. I think it was just an error, but it amused me..... enough to buy the egg anyway. Will it hatch? Will it disappear in a paradoxical flash? Will it just smell bad or sit there and do nothing.... it's all very exiting!
  5. I can't fully answer you question, but my first thoughts were that these pits must have been there already. I cannot see the polishing causing them, so the high level of polishing to such a high standard of finish has revealed them. I could be wrong as it is not my field, but I cannot see how the polishing regime you described could cause pitting in the metal itself. Out of interest, please keep us posted and let us know if a better grade of steel avoids these problems or improves them. Thanks.
  6. Think about it.... Up a mountain, is the air hotter? Or is it at a lower pressure? also - what would happen if the air outside the packet was hotter? what would happen if it was at a lower pressure?
  7. QUOTE:"I have decoded the Voynich to Middle English" - Awesome! Did you have some breakthrough then? As you had gotten nowhere with it before-- post the key up for us so we can have a look and decode the rest of it for ourselves with the key.
  8. DrP


    "Condition of people" -- Wot's that about? "Condition of people"? What does that have to do with spatial dimensions at all? What am I missing? This is a science site right? That seems like gobbledygook to me.
  9. DrP


    I used to grow tomatoes and beetroots. I ate the beetroot leaves as salad leaves like most would lettuce. We had strawberries in hanging baskets too. Potatoes in pots... which were probably more trouble than they were worth. Oh - and runner beans too! I used to like wandering out into the garden on a sunny day and collecting a few things to make a salad with for lunch. Haven't done this for a few years though. Tomatoes and runner beans were my favourite - not much effort for a tasty reward.
  10. QUOTE: "Love is an emerging property of human consciousness"... Ok - I accept that love is due to our consciousness... where is our conscious from? ANS:- the brain. Where is our brain from? Ans: it has evolved over millions of years and the make up of it is encoded in our DNA. QUOTE:"Love is a type of energy independent from DNA".. This just does not follow logically from "Love is an emerging property of consciousness" - It is from the brain - which is a biological machine defined by our DNA. Energy is something specific in science and it is not anything to do with love (other than it takes energy to love.... but then it takes energy to do or to conceive of anything). "sexual orientation is not something we inherit from our genes" - Are you sure? Do you have any references for this? I am sure there are people that would argue otherwise and I am not sure what it has to do with love.
  11. "Immaterial nature" - I would say it is far from immaterial - It is ingrained in us and is probably an important trait for survival as a species. "...no evidences that DNA interacts with the unity of consciousness"... Our brains are what are responsible for our consciousness... our brains are the product of the evolution of our DNA. - Thus - a direct relationship - we are conscious and we love because of our brains. Our brains are a direct result of millions of years of evolution and natural selection. It HAS to be genetic - what else could it be?
  12. 1 - I'm not sure love is misunderstood by science - I think it is down to chemistry in the brain. We love because we evolved to do so - our offspring benefit from it from a survival perspective. We feel safer because of it if we have a loving partner - it is about survival. People that love each other fight harder to protect those they love, thus there is a survival benefit from it. 2 - Philosophical validity? I am not sure science needs any philosophical validity... I am not sure I am clear on what you mean here. 3 - "sauce of love" - I was trying to be humorous. It can mean a number of things depending on how your mind is working... Sauce = spice... people 'spice up their love lives with saucy things. It can also be taken literally, as in a sauce that you dribble over someone.. lol, or indeed the sauce that is produced by either of the participants... any way - sorry about that - it wasn't meant that seriously. 4 - "source"... "mother.." - well I think this fits in with the evolutionary argument quite well - we get those genes from our mother - our mothers are genetically programmed to love their offspring to give them a better chance of survival. It isn't a mysterious "type of energy" - it is a natural drive to protect your young engrained into us from evolutionary hereditary. It manifests in the brain due to a chemical called oxytocin.
  13. There are many types of love - the Greeks have about 5 different words for it where we have one that covers many situations (family love, erotic love, parental love, freindships, brotherly and sisterly love). The classic man/woman love is re enforced by a chemical in the brain called oxytocin. It's all just chemistry. A more exiting question might be 'what is the sauce of love'?
  14. You could try asking some questions here about what you do not understand? Senei gives excellent advise... Some stuff can be complicated for a beginner though. Personally I would start by looking at the history of the atom.... from ancient beliefs to JJ.Thompson, to N.Bohr..... stop when it gets too complicated. Also check out how the periodic table was formed by Mendeleev (more chemistry than physics, but the 2 go hand in hand) it will give you and idea of what atoms are and how they are made from sub-atomic particles.... then move to sub atomic particles, fission/fusion and Sensei's list.
  15. Does the BH spin and pulse like the Neutron star? I have not heard about that.. the neutron star spins at quite a high frequency for its size/mass and is detected as a regular and constant 'tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick.......' that is so regular that it looks like it has been sent as a signal. I wasn't aware of black holes doing this. I thought we detected them by looking at their influence on other stars... i.e. we see other stars effected by a huge mass, work out where that mass should be, look for it and see nothing so assume a BH. I might just sit out of this conversation from now on unless I have further questions.... I am only repeating what I have heard from watching documentaries and picked up here and there and do not really know anything other than what I have heard about it - I know that there are many others here that are very knowledgeable about such things as it is their field of study. I'll read up on quasars after reading MigL's post.
  16. the ennea prefix means '9'.. so I'll take a guess at the formula for barium chloride enneahydrate to be 'BaCl2.9H2O' The Ba ion is 2+ so it needs 2 x Cl- atoms to satisfy it, thus the BaCl2.
  17. What has the Pope got to do with it at all? It is clear that our understanding of the universe has developed over the last few hundred years. It continues to develop and scientists continually update existing theories as new evidence is uncovered due to better techniques in observation. Same goes for the atom - our theories and models of the atom have changed massively over hundreds of years and continue to change. What has the Pope got to do with any of it?
  18. Do BHs have poles then or something? What causes the radiation burst to just go in a single direction?
  19. I was going to ask the same as SwansonT. With a neutron star they are flung out from the poles (IIRC) and the signal pulsates due to the spinning... I think it might be Omni directional for BHs - but I do not known a lot about them, so would be interested to know. I would 'guess' that it would be in all directions for the BH.... but that is my uneducated guess.
  20. We already can cure/eradicate some cancers with radio therapy, some chemical treatments and even surgery to remove effected parts. Type 'Cancer treatments' into google to see what comes up.
  21. Steven Hawkins recently threw a party to welcome Time Travellers back from the future a few months back.... He took out an ad in the papers a week later to advertise his party... No one turned up. He spent money on balloons, cocktail sausages and everything. So - probably no for the time travel. Bottom of the ocean is complicated - there are a lot of things.... like mountain ranges, volcanic activity, just like on the ground out of the water, the landscape will be similar, but wet and covered in silt and marine life. You could write an encyclopedia about it, so it depends what you want to know or how far your teacher wants you to write about it. Try typing 'Ocean Floor' into google - there will be lots of pages with info about it.
  22. I read recently, or watched it in a documentary, that the chemical reactions that formed the first gene like molecules in the primordial soup were probably sped up in the interstitial layers of clay. They allow a more repeated catalysed reaction of some weird long molecules. Thus speeding up the formation of life on the planet by millions of years, maybe billions. I saw a parallel here to some polymer reactions we were doing back in the 1990's using graphite as a catalyst to choosing particular allotropes. The poymerisations we were doing were influenced by the graphite - it was believed that the reactions were taking place between the layers of graphite and selectively choosing a certain chirality for the polymer. That's what we reckoned anyway - we certainly saw the increase of one of the chiral orientations increase with the presence of graphite anyway... I think this might have helped in the case of building self replicating molecules that used the clay layers as a chiral/steric catalyst to form the pre cursers to DNA... (Sorry - I do not have a reference for this right now, but it seemed pretty convincing to me). PS - Sorry - this might be covered in Moontanman's vid - I'll look at later.
  23. I was thinking the same SJ. I do not know the answer, but if this IS the case where a certain music has an effect on the growth of the cells in the colony then I would guess at that music producing the right frequency pressure pulses to 'massage' the bacteria, which in turn could cause faster growth/reproduction. Funny - the same is probably true with humans! lol :-D Give couples a few hours alone with some Barry White and they seem to reproduce faster... The Dulcet Bass tones of Mr White have been scientifically proven to vibrate at the most stimulating frequencies for encouraging human reproduction. True story! ;-)
  24. 'god' is not a scientific word though... It means MANY MANY different things to different people and different cultures - you can't 'define' it and expect everyone to follow suit and accept your definition.
  25. They did - The Sauropods started growing massive, solid limb bones with really hard composite bone without the usual honeycomb structure that dino's often exhibit - but 100 tons seems to be the limit before it gets too expensive to support. This might be where your habitat limit comes in... if it isn't large enough to give enough food for continued growth. I do think that there is more too it than habitat though... even if Argentinasaurus had the whole planet to itself it probably wouldn't have grown much bigger, Not through lack of food, but down to the limit that calcium based complexes that form it's bones can take in terms of the stress from bearing the weight. To grow larger it would have to go into the water to take some of the load. I could be wrong about this - but this is what I have heard from conversations and reading around - I do not have a single reference for this. I am not an expert in this field SFNQ - I just find it interesting, which is why I joined your conversation. I think the max weight for an animal is easier to explain when looking at spiders or animals with an exoskeleton. They are limited by the fact that they have no bones to support their weight, so this make giant spiders impossible as they would collapse under their own weight and burst. Unless you totally redesign them, then they stop being spiders I suppose. I guess you could genetically design a creature which could grow bigger.... maybe you could get it to use minerals like titanium in their bones and have much tougher outer exo skeletal structure... but I am not sure we would want to do this as we could end up with Godzilla or something, lol.
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