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Everything posted by DrP

  1. When I was evangelistic I never took that view... I accepted that some people knew more than me and were more intelligent than me... I know several people who I would class as more intelligent than me. I just assumed that they could have been deceived by a cleaver satanic lie to make it look as though there was no god. It even says in the book that the most wise people will be fooled into the thinking of the ways of the world. I never understood Christians that assume stupidity for not believing, especially as the book says that the MOST cleaver people will be fooled. It is one big get out clause for their circular arguments (which used to be mine)... Can't explain it? The finest minds in the world say XYZ rather than the ABC in the book? Obviously they are wise but have been deceived by Satan and the apparent obvious is a trick and will one day be shown to be a mistake.
  2. DrP

    Bent plastic

    SJ is probably right... I have always thought it was to do with uneven pigment or dye distribution though. The pigments in the polymer become less concentrated in the areas that have been stretched... the polymer stretches to a new longer length, but, the pigment/dye amount is now the same but spread over the new stretched area of plastic, so the colour fades. I could be wrong and I do not know what made me think this as the case, I just assumed it. SJ is probably right though and it does sound feasible. Could be that there are different reasons depending on the type of plastic and the reason it is coloured in the first place.
  3. Yes - it is very apparent.
  4. QUOTE:"...some of the worlds most elite, diligent, enlightened religious scholars and I was told......" Why believe anything they say? They are either too fool to see their books (like the bible) are just wrong, or too deceptive to admit it and continue to preach their lies for whatever their reasons of personal gain. Either way they are clearly crackpots or charlatans, so why believe some hokey rubbish they made up about Einstein?.... which you still seem to be holding back from us.
  5. I think it depends solely on what type of polymer the plastic is made from and the molecular weight and the degree of cross linking in the polymer - particularly with respect to it's solubility in IPA and other solvents.
  6. They were talking about graphine powder in primers at a coatings show I recently attended. Apparently a very small inclusion of the material into a primer coat can prevent corrosion and rusting on a metal substrate. I was going to try some out, but they were wanting £250.00 for a very tiny sample. It got me thinking... why would it be a good rust preventer? Maybe it is very electron withdrawing?
  7. Other possibilities could include fumed silica fine powder, silica platelets or hydrocellulose thickeners? Some thickeners give a thixotropic gel like effect so they wont drip or run, but will paint out easily under the brush.
  8. It does say in the book that the Christian secret to a happy life is contentment! If it was the word of god then why are there so many mistakes and wrong things?
  9. Apart from basing your entire life on reality rather than a lie..? I agree - stay honest and kind, merciful and loving like the bible says... but celibacy? How does that benefit anyone. ;-)
  10. But you haven't defeated any atheists in any of these arguments.. ;-) to do that you would need to provide proof of a god or gods, of which we have seen none, because in all likeliness, none exist. ;-) Feelings and hunches and delusions cannot hold up as proof. If you stay a catholic, then carry on being a good one and love the world and your enemies... that is great. If you do see it for the lie that it is (which you might one day) please continue to try to be a nice guy and love the world and your neighbour. Peace out! x
  11. DrP


    the game looks cool - what platforms is it on? Is it like populous or civilisation? I love strategy games like that.
  12. I am also curious... (not to go against the moderation in the thread, I am genuine curious why he believes certain things am not trying to catch him out or put him on the spot).. with respect to all of the discrepencies in the bible, I am interested how he deals with them. Does he make the same old excuses for the god of the bible's incompetances that I used to or does he have better arguments than the ones I used to speel off? Only read it with your spiritual ears open!... fine - but a literal note would have been a lot easier. Basically I had enough of explaining god's seemingly crazy and even evil actions of the OT and the mess of contradictions throughout the book... he can speak for himself from now on.
  13. I loved my Granpa dearly UI... it was him who introduced me to the Lord. He was my favourite person. What he believed was natural as people of preceding generations did not have the knowledge we have today.
  14. QUOTE: "How do you know this" "Because the bible says so..." will probably be his answer - maybe he can prove me wrong. UI - Other than 'the bible says so' - how do you know that it comes from god?
  15. I would be interested to hear Ultimate Infinity's view of the cartoon posted the other week (I can't remember by who) where they have a quiz show about the bible and the contestants answer different but both get the marks - that was funny. It also showed a lot of glowering inconsistencies in the bible, where UI seems to think that there are none. I'll find and post it when I am not at work.
  16. DrP

    New job

    Gratz - sounds like a great post! (Well deserved too! )
  17. Cool UI - Of course I wonder at the amazing existence of life and the universe... I still get the numinous feeling of joy and humility when I see a huge yellow full moon or a beautiful scene scape. I still hold to my moral code.... (er, well, sorts, maybe not the ridiculous celibacy, but still), I still try not to lie and put honesty and love high in my list of important things. But nothing I have ever seen is proof of a god - not the kindness of people, the placebo healing of the sick, or the lies of the large church organisation like the RC church with their fake miracles and raping of young boys.
  18. DrP


    At the end of the day, what's done is done. Maybe, once the markets settle and the pound finds it new level and the British Government replaces the lost funding we get for research and developments of poorer areas, maybe we will do better trading with the whole world as our customers, rather than having all our trade dictated to us by the EU. Maybe this will shake up the EU into rethinking their forced, undemocratic set up that no average man in the street actually wanted or asked for or ever voted for. Maybe (optimist mode: ON) the world will one day be a better place because the EU is reformed with proper rules and with democratic selection of it's leaders.... I voted to remain in.... I can sympathise with the leave camp but didn't think it would happen. I just hope some good comes of it for the EU as a whole. We need to weather through this storm first and get on with our work. Who knows? Maybe there will be a return for the UK in the future once the EU sorts out its ball and chain of bureaucracy and corruption.
  19. I don't know Phi - if someone with a fine young body gets their head squished..... then I'd be up for transferring my head onto their shoulders in a few years time if the technology permits it. ;-) Ok - this won't be creating life, it will be prolonging it, or whatever you want to argue semantically, but where is the line drawn and why?
  20. What about improving life!? (or is this for another thread?)... We could splice human DNA with that of a shark so that we needn't go to the dentist anymore, our teeth would keep growing back. (Shark DNA might cause us to be more aggressive, so you might need some fluffy bunny rabbit DNA also to balance the temper). Also, what about those tiny bug things that resist extremes of high and low temperature and can live for thousands of years... tardigrades? I want some of that DNA. Basically splice in what we want without changing our humane nature too much... (else more fluffy bunny code will be required to keep us tame and horny) We'd have super strong, super resistant, long life without the need for dental treatment.
  21. I used to believe the same thing . There is no evidence for that story. What use is it anyway? A better miracle would be to restore someones bad heart with that bread to flesh trick. It is more likely that the priest was a victim of a prank - that happens all the time. Also, as a thought, that would make an ace murder mystery! The murderer hides the body parts by having them miraculously manifested during the eucharist! Even if evidence was provided for some of the wild claims of healing, for example, you would need to show that it is more than just a placebo.
  22. I think I am starting to understand why the 'anti' and not the silent 'a'. I used to believe these lies.... why should I stand by while some other poor sod listens too and accepts these lies as true? I do not want to see my fellow humans taken in by some con merchant peddling a non existent god to benefit his own gain or to some idiot (like myself some many years ago) who is spouting BS based upon what they believe to be true based on what they have been told and what is in a book. I want the human race to improve and advance in it's learning - not to be held back by some backward rubbish which is clearly bull crap. It might sound harsh, but, I feel the same with religion now as I do with homeopathy. We all know it is BS, so if you are peddling it (whilst knowing it to be untrue or not understanding why it is not true) then you are either a con man or an idiot. What other reason would you have for pushing it?
  23. Aristotle cut open many an animal in search for their soul. He found none at all... Unless it is part of the brain. I always thought it was a religious thing, soul and spirit being pretty much the same thing, imaginary immortal parts of us that people made up so we do not feel so pointless with our existence or worry about what will happen after we die.
  24. QUOTE: "...people are totally dependant on devices that break" Yea, like hearts, minds, lungs, kidneys etc...
  25. DrP


    .... and FOX go and report that the UK are leaving the UN. ;-) what were you saying about intellect?
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