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Everything posted by DrP

  1. DrP


    X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Merry Christmas... and a big kiss to you all. There was talk of mistletoe at work today and how we do not see any in the workplace anymore. What with todays harassment laws, the potential for poisoning yourself and work colleges, the stigma about being seen as a dirty old man chasing women around the factory, labs and offices trying to get off with them, Is it really worth all of the snogging? Personally I think the poisonous part is exaggerated and from a very small amount of reading it seems not all species are and those that are are mild. However, I do not want to be seen chasing girls all over the factory looking for snogs as, fun as it sounds, I just do not think it is very professional. Bah! and Humbug! Merry Christmas anyway! So - my questions: Men - what are your thoughts? Do you feel the same way? Ladies - what do you think when someone you think is a bit creepy comes slithering up to your work desk with mistletoe? Does it creep you out? Are you free with your kisses regardless of the comeliness of the bearer of said plant? Is it just a bit of fun? Personally I am pretty free with my kisses... I just feel awkward with the mistletoe thing. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
  2. ha ha - I don't think there is one... Might be nice as a subsection to Whimsy or The Lounge or somewhere - we could stage games and match ups... have a tourney maybe?
  3. ETA for example - the Basque group in Spain?
  4. With the extent of our deforestation over the years we have actually reduced the natural sink by a fair bit too I would expect.
  5. I did not notice the 'scam' either, lol. Thinking back I think I have seen it before on a youtube chess vid... Doh! My chess memory is terrible (like my chess, lol)... it is a fine puzzle.... although it does make me want to give you a legal whipping at chess though!... Pawn E4!
  6. DrK - download the 'PlayMagnus' app! I got it last week (it's free)... You play Magnus Carlson at different ages as he grows up... You can win points by beating him on lower ages which then gives you points to spend on tips and take backs at harder levels.... I mean... he was GM at 14 and is world champ now at 25 or so... so it is quite challenging... I am struggling to beat him at 10 years old.... might have to win some easier games then cheat at age 10 by using take back and tips.
  7. I await The Almighty to confirm... You seem right Zapatos... but I was right too in post10 by taking his statement literally and he had to change it... If he intends it to be by the rules of chess then no... if we are allowed to take it literally then I think you are right. OK - He has posted already... Yea - I took 'any piece' to mean within the rules... I don't think you can actually promote to a different colour piece though. lol. Interesting though... got any more?
  8. Ok - Promoting to a black piece will do it (not legal move though) - I wonder if that is the answer... C8 gives stalemate as the king is not in check and can not make a legal move. (you cannot move into check)
  9. That is stalemate, not mate. Unless you can define stalemate as 'mate' I suppose. It's not checkmate though.
  10. If your rules suggest that the pawn doesn't have to reach the back row to be promoted then just make it a queen where it stays and it is checkmate.... but that isn't chess, lol. Using the rules of chess I still do not see it. Where you wrote - "2)Pawn can be promoted to any other piece except a king" - it did not state it had to reach the rear rank.... so you could just promote it on the spot. I don't like it though because that is semantics and not chess. lol.
  11. Yea - I look forward to the solution... I think it is impossible for the same reason DrK does... It's check mate in two after promotion to queen or bish to force the take.... then QB6. What are we missing? Let us know after some others have had a go at it.
  12. but what stops the king moving to B8 after promotion... The promotion must be a red herring otherwise as DrK said the king just takes on B8 or escapes any other check by moving to B8. Best I could do was 2 moves (but then I am crap a chess ). At first I thought it was going to be that puzzle that makes you promote to a knight for check mate... but that has the rook and the pawn 1 square left of where they are now (on D and C7 respectively). So in this case promotion to a knight is pointless, I'd promote it to a queen to force the take then check mate with QB6. On second thoughts, maybe I am just missing something - that knight promotion puzzle is different. One thing seems clear though - whatever you promote to it can be taken by the king.
  13. Are you sure it's in 1 move? Whatever white promotes to the king can take it (although it would be checkmate the move after with queen to B6 I think). Any checks on the king can be evaded (for 1 move at least)... What am I missing?
  14. QUOTE:"Nope" Nope what!?... IF volcanos chucked out 240BT CO2 each eruption then we wouldn't even be here! We'd probably be super hot already... The world would be totally different. To say this would not matter seems incredible. Of course our contribution would be negligible if that were the case. It is NOT the case though, as I have conceded after seeing recorded figures for this, such as the ones in Prometheus' link.
  15. QUOTE John: "it wouldn't matter if it was.." I beg to differ. If each volcano chucked out more CO2 than we had ever made then that would put our contribution into the realms of irrelevancy with the number of volcanos that erupt all the time. However, as the addition of CO2 from each eruption is pretty small in comparison (200MT compared to 240BT by man in that article above)... then it becomes pretty mute anyway. Just to clarify - For some reason, in the past, I was led to believe that a volcano produced more CO2 than humans (decade ago maybe??) and that kept me sceptical to the human cause of GW. However, when I learned that it was made up rubbish I changed my tack regarding GW and it does seem that we, humans, are a big contributor to the cause. It is important as a scientist (in my view) to be able to admit when I have been wrong and actually change my thinking accordingly when the facts have been presented to me in a way that completely debunks my argument.
  16. QUOTE: - "You look like an old guy........ never heard of photoshop".. LoL - Oh my - I know that was meant as an innocent statement but it did make me laugh wondering how StringJ would take it -- he will probably laugh.. Hey! - String Junky - have you ever even heard of photoshop you old fogey? lol. PS - On topic - I would just chill out and not worry about it - who cares what others think about you!? Put your pics up and if someone hacks them then so what! It just shows that you are awesome enough for them to consider you a threat or an enemy and that they are sad or mentally ill enough to actually attack you. Even if they do photoshop you then you can just laugh at them for being so childish and not care - that will affect them more. Take the higher ground and stop worrying what others will think about you. EDIT: - Doh! Only read page one before posting... perhaps I'm getting too old! lol.
  17. Well - if you are going to put words in my mouth with reasonless extrapolation of what I have said then I'm out Mike. How you jump from me talking about doing things for the common good to uncontrollably opening borders I do not know. It's obvious where you are going with it.... forget it. I used to be pretty nationalist myself... it is taught behaviour - your dad or a close friend who has strong views about it has brain washed you into their way of thinking or has fooled you with some half truth data or just plain lies and propaganda. However you got into it, drop it - you're better off without it.
  18. QUOTE: "so tell us".. We have known about ethnic privilege for decades and decades though... it is improving very slowly. What is it you want to know about it or discuss? Or do you want to swing it round to comparing the competence of ethnic backgrounds again? Is that your agenda again? QUOTE:"....Do they even vote.." How is the rest of the world relevant? Are you saying that they aren't voting for the common good so why should we? It's about doing what is right, you can't say "everyone else is being bad so why should I be good" - that makes you part of the problem rather than the solution. We can only hope that countries like Saudi will eventually open up to the ways of freedom and love for the people rather than forcing religion and oppression on them.
  19. Regarding voting in your own interest rather than for the common good - well - we have seen it recently in the US and in the UK. The world is changing for the better - it is just happening slowly due the fact that most of us are pretty selfish. Maybe being selfish and xenophobic was a positive evolutionary trait long ago that is taking time to get over.
  20. QUOTE: "it's kind of the point of the thread".. Really? Forgive me if I am wrong, but I thought the point of the thread was to get a discussion going about race and education and then later switch to a discussion about the capability of blacks compared to that of whites... I kinda thought you might be that mikemike guy again.. Again - sorry I may be wrong - it was just all that moaning about threads being closed for discussing ethnic bias made you look like that same guy again under a different name.
  21. RE: American Indians - No one cares about the natives though do they? They are just an embarrassment to the country that claims to be built on Christian values.. More like Old Testament genocide - zero Christian values of love and respect in the early days, just theft and murder. It is easy to love your lover, father mother and friends... you are supposed to love your enemy (in this case the people who's lands you are invading and food supplies you are destroying). Being fair though - it wasn't just the states that has been built this way - the history of the whole world is rife with it. I reckon the best way to get over/past all this racism is to stop making a thing about it - it is well known why some social groups do not get the same chances in life than others - this is changing for the better but it is a slow process. I do not believe it should be fixed with positive discrimination - that just breeds more resentment from the types that vote brexit, Trump and the racists. Hopefully time will smooth it all over.... as it seems to be doing slowly.
  22. That IS quite impressive - I think she knew exactly what she was doing when she asked the question. lol I mean - even if Scientists were wrong and it turns out that GW isn't driven by humans.... which seems very unlikely from the studies done..... OPINION would still have absolutely nothing to do with it. lol Lets make it -8. lol.
  23. So what? We are supposed to sit back and let claims that numerology is sound science go unchallenged? What do you expect? His claim in post#2 is totally falsifiable and yet he stated it as a fact equating maths and numerology as equally reasonable through the use of logic. They aren't. Also - you invite debate in the very thread title. This is a science site, what did you expect? My 2 cents on the youtube part of the discussion (which is probably off topic, but relevant to why some people believe in numerology, flat earth and homeopathy) - I would say that the problem is, even though there might be some good work in you tube vids, there is also a lot of unchecked rubbish - anyone can post whatever they like, regardless of whether it is factual peer reviewed science or not. There is no control over what is factual and what is made up, misunderstood or hoaxed. Seriously - some people even end up believing in flat earths and homeopathy because someone puts a scientific looking vid about the subjects. Where is the check to reality? Seriously - learn your science from scientists and educational outlets.
  24. I winced at that too. Maths uses logic. Numerology uses it where convenient and throws it out when it shows it to be the rubbish it is.
  25. Then I would advise attending your lectures at college and trying to take an interest and listen to what is being said and take decent notes that you can revise from. Ask questions of the lecturers if they allow it on areas where you don't understand. By going to college to study chemistry you have started on that track. - Enjoy!
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