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Everything posted by DrP

  1. When, one day when you see how foolish having an imaginary friend is, it will be important to remember what you said there... Don't let go of the idea of limitless love.x Don't loose all of the positivity you got from Christianity. It will be hard at first because you will feel foolish, lied to and deceived etc... but keep the joy in your heart, keep the faith that mankind will continue to improve in love.
  2. Superstition and fairy tales have no place in politics anyway.
  3. Air between the notes - I to had/have a relationship with this holy ghost thing too... One day, if you have an open enough mind to consider it, you will see that it is a mental state, NOT a spirit of a god come to fill you up. I found that through cristianity... because that was how it was taught to me... but others find this 'nirvana' like state though other means.. I can still access the joy, peace, love, mercy and fulfilment, that you would say only comes from the holy ghost, now. I know many Christians that were never lucky enough to have this... usually because they were from denominations that 'disallowed' it because of their interpretation of the texts. I cannot explain what the holy ghost is..... but it doesn't mean it is god.x PS - I gave you a positive click to counter the negative you had... although it was probably deserved, as this is a scientific site, I respect that you stand up for what you believe in.... I thought the same way as you for a lot of my life. Don't lie to yourself.
  4. Air between the nodes - how do I know the neighbour's dog wasn't born yesterday? I wasn't there to see it.... although I am pretty confident it is more than one day old. I know this because of what I know of the facts of the world. We have a good idea of how long rocks take to form... it is well established science and arguing against it is just... errr.. I am trying to find a word other than dumb, because I do not want to be insulting... but what other word can I use if someone claims the dog next door is 1 day old when it is clear many years old?
  5. QUOTE ABTN: "...leave evolutionists silenced every time their paths cross.." Nonsense. Maybe they are speechless at the inconceivable naivety of the opposing arguments? Bless you.x PS - Also - it is complicated.. not every guy on the street understands the full complexity of how evolution works... Dawkins explains it well, for example... but it is his life's work. Not everyone is equipped or prepared to counter and debuff a torrent of dubious claims. Talk to the people that know what they are talking about and they will destroy all of your arguments with clear reason and facts based on observable evidence. I know this - I've tried it. If you then ignore what they say and continue with circular argument, then they might well go quite for the reason I stated above or just that they can't be bothered to go round in circles with you because they do not really care that you can't grasp plain reality. . Don't go silent on me - I'd like to know what you think. ;-)
  6. QUOTE"...were not there to observe what went down... so faith' But we can observe what did go down by looking at the evidence before us... fossil records, dating of rocks etc.. We can work it out like a detective and see what happened. That isn't faith, it is fact based belief (belief based on evidence).
  7. Surely this energy just comes from the gun powder explosion, no? What am I missing then?
  8. But the story claims he was the first man..... so the overwhelming evidence you speak of point against the story being true, no? Is that not dis-proof as far as can be reasonably achieved?
  9. QUOTE: Delta1212: "....doesn't claim the world is 6k years old.." Yes, sorry - but it does point to humans (from Adam) being on the earth for about that time. Which is clearly false as we have human fossils way, way older than that. re: the 6 days... I always thought of them as 6 time periods... each one could have been a different length and could have lasted millions or billions of years. Various people have furiously argued against this though from both sides of the creationism argument though and I don't really care to argue about it. There are enough errors in the book to invalidate it as a whole imo. I used to believe differently.
  10. I think that is a good argument L.A... The book clearly states that the earth is 6k years old and it clearly isn't. It talks about creation, which has been proven to be wrong by evolution. It talks of miricles, but no-one has ever reported one that cannot be explained away by coincidence or lies. So - it's full of errors from chapter 1, so why trust it further as LA suggested above.
  11. Also this 'night time visitation' by the angel sounds a bit suspicious. Also - re: Adam - you just need to count ribs to know that the storey is not true. We were taught at sunday school that a man has 1 less rib - which of course isn't the case.
  12. It says in the book that she was "visited by an angel in the night"... So it is clear as to where the Y chromosome comes from really... ;-)
  13. I am a scientist... I do art and music too. I come up with 'creative' solutions to industrial problems. I agree - being creative in science can be great. You need to keep an open mind..... just not so open that it actually falls right out of your head though! Some stuff is tried and tested already. Science mainly goes forward by standing on the shoulders of giants... not daydreaming in the playground.
  14. RE: Mike post 20: No one is stopping anybody from dreaming up whatever rubbish they wish to daydream about. I gave him +1 too.... although now I think I might have been too hasty and might have actually misunderstood what he was getting at. As I said - no-one is stopping you - plough away - just don't state random musings as fact and don't expect anyone else to share your enthusiasm beyond the kind of people that will get excited by what they hear, spout a load of rubbish of their own and get absolutely no-where with it.
  15. No - think about it. Stationary gun. Bullet starts at 0mph. Bang! it is accelerated up to 2000mph. It gains KE from the explosion. In reverse it is exactly the same, except this time the bullet is already doing 2000mph in the opposite direction. -2000mph. Bang! it is accelerated to 2000mph ion the opposite direction of travel - just as before... but the net speed is now 0mph. The KE it had was absorbed/cancelled out by the KE it gained from the explosion. Any clearer?
  16. Maybe you should create an infants section then - where people can just make up any old BS and throw it about for S&Gs. "What if we could all move stuff with our minds because we are evolving telepathic powers"? and the like. Any old crap could be discussed by the kids without ever any thought of it being real.... if something came up out of it then it could be moved to speculation.
  17. The bullet has a starting v of -2000mph to the observer on the ground.. The energy went into accelerating the bullet to zero mph.
  18. What do you mean that "Everyone agrees having scientific temper is agreeable"? I do not understand this sentence.
  19. Doubt it - you'd need to cut and paste it and save it elsewhere. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I've never seen a save button for partially finished posts.
  20. QUOTE: "..Shards everywhere...Oh the humanity!" Ha Ha Ha! - I pictured the poor OP spitting the water in a jar with sodium/potassium chunks crafted to look like seeds.... with the whole lot going up in their face with bits of burning sodium sticking to his lips. lol. I decided not to mention it as this is clearly not what happened other wise they would have said so. lol.
  21. Ha! Phi's post made me rethink and it gave me another idea based on a standard magicians trick - it could be that there was something in the lid of the jar, which fell into the water when he shook it. I have a cool little trick jar which has a magnet in the lid. You have a dice made of metal with only 5 sides, the 6th is left open so it is like an open box. The dice is filled with a few smaller dice. You load it into the jar and show 1 dice.... you shake it (the metal dice shell sticks to the roof of the jar... and is hidden in the lid which is quite deep) and it looks as though the dice has exploded into lots of little dice. It is a kids trick really, but gives a cool effect. Quote Phi "..first time fire is mentioned." You are right! Sorry - I supposed fire when the OP said combustion.
  22. Not sure what he is using - you won't necessarily SEE what he has stuck to his paper (or a switch as Imat just said)... It could be underneath. Sounds a bit dangerous really if he is using sodium or something like that - there are liquids that burst into flames with water - but they are quite rare and nasty and I do not think any responsible magician would use them - especially if they get the spectator to spit all over them into a jar.
  23. Sounds like a magicians trick - I do several regularly for total strangers - it is a real joy seeing the different reactions you get from people. The best tricks are the ones that seem totally impossible and involve the items coming from the spectator and everything being fully examinable. He has powers alright. ;-) The power of distraction and the power to mislead. We all have that if you know what to do. Best reaction ever I had was from a girl in McDonnalds... I bit a chunk out of a coin that she gave me in the change and she just froze solid and looked SO scared of me... I assured her that everything was alright and there was nothing to worry about... I spat the coin piece back at the coin and restored it again and I thought she was going to have a seizure or something... I had to calm her and explain that it was just a magic trick.... She thought her world had fallen apart. lol. (PS - This trick is done by David Blaine and Dynamo - it costs about $10- max on ebay, lol)
  24. Was it in a class or was a magic trick in a cafe or something? I am not aware of any combustion of cardamom with water... Maybe the paper was impregnated for the performance. Magicians can switch things right in front of your eyes without you noticing to... maybe he put some sodium bits in there or something else that reacts.
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