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Everything posted by DrP

  1. DrP

    Sharia in the US

    QUOTE: "love trumps hate" Is that why you guys were shooting at and teargasing what remains of the indigenous people of your land in Dakota earlier this week? I do not necessarily agree with their stance, but it IS kinda their homeland.... and no-one cares about them at all, it is like they are an embarrassment to you that you want to forget? Your whole country was based on people from all over the world flocking to the land and destroying the people that were there before you - so don't tell me your land was based on Christian values. Keep lying to your self if it makes you feel better.
  2. There still needs to be proof that it IS a carcinogen. It is being argued that the French test wasn't good science - the doses were beyond the standards by a long way, the timescale for the test was longer than used in modern day tests and the whole procedure of there test is out of date. They do no just inject powder straight into the blood anymore as it doesn't give trusted results. Other more modern tests have shown absolutely no link between micronized TiO2 and cancer. I learnt yesterday that this might be a political stab by the French as TiO2 manufacturers haven't registered TiO2 in more than one form - it has been registered as TiO2 and all risks, whether micronized or nano particulate come under the same registered substance. Due to the current uncertainty of the nano form they have registered it as class 2 - which means it's carcinogenic properties are unknown. Maybe this will shake up the manufacturers to register the nano form under a new listing. To me it seems clear that it needs registering in BOTH of its forms and proper testing under the current most modern test standards for the nano form. The micronized form already has tests that show it to be in the clear - maybe these need repeating to make sure. QUOTE:"TiO2 is going to be controlled like other carcinogens and thus no longer available such as SiO2 and alcohol" Says who? That is what is being decided next year. Personally I would like them to split the registration between the nano and micronized forms and show any dangers of each. So far, apart from the invalid French test, there are none.
  3. What country are you talking about? USA? UK? France? Canada? Pakistan? Bolivia?
  4. QUOTE: "....don't know why Russia owns a quarter of our Uranium.." I don't know why the UK doesn't own all of the oil we produce... How much is owed by the US? I remember our teachers complaining about it in the 70's as to why the USA were involved in setting up our oil rigs and getting a share of the profits. I think China have shares now too, they cover set up costs for a kick back of the profits. I think it is just the way business works. Also, I am not too worried about the USA and Russia cozying up on things like that - the more you get into bed with each other the less likely you are to blow the rest of the planet up fighting each other. re this Pence bloke - has he retracted his moronic statement about smoking not being a cause of cancer yet? Do you think he said this because he owns stock in tobacco or because he is as ignorant as a farmyard cow? Maybe he has some other excuse.
  5. I studies it for about 35 years dim... why step back to something that is tried and tested to be BS? It is full of lies mate. MUCH better than the other one though.. ;-) I would have argued against Trumpitups statement that it says death for apostates... it doesn't - that's the other book of evil. ;-)
  6. being fair - it says that sacrifice has been made once and for all and is no longer needed. PS - but I now believe it to all be complete dross.
  7. "....in the NT" I used to argue the same dim. There is a lot that strips women of rights and it classes then as 2nd class compared to men. It says that they should just stay quite and let the men talk. (I think the context may be out... but it isn't that excusable). Also - the forbidding of sex for the un married. Nowadays I think imposing this on people is immoral. people have a hard enough time in life without being demonised and threatened with hell for performing perfectly natural acts of love and sharing that are hard to resist. It causes mental health issues and seems unfairly cruel and spiteful..... and if the book is actually a lie, then imposing shit like this on people IS immoral.
  8. I am assuming special cases do not count.... you could do it for a 180 degree and a 90 degree angle.. (and 45, 22.5, 12.25 degrees etc..) by constructing/bisecting 60 degree angles with a compass and straight edge. I will assume this doesn't count though. ;-)
  9. No - I am concerned that they might not have tested it properly and may have jumped to a wrong conclusion... If it turns out to be a carcinogen then of course we need to known so that we can act accordingly. Problem I have with labelling pretty much everything as harmful is that when you get something that really is harmful how do you differentiate? How many people have contacted cancer from working with TiO2 in the paint industry? The British coatings federation is concerned enough about this to lobby European bodies about it anyway... why are they doing this if they do not think the French results in error? What is so abhorrent about wanting to get proper tests done before jumping to conclusions that will effect our industry in a massive way?
  10. QUOTE: "A more respected place on the world stage.." Ha Ha Ha HA HA!!! you are so funny! wrt the economy - didn't the Obama gov do quite well with that? Also - you can't say anything about the initial scramblings of the market - you'll have to wait to see what happens over the next 4 years.
  11. Ha! Sounds cool - in a few years time when the tech has shrank to the size of a pin head you could strap a go-pro to one of them - lol.
  12. GPS location of a small embedded chip would probably do and sounds pretty simple.... my cocktail stick suggestion obviously wasn't really that serious and was aimed at DrK for his lizard tracking problem - I don't know why but the image of DrK stabbing little flags into the backs of lizards and then imagining him with a clip board, white coat and a pen, noting down the lizard locations just made me giggle.
  13. Cocktail sticks with little flags/labels on them... just stick them in the lizards and presto, you have a visual indication of which lizard is which. In long grass you will see the little flag waving around above the lawn (as long as you keep the lawn down under a couple of inches. I'm sure there would be a more technological way, but it will be expensive and require the use of electronics. Cocktail sticks and stationary labels. ;-)
  14. I take reports of rioting with a pinch of salt. I remember being appalled at the 'violence' against the police during the UK poll tax protests years ago. I condemned it and spoke out about it.... until a friend of mine said "Hold on, I was there - that's not what happened at all - it was a peaceful protest until the riot police turned up and started a riot" There was famous footage of a police car being attacked by 'rioters' in a crowd - what my friend said actually happened was that the crowd were hearded by riot police into a large cordon and then the police car drove through the crowd at speed, hurting many.... knocking over the protesters with their car... they then set the cameras rolling as the crowd turned nasty and reported it on national TV as 'Protesters turn violent against the police'.... ... so... what do you believe these days?, lol. "Hypernormalisation?" Hysteria and truths mixed with untruths everywhere from all sides - no-one knows what is going on or who wants what.
  15. I had to look it up - are you referring to the phenominum where you state an opinion and it gets reinforced by many others so you believe you are right, where as a person with the opposing view will also get the same confirmation of their view from different people and neither will get to see what the other said so they both end up thinking they are right? I think it is more of a social media thing and about who your circle of friends are, maybe. The way I have seen this actually work is, re brexit, for example... my parents voted for brexit, 'everyone' they know voted for it and they are all so pleased about it and see it as a real positive thing, still. They are shocked to find out that there are actually people out there that even consider a remain vote. Most of my mates voted to remain (as did I), they don't know anyone who voted out and see the whole thing as a massive disaster and still do. The leave camp are getting positive reinforcements from each other as to the current situation and believe it is all OK and the future is rosey, whereas the remain group see nothing but misery ahead. Is this what you mean? (cross posting with Imat - kinda answers my question - it is the phenomenon I described that you are on about)
  16. Key dates for TiO2 according to the BCF. Early 2017 - lobbying to start of UK authorities as to the socio economic importance of TiO2 containing products. Co ordinated with parallel lobbying campaigns across Europe. June 2017 - European Chemicals Agency Risk Assessment Committee to review the French dossier. November 2017 - Deadline for the Risk Assessment Committee to deliver it's verdict. Personally I would like to see them conduct some kind of tests on the actual dangers. Can the French work be replicated or improved upon? Can we show the relevance to human exposure? Why are there no existing cases of cancers induced by TiO2 from the paint industry where it has been used as a powder extensively for many years? Is it safe once it is bound up in a formulation or just harmful as a loose powder?
  17. Weapons? You are upping the anti here! It then becomes a call for the police for sure if someone has a gun. There will be an armed response squad sent straight away. imo, once there are guns involved this is no longer bullying but armed assault, theft or whatever it is the bully wants from the victim. That's far beyond bullying - far more serious an offence. If someone is crazy enough to be threatening someone else with weapons then they need to be taken into a cell.
  18. I'll play advocate and say 'No'. This is because that if someone applies to be a candidate for a political party one would assume that they already have a level of education suitable for the position. i.e. they would have fulfilled all of the educational requirements required to enter office. I would assume any candidate would have shown excellent performance throughout school in all areas of Maths, English, Science, Commerce etc and then would preferably have some kind of degree, not necessarily in politics, but that's what I would prefer to see. Is this not the case already?
  19. You are not wrong there! Calling the police on your council neighbors is a one way ticket to complete ostracisaton for being a grass. A good kick in gets far more respect. lol. Perhaps I have shown here in this thread a little about my background - I came from what was considered the roughest council estate in our town. I was never a 'hardman' but I stood up for myself and was respected enough not to be messed with by the bullies. Calling the police would have actually been dangerous at times, lol.
  20. QUOTE: "Violence only leads to more violence" I too prefer non violent solutions, but your statement is speculation (maybe it was taught to you) - in my experiences the problems went away for good after violence was applied. Thus - violence lead to peace in each of my situations. There is a time and a place for it... and that time and place is when bullies are at work imo.
  21. Not sure you'd get done for assault if you've just saved someone from their own personal hell of an assault by a bully. The fear and damage caused by bullying is horrible. I think the victim would back you up in court and thank you for helping them out. Depends on the situation. Also, how would sue for harassment? You'd need proof - most bullies just deny their bullying when challenged and then take it out on the victim afterwards with even more cruelty when no-one else is looking. I agree though - my initial advice should probably be ignored for many reasons.... it was more of a venting of feeling, probably brought on from being on the receiving end of bullying a couple of times in my life. In most of the occasions where I was bullied in the past retaliatory violence has solved the problem for good.
  22. ^ yea - that seems much better. ;-) This is verbal bullying though - I thought you meant physical. I think my way is better vs the physically assaulty types.
  23. If not too frightened then comment in a light hearted way to make a joke out of it as if it is just incredible that it is happening. If it continues then ask no questions and respond with extreme violence to crush the bullying parties desire to EVER do it again. You know - catch him by surprise mid conversation while he is laughing at your joke and totally floor him with a right hook to the jaw and follow up with a MASSIVE beating until he is humiliated and crying on the floor, hurt and bleeding. Then tell him calmly and forcefully that bullying wont be tolerated and stamp on him a few times so the message gets through. Cause pain, physical damage and humiliation. Unless he is a psyco then he shouldn't bully anyone again. If he does then call the police. OR - talk to the victim and jump the MoFo together sometime with bats or weapons and scare the crap out of him so he never does it again. That's my advice anyway - if you are incapable of dishing out said violence then get a friend or pay someone to do it. I am not sure what the suggested legal procedure is in your country - probably just calling the police. ;-)
  24. Interviewer (for about the 6th time after 9 mins): "So did you actually SEE your father?" Deluded bloke: "He touched me, I could feel it - he came up and patted me on the head - he always used to do that, it was him" (whilst in the dark). So, no. He did not see his father at all. Notice how it only works in the dark? But it's OK - the dead scientists are working on improving the ectoplasm from the after life apparently.. *rolls eyes*
  25. I did suppose it was more complicated than I was seeing it to be, or that I probably didn't understand the question fully.. The force between any 2 objects is kind of a weight - it is a force that acts on a mass when another mass is near - most usually thought of as a planet. With empty space, what is the force of weight supposed to act on? What force acts upon empty space from the gravity of a nearby planet? ( Maybe I should read the article fully instead of skimming it - sorry.)
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