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Everything posted by DrP

  1. RR - The wheel will turn regardless if he is trying to turn it or not.... We all saw it in his vid.... until it reaches equilibrium. It's obvious... so obvious.
  2. By accidently jogging the table or through a vibration in the floor probably. Try with a small feather - The phenomina shouldn't be restricted to using a psi wheel.... any matter should work. The psi wheel seems to work because it is so unstable it spins about anyway with the slightest of vibration or jogging for sure - as I speculated much earlier in the thread.
  3. I would say that the structure/shape of the cover would be more important (or just as important) as the material. If you have a flat top on the cover then snow will build..... if the cover is slanted, then the snow will fall off of it under it's own weight as it builds. Look for a material that is hydrophobic in nature too and that might help. Just a thought... but a solar charged battery could slowly and gently heat the cover to melt the snow as it tries to settle and the water will run off of the hydrophobic cover? PS - most material chemistry is in the realm of physical chemistry, chemical physics, materials, physics, chemistry polymer chemistry etc... I'm not sure biochemistry really touches on materials much, but I am not a biochemist so I wouldn't know... I am kind of a materials chemist though, and very rarely use biochemistry.
  4. Let the system come to equilibrium under the bowl - 15 mins at least. Then try to move the foil. If it does move, then do not jump to conclusions, you will have to be very careful not to cause the thing to move through some kind of vibration that could knock it off balance. Why the precarious wheel anyway? Maybe try a feather on the table under the bowl. The feather is less likely to start moving if it is just jogged.
  5. It's the same with Homepaths EE - they all seem like very nice people and say they are experienced... this rings alarms. If they are experienced with it then they know for a fact it doesn't work, so all that pedal it are either con men or just plain too stupid to see it for what it is.
  6. EE - if you look on you tube will find a lot of vids claiming perpetual motion - they are all fakes too.
  7. It would probably have something to do with the hydrophobicity of the material or the coating of the material used. There are a lot of new technologies showing improved water repellency on the market. Do you want a coating for the bike (like paint) or a cover that goes over it? It was a little unclear in you post. Also, I'm not sure why the material has to biochemical. Try typing water repellent coatings into google and reading around the subject.
  8. I agree Charon - I always think it odd when the press lambasts a politician for doing a U-Turn on policy.... Personally I respect that more than holding to a mistake... the U-Turns can be in response to public outcry or because of a change of plan or because of a failed policy... all reasonably reasons for a U-Turn in my book and they should sometimes be praised for it.... but the press ALWAYS hits hard at a politician for changing his mind - I find it daft.
  9. That's what is happening Tar - it is Fox news and their lot that are going on about how evil Obama is and all of his cover ups... Did you watch that interview I posted about earlier in the thread where Bill O'Really gets owned by Obama in that TV interview? It is so ridiculous. I agree - balanced discussions and working together - I've been saying for years.... conversation breaks down though when people push their own agendas.
  10. QUOTE EE "...find the evidence to be concrete" Really? Concrete? I must have missed that - can you post that evidence here please so we can see for our selves.... this is a long thread and nothing I've seen here has convinced me - maybe I missed it. Please up date me. P
  11. Agreed - those vids kinda prove that it does not exist.... the man demonstrating his attempt at it comes across as very naïve if he genuinely thinks it was him that moved the foil. So - as Strange said - it doesn't exist, so to say they are just starting is daft - how are they starting? Where is the proof?
  12. To me - it clearly looks like the foil is still slowly coming to its equilibrium point of balance at the time he claims to have moved it... it's so precariously balanced and is still wobbling slightly when the turn happens.... which is a turn in the direction opposite to the turn it made a few seconds before when the guy set the thing up. If he left it for a lot longer it would just settle to stillness. Vibration through the floor and the table could unsettle the thing again - just look at the Euler's Disk thing we were discussing before - it can take a very long time for a mass to come to equilibrium. And, that equilibrium can be easilly disturbed if it was just hanging on to some partial metastable state set up by small masses and unknown frictions on the fulcrum point and the foil. Basically - the guy in the vid just doesn't really know what he is talking about, but is probably just a prankster or a con man, no-one can be that dumb surely. ;-) To support this further - all of the after tests to show that the thing won't move with heat or drafts are done after the thing has then sat there for 10 mins... it won't move now because it has found it's equalibrium.... until you jog the table maybe and set it off again. Also - with a completely different piece of foil, you might see the whole thing not work at all or even work a lot better, depending on the extent of the crinkles in the foil around the fulcrum which are giving these little rest spots for the thing to stop on from time to time while it is gaining torc under momentum for it's next move while it is settling. I could be wrong, but I don't think so..... I think it is a lot more likely than than explaining those early movements with telekinesis. If I AM wrong, then the explaination lies elsewhere, not in brain power.
  13. QUOTE, GREG H: "What do they hope to gain with their illusions?" Presumably funding to do more 'research' around the subject to bring it fruition. If they are con men and they get the funding they fly off somewhere sunny for a while and say the research failed... if they genuinely believe that they could get a working device with enough work put in then I guess they use their swindled money failing further to produce anything like that which they first forged.
  14. DrP


    For the small difference in price I think using methanol is just a no no then - the price isn't that different (2 or 3 times the price? - negligible for screen cleaner). Again, some of the glycols have H&S issues. IPA is the way - slightly heavier than the smaller alcohols, works and is relatively safe. In fact we make a window washer/de-icer at work... it is essentially just IPA and water with a little soap and sometimes some colour (blue or green) and some scent. I do not like the scents though... it comes in Mountain Pine or Russian Leather.... the Russian Leather smells more like Russian Ballsack in it's concentrate. :-/
  15. I was going to suggest the million dollar challenge also... don't know why it has stopped... no one has ever claimed it.
  16. DrP


    Hi, This might be a stupid question, but I have to ask, why do you need the methanol at all? Wouldn't a mix of IPA and water, say 70/30 be good enough? It would have a freezing point of around -29C according to a chart I found on wiki. This would save any fuss about the toxicity of the methanol. If this is too high a C, then an 80% solution freezes at -37C from the same chart.
  17. QUOTE: "FUNCTION (Engineering Science), FORM (Visual, Beauty, Feeling)" Visuals, Beauty and Feelings can all be explained by science - they are not 'apart' from science - nothing is - if it turns out that some psykik weirdness turns out to be true (not that any of it has to date) then it becomes science, not myth.
  18. Sure Phi - let me think of how to word it though - I do not want to offend anyone. Also, in the moderators defense, in the thread I had deleted I may well have been a little heavy with the word in describing certain views, which I realised was wrong.
  19. Not up to me, but I'd like to defend the use of the word retarded. I had a whole thread disappear once (I think it was because I used the word retarded in it). It is an actual word in the English language that describes a view or belief that is old and obsolete. The views that these alternatives are medically sound (in the case of many, like homeopathy for example) have been proven wrong... we know as a race, for a fact, that it does not work - therefore a belief that it works is a retarded belief. This is a fact not an insult, although I agree people do use it as an insult which is wrong.
  20. Yes - a lot of Bill O'Reilly's views are retarded.** The problem is that when he speaks with conviction there are a lot of people that believe his crap and their world view also becomes retarded. ** - I use this word as factual, not as an insult. His views are based on beliefs that are thousands of years old that have been superceeded by science. Therefore, by very definition of the word, his views are retarded.
  21. Just a note on Fox from someone outside of the USA... I saw the interview between Bill O'Really and Obama from 2014... I was astounded at O'Really's ignorance and rudeness... he was talking to the president and kept pushing his Benghazi idiocy and the rubbish about the IRS... he was truly owned by Obama who answered everyone of points straight away and with confidence and patience... O'really's attack was reduced to 'so why does everyone keep bringing it up if your so innocent?" to which the president replied.. "Well, it's just you that keeps bringing it up Bill, perhaps that's why some people believe it, because you and Fox are telling them this rubbish". The Obama interview was a disgrace... the guy should be fired. .... I was amazed at his ignorance further when I saw many more interviews with him just being dumb and shouting over any argument which gives him facts that disprove his points. HOW???? How does a man like that get to run things at Fox? Unfortunately I know already - Money.
  22. Because it is rolling down the slope imat'
  23. Do you have any hobbies? Golf is very enjoyable and very addictive. There must be things you enjoy doing? Maybe they can give you some meaning? Sex, love, joy, games, entertainment, fantasy.... the numinous you get when you see an amazing sunset, animal, tree, landscape or canny mathematical equation.. (numinous as in the feeling, not an actual belief in something bigger). Maybe you just need to eat more bananas! They are rich in potassium and are supposed to make you happy. ;-) Anyway - good luck in finding your purpose or joy. I hope it works out.... maybe good works for others less fortunate might give you a sense of achievement and joy, it works for some.
  24. DrP

    ° of energy..

    Don't think you need the 'degree' symbol with Kelvin Studiot.. it's just 0K or 273K
  25. I spilt some Potassium Permanganate solution onto a tissue. I left it there and it dried a purple/brown colour. 2 or 3 weeks on this stain is now black... First I though it was the KMnO7 going to manganese oxide or something, which is sorta black, but after poking it with a gloved finger, the tissue crumbled to ash. It appears that (maybe unsurprisingly) that the KMnO7 has oxidised the paper fully to ash and it looks the same as if you had hit it with a blow torch. Presumable the paper is oxidised and thus the chemistry is the same as if it had been burnt. Therefore the 'slow burn'.
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