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Everything posted by DrP

  1. F = mg. What is the mass of empty space? I suspect that there might be more to it than this?
  2. DrP

    Donald Trump

    If he stated that before the election then there might not have been so much hysteria. Although I am happy about there being no wall, Obama care being kept and the the deportation thing being an over exaggeration.... That isn't what he promised those who voted for him and they should be upset with him as it would mean he won their votes with meaningless lies that he thought they wanted to hear... Lets just hope that was true at least. lol.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/JonathanPieReporter/videos/1044777035645189/ OK, the latest Johnathan Pie vid seems to echo my argument in a funnier and better way than I put it across Imat. Enjoy. Quote Delbert: "America has chosen - just get on with it. The Sun came up, birds are singing. If he doesn't want to get kicked out in four years time he needs to do the right thing." Did I write that 8 years ago? I agree with it - I hope all goes well and trust we'll all sort it out in the end.
  4. 5 - "who was hurt... face reality" I would say (probably because I thought he was good for your country) that unwarranted attacks based on not quite true facts and spurious lies, sorry I mean arguments, hurt society as a whole. I think this because people that are reading those arguments might believe that there is truth behind them and believe them and then vote for what they believe to be 'the lesser of 2 evils' when the 'evil' that stated is way over exaggerated or just actually not true at all.
  5. DrP

    Donald Trump

    My guess is that he know it and doesn't care.
  6. DrP

    Donald Trump

    Some things we can agree on though surely Raider? Healthcare for all - good. More jobs - good. Tactical kit gloves when dealing with the time bomb in the middle east - good. Making the country safer by targeting the main causes of death and acting - good. education for all based on our progressing knowledge of mankind - good. Ignoring the plight of the poor and giving health care only to the rich - Bad Bulling undiplomatically and aggressively through countries across the world that have volatile political situations causing war - bad feeding fear and hatred by building walls around the country - bad and stupid. easy access to weapons of murder for any person who feels like killing someone today - bad suppressing knowledge and encouragement of the teaching of false rubbish based on ancient works of fiction as fact - bad
  7. DrP

    Donald Trump

    For me - it isn't about the candidates, it is about the parties and their policies. I am uncertain why so many people voted against the current government, which to me and out sider, looked to be doing a fine job (all terms of office come with pro's and cons).
  8. QUOTE SJ: "Is...does the surfactant sort this out" The surfactant will reduce surface tension further and it is more likely to wet out better... pinholes will be more likely to just seal over under the weight of the coating wetting on the surface. @JMANN You can get anti foaming additives/surfactants which pop bubbles too if you think it is trapped air.. Just a note on the surface cleaning - if a surface is wiped with solvent to get grease off, it can take a surprisingly long time for EVERY molecule of the solvent to leave the surface... long after it looks, feels and smells completely dry... just a few solvent molecules trying to escape through a waterbased film can cause pinhole... (NOT saying that this IS the case... just saying that it is complicated and the reasons are varied) - if you wiped the substrate with spirits at all then leave it a few hours before application or maybe flash the surface with a flame. However - I still reckon that the right amount of a suitable surfactant will solve it. - Good luck.
  9. I would start by plotting the graph maybe... (sorry Sensei - you have already said this - just saying - first thing with all of these type of questions is to just plot it out first up).
  10. Yea, sorry - only thing left I can think of is to add even more surfactant then.
  11. DrP

    Donald Trump

    You would have to educate those that considered him the lesser of 2 evils... I do not see how they can be so mixed up. Where was the Clinton 'evil'? Every point directed against her was moot and dealt with with logical argument. The lesson here might be "he who shouts loudest wins"...
  12. Fine - but you are proving my point a little - if you can't discuss it with me without HAVING to win the argument straight away without really hearing what I am saying, then what chance have you of changing the view of a working class builder who hates blacks because of his 'they're coming over here taking all our jobs' mentality. I hate that kind of racism and ignorance, but it isn't easy getting the right message through their thick heads. Bollocking them for being racists hasn't worked - maybe better education, maybe something else - but complete alienation and school teacher like bollocking has not worked over the last 25 years. I actually see an improvement in the zeitgeist of these groups - but it is slow slow change and we haven't arrived where half of the population thought we were yet. You are correct Imat - the whole pro brexit arguments seemed to be based on lies and sensationalism - but these people do not know you are correct. They still think we are heading for a better future because of it. Some people will be pleased to see Trump nuke ISIS - they won't see that as a disaster at all. Re brexit - the remain campaign was rubbish - it could have been put across SO much better - but because they assumed they would win, they did not bother running a proper campaign. It was just assumed that people would not be that stupid to vote out. You are correct about it being based on facts rather than sensationalism, but you over estimate the mentality of the lower classes maybe - they need the sensationalism as they seem not to understand facts. SO - to sum up - don't bother arguing with me about it - you are preaching to the converted - learn to get your views across to those you consider abhorrent human beings... because it is still about half the people in your country.
  13. It does sound like paranoid delusion to the point of ridiculousness.
  14. Maybe they deserve ridicule for their regressive thinking and backward drives - but the problem there is that that will drive them further away from seeing the light. I have seen it here over the last 20 years - left wing anti racists will not even debate immigration without shouting "RACIST!!" at their opponent when they express concerns about immigration. That "racist" then thinks that they are dealing with an extremist and both parties go their separate ways thinking that it doesn't matter that they haven't changed the view of the other because they assume everyone else thinks like them. They don't. To the good people out there - STOP shouting down these right wingers - win your debate with reason not ridicule and you might get further. If you can't sway middle ground people without calling them racists and bigots then you loose ALL of the population to the right of them - we had here with brexit..... and now you have it there with your crazy nuke toting all 'mer'can POTUS who, hopefully won't build a dumb wall or nuke all of the middle east. Good luck.
  15. An intolerance of the right wing bigotry and racism is what people were going for - but that intolerance seems to have alienated the people they were supposed to be educating.
  16. What rubbish! Conversation over mate, how can you say that even?
  17. http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20161107/ Sorry - I should know how to post a picture by now...
  18. It is not a random group though is it? It is all supported by their church.. If god is infallable he'd stop it, he doesn't because he just isn't there. The whole idea is ridiculous. I would ask how anyone in this day and age could believe such claptrap, but I used to believe it myself so I know how easy it is to be tricked into such nonsense.. I don't make excuses for gods shortcomings anymore, it's impossible in the long run. It isn't a random group - it is a group of christians who think they are doing gods will by causing emotional pain on people that are already in a really vulnerable situation. Shame on all them.
  19. Again, where do you draw the line? 1 cell? 2? 4? 8? 16? 32?............ It is heartless to force a young girl to have a baby she doesn't want (and I'm not listing the sickening reasons why a mother wouldn't want her child, but this is the world we live in - where is god when these girls are suffering?) - A ball of cells is not yet compos mentis, where the mother is a full life human being - her choice - not yours. I used to be a christian - I was sickened to my core when I heard that it was a christian movement that hang around outside abortion clinics throwing eggs at girls and piling guilt on their heads - shame on them and all of their supporters... don't talk to me of love when you let those people suffer like that and enhance their suffering with your backward ways.
  20. Thankfully I do not have to decide - and I am not qualified to decide either... I'll go with the current law on the subject and accept that it is all open for moral discussion, so long as it doesn't put unnecessary pressure or shame or troubles upon anyone forced to make their decision. These girls have enough to go through as it is without people who are supposed to be offering them love and support making them feel even worse about themselves by piling guilt on their heads - it is wrong and VERY unloving.
  21. Newspaper today said she was completely clean... I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt, seeing as there was an investigation and all and she was found to be clean.
  22. We know - but where is the line drawn!? Right now the law draws a line at a set date after conception. I think that time period is different in different countries.
  23. What happens when you stroke this pussy? This is a new thought experiment that I am going to contemplate for a bit.
  24. OK - You are a 13 year old girl - you have been.... OK - I was going to give you a situltion, but I do not want to, what I had in mind was too sickening and I cannot see how anyone in their right mind could force this girl to have a baby. Quite hypocritical isn't it?
  25. So where do you draw the line? It is a debate that has been going on for years. Lets use modern day knowledge and understanding in stead of ancient superstition to make our choice.
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