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Everything posted by DrP

  1. Hi Atom... Just an idea - how about the mixture under pressure in a plastic pipe.... when the pipe melts due to the flames the mixture of fluids and gas is projected outwards towards the flame. The extinguisher fluids will be directed to the right place because the tube will melt first in the place where the fire is. Maybe this is too late and you project is over already.... if so, what did you actually do for your project? How is it progressing?
  2. I've heard that hemp makes good rolling baccy too... ;-) I better stop posting today - I'm in a funny mood and I can't deal with fools here or in real life that want to tell me they are telepathic or have relationships with spirits or that anything that isn't natural is bad. I'd better go home. Quote: SJ: "and that came from plants" I am sure he knows that.... but anything that contradicts his argument he seems to ignore. Maybe I am being too harsh... sorry if that is so - I best log off. See you tomorrow.
  3. You can rule out the ridiculous and the obviously wrong answers when looking for a solution. Otherwise we wouldn't progress at all and we'd have to give credence to every loon around 'in case' they are right. We will have to agree to disagree. I think that entertaining such ridiculous ideas just adds fuels to the fire so that more crackpots come forward with their misconceptions and their obvious drivel. Worse - some will take it seriously and waste their time and their lives in pursuit of nothing more than craziness.
  4. And polymer? The oils it is made from are much, much older than cotton.
  5. I like that Jerry from Chessnetwork too - he is funny and seems like a nice guy. Humble with his talents too - I sometimes watch him in those blitz tournaments and he rarely looses. I also like watching reviews of old games by Mateo Jelic... he whips though games in 5 or 10 mins and keeps it interesting. I am currently really struggling to beat Magnus Carlson aged 10 on his Play Magnus app... SO frustrating. 9 years old was hard, but age 10 is a step up and he kills me every time... might have to start using the take back and suggestion options just to get a win. Maybe I am just that rubbish at chess - lol.
  6. ha ha - yea - the music was pretty good.
  7. The whole world is pretty f(*&(ng amazing compared to the 1970's...
  8. QUOTE: "Lack of evidence isn't proof of something not existing" That is such a poor argument - you could say the same about anything at all.. Invisible fairies, elves and pixies could be whispering in your ear - There is no evidence against that either, but why would anyone in their right mind believe that to be the case just because there is no evidence against it. Totally ridiculous and you know it. Actually - there is plenty of evidence to suggest that there is no telepathy. No body parts or brain locations to enable it. No cases of it EVER happening before outside of an asylum. Many tests done on people that think they are telepathic with zero positive results. What evidence do have for the counter argument that it 'might' exist? PS: Seriously - give me more neg rep if you like dude - it is worth it to call BS on your nonsense drivel that the voices in their heads 'could' be telepathy. It isn't.
  9. Conceded DrK - He does come out with some drivel though.
  10. Drivel - there is absolutely NO evidence for telepathic communication.... It could be invisible fairies whispering in their ears? Just as plausible. Come on! There have been absolutely ZERO demonstrations of telepathy EVER - so why would anyone in their right mind think such a thing!?
  11. Well of course it doesn't care... it is dead! Is English a second language for you?
  12. Yes chemicals were used... workers using looms used to die of cancers of the mouth from 'licking the whittle'. It was banned a long time ago and is quoted as a reason why health and safety laws are very important and employers can't force people to do stuff that exposes them to hidden, harmful dangers.
  13. Why is cotton more 'natural' than polymer anyway? The monomer for the polymer came from oil.... which is a natural resource, no? It is made from what was once alive. How is it any less natural? Where do you draw the line? Is it un natural to cook your food? You are altering it chemically from what it was naturally formed into. It's new age woo. Re body heat regulation... how would cotton 'regulate' temperature any different to an oil based polymer? They both insulate... the body temperature regulation is done inside our own body and is independent of the chemical structure of the clothes we wear.
  14. No, because you are in check from the bish on e4. (since the rook is no longer blocking - it moved to e3)
  15. I think you are right - Delusionary imaginations aren't necessary metal illnesses... but it does not make the subject matter of these delusions/imaginations real either.
  16. Although it is true that symmetry enhances beauty I would argue that symmetry is not an ESSENTIAL trait for something to be considered beautiful. So to say that it is the hall mark of EVERYTHING beautiful I would argue against. examples: Some 'beautiful' musical pieces are not symmetrical. Some people with different coloured eyes are considered beautiful by some - but they aren't symmetrical. Some hairstyles are not symmetrical, but the person can still be beautiful.
  17. I guess I didn't think that through enough - i meant 'shaming' more by the fact that with better sharing of information and ideas across the world I think our ideas and morals are progressing for the better... People who once thought that wife beating was just a normal everyday human right for a man no longer get any credence what so ever. It used to be legal to rape your wife in most parts as it wasn't seen as rape but a conjugal right. We are slowly doing away with fox hunting, bear baiting bullfighting, badger baiting etc.. I am not saying that by shaming the guilty they instantly repent of their ways, but it makes them think if there is any decency and intelligence in them and the worlds slowly becomes a better place. example:- I, like many, was a bit of a littler bug when I was a child.... Some old guy shouted at me for it once and tried to shame me.. He was old and I was a little frightened so I picked my litter up.. I was angry at first "how dare he tell me what to do"... but it made me think and realised that he was right and I rarely dropped litter again. Just saying that with better sharing of what we consider right and wrong, better education, the world is getting better (despite the receding horror). I find that very defeatist - cheer up and be a bit more optimistic - have some faith in humanity and try to make the world a better place rather than spreading your doom and gloom. That's what I reckon anyway - all the best - I hope you find some peace.
  18. Rook-E3 forces King D6 followed by QE7 mate?..... er except the king move isn't forced - Bish can block... back to the drawing board. EDIT: - Actually, yea - R-E3 whatever he does it's over next move I think.
  19. Strange has a good point Air... It doesn't matter what the bible says as it is full of errors and provable falsehoods, so why should we selectively believe bits of it that support your argument?
  20. Maybe a flu packet mix once upon a time... it actually helped - why? what happened to you? What drugs of theirs have been proven to damage health?
  21. I was reminded of this thread recently by my circumstance. I used to drink lots and lots of water when I was younger, it was my favourite drink... now I just drink a little every now and again and mainly drink coke. I went to my friends house the other week and he was out of coke and I forgot to take some.. so I drank a couple of glasses of cold water.... It did give me quite horrible stomach pains... maybe it was too cold, maybe I drank too much... who knows.. It certainly hurt though. I think I drank too much of it too soon.
  22. I think that the world is a better place now than when I was younger. I truly believe we are progressing towards a better future.... (we will see a good few wars and atrocities yet though). Look back a couple of hundred years and compare - the world as a whole is a kinder place. There are however many atrocities that still occur and with the easy access to information now it might seem worse. We aren't there yet, but the world is slowly changing for the better due to better education of the masses and the shaming of the guilty. It's complicated.
  23. I think post 2 sums it up... how does the old saying go? "How do I get Carnegie Hall/Royal Albert Hall"? - "Practice"!!
  24. A loose, makeshift bung made from cork or polystyrene should resolve that I reckon.
  25. It's who you know not what you know.
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