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Everything posted by DrP

  1. OK - thanks... That kind of explains it. I still doubt she would have accepted the stuff about the Laryngeal nerve... although that was a defining point in my 'conversion'... which is kind of why I harp on about it so much. I was genuinely interested in what she had to say about it. Actually - even though she was banned, she had plenty of time to read about that Laryngeal nerve... I asked her 3 times to research it as I was genuinely interested to see what she had to say about it.
  2. Phi - it is like hypnotism/brainwashing - I was the same sometime back. They just spout biblical word and that is supposed to trump everything... even if they loose the rational argument. They are lying to themselves... ironically, 'it is the truth that will set them free'.
  3. 14 billion years is a long time... a lot can happen. Things start to live and move and think. It's amazing.... even more so than the creation myth in my recently acquired opinion. As usual, serendipitously, reality is far more fantastic and amazing than the fiction!
  4. Seriously Randolpin - every case of God helping you in your life will be explainable by either coincidence or human kindness. Give us an example that proves otherwise. "Why are we sinners".... Because we are human beings - each one with the evolved propensity to be able to do both good and evil. I have never know a completely evil or completely good man. Is there any science to back this up? No - because it is a grey area of subjection and personal definition of where the line between good and evil is. Also - any proposed science to investigate this in the past would have been met with cries of heresy and punishment. Maybe we will know more in the future - I still think the world is going through a stage of global enlightenment. "Overcomes all critisms!" ... - No it does not.
  5. Says the book of fiction from 2K years ago.
  6. Yea - even when I was a Christian I used to think that just quoting John 3:16 at people was a pretty lame argument for the existence of God. It has nothing to do with it... but it is the big verse that all evangelists like to push as it 'supposedly' demonstrates Gods love... So, he allowed his son to murdered because he made us wrong? Yea, great. "because we are all sinners".... I actually agree, but not because it is said in a 2000 year old book with many holes and errors and obvious falsehoods in it..
  7. I think the maximum size of the animal depends more upon what weight it's frame can support more than anything to do with it's environment... (although environment can play a part if you go from land to water, say)... For example - the largest dinosaurs (Argentinasaurus/titanosaur) we have found have been in south America - it is thought that these were the largest reasonably possible for a LAND animal of it's type - anything bigger and it wouldn't support it's own weight (just under 100 tons). For it to grow larger it would have to resort to living in the ocean, where the water would support it's weight.... but of course it is a land animal, not a water dweller, so that would not happen. The blue whale can reach nearly double this weight at max recorded size of around 200 tons.... that weight would not be sustainable on land. PS:-I am not sure why poor Zinalu got -1 for that... although it doesn't directly answer the OP's question, it is not entirely irrelevant or wrong. I am no expert in this field though. OK - Now I am thinking that my post is also irrelevant as it talks about the max size of the animal rather than the minimum size of terrain needed for a specific animal.... with regard to that I would expect that it is different for each species. I have heard that fish, for example, tend to limit their growth depending upon the size of the pond/lake they are in.... but the OP probably knows this and is looking for something mathematical, which I cannot provide..... *Invites -1 from the OP*.. although I have definitely heard of there being a minimum territory needed for certain animals of a specific size.... think I saw it on a documentary sometime in the past, but have no link.
  8. I would guess that it would be a condensation chain reaction looking at the monomers. Remove H2O from them and what is left? Might it form an ester of some kind on the back bone with a benzene ring on every other link? idk - but those are my thoughts. I can imagine it alternating rather than being a random/statistical co-polymer, but you would need to know the reactivity ratios of the monomers to know that for sure.
  9. There are mention of sea monsters in the bible - but we sort of have them today, so they are not dinosaurs. Typical and disappointing.... Air Between The Nodes boasts that evolutionists squirm and back out of conversations when they cannot answer questions..... she completely destroys her argument however by ducking out of the conversation when she can not explain or answer something which sort of proves her argument wrong. I don't know why I expected any less. Tut.
  10. ....or, OR!!! ALIENS!!! lol - anyway - I actually don't think it is impossible, but there is no evidence to back it up, so it is pure speculation and sci fi. I don't understand why people don't believe that we, life, isn't just capable of adapting and changing over eons into what we are now. Maybe we have had it SO ingrained into us over the last 1000 years or so that we are sinful worthless scum who deserve only hell and couldn't have done anything without the grace of the all seeing superbeing, which seemingly does absolutely nothing, that we can't believe that we are actually pretty amazing! .
  11. They were going to make a subkingdom, but there wasn't mushroom for one.
  12. You know - I didn't know what Deja Vu was before I first saw that sketch... I was quite young though at the time.
  13. Myself and a couple of physicists were going to start a rock/jazz band called New Clear Fusion when we were at uni 25 years ago. We need more practice though and the band still won't be ready for about another 30 years.
  14. I was thinking... should I go back to leaving my toothbrush in the bathroom where it can collect micro fecal pieces? Reason being is.. I've been doing it all my life, like most people, and maybe it keeps the immune system active. You know - small amounts of poo might actually be heathy in the way that they can help you build a resistance to the bacteria in them. I think I'll keep on storing my tooth brush in the kitchen anyway, That reminds me of a girl at work who, apparently, cleaned the toilet regularly with her cheating husbands toothbrush. ew. Further thoughts... maybe you are right Zap - the seat might be dirtier than the porcelain as the porcelain gets washed with each flush - even so, I still don't like the contact with my bell end. I wouldn't wipe it on the seat either, or the door knob. lol. I prefer a contactless experience when I sit, apart from the obvious comfort of plastic or wooden seat on my backside.
  15. Yea - I've read that before about the aerosol. It is why I no longer clean my teeth in the bathroom - I now use the kitchen. Pretty certain wiping your end on the porcelain has got to be worse than just swinging it around in the free air... Even if it is only a psychological discomfort.
  16. Also - the request for a finalised essay ready to hand in rather than ideas that could be discussed then used is cheeky. It is worse when it is a request that the answers be sent by pm. I was planning to keep on altering what I put in my first post by using the edit button after people had replied to it... that can be annoying too. As for the serious science behind getting annoyed... I do not know that much about it. As for Dimreeper's question - I see where he is coming from, but in the real world people get annoyed - even Budists, born again Christians, field mice, etc.. What is the point? I do not know - ask evolution - it is part of our nature and is natural imo.
  17. I just can't resist 'slipping in' that sort of thing Phi, sorry, lol. I wondered if I would get into trouble for 'brining it up' (stop me!) in the engineering section, but at the end of the day I guess it is an engineering problem when the school boy humour is put aside. I often use the paper barrier idea quoted above... Regarding women that hover - I think that they are being overly screamish as the seat doesn't really get as much exposure to the liquids involved, even the cleaning of the seat is a wipe and ends up dry. The inside of the bowl is much worse than the seat.
  18. !!!!!11!2!2!!"1!! DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA !!!!!!!!!11!1121!!!!24!!!! wOt do U fiNk izz aNnoYiNG??? SUM PEOPLES HATE CAPSLOCK AND SAY ITS SHOUTING BUT I LIKE IT CUZ IT GETS MY POINT ACROSS MORE CLEARLY!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!"!!YEA!!!1!112"1!122!!!
  19. I think the elongated ones are fine... I must admit it is not ALL toilets although I did state it was all the OP.... but most / a lot. I exaggerated when I said every time. QUOTE: "Women can be quite persuasive." They wouldn't stand for it at all!
  20. Totally SJ... I was also thinking that there could be some hysteresis in the freeze thaw curve. Speculating though.
  21. It doesn't - but I would assume they would be extra careful... maybe they aren't as clumsy as us... may be they have military like punishments for loosing a sonic screwdriver. 20 laps around the rings of Saturn, 500 push ups and half rations for 3 days.
  22. @Mootanman - I hope you mean pics of the bowl!!! 8-) @Zaptos - I don't think I am being silly at all (the odd bit of joking aside)... can you imagine if it was, lets grab an arbitrary figure, 20% of all women that experienced the same problem... they had to bump their little love bean onto a cold, wet, pissy porcelain surface that was sometimes covered in bleach and cleaning fluids or god know what else, everytime they sat down to go? I am pretty certain they would not put up with it... they would nag and nag until someone fixed the design... lol.. but blokes either just don't care or just don't talk about such things.
  23. I would have thought that if they were capable of visiting us.... they would also be capable of covering their tracks, leaving no proof and sticking to 'the prime directive'.
  24. I was listening to a piece on the radio about this this this morning. He made friends with several famous physicists from that time for his own learning and interests as well as seeing the worth of their work for the long term benefits of mankind/his country. It said that he was a big supporter of using atomic energy to make power instead of bombs.
  25. What is the temperature of your freezer? Maybe you need one of those freezers at -30C to get it frozen.... Could be that it needs something below zero to freeze it (the dyes and flavourings may act as impurities which lowers the freezing point). I'm not saying it needs -30.... maybe -15 or -10 or something... if your freezer is just an ice box I don't think they are much below the range of 0 to -5C.
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