Before man understood the earth,remember they came to the conclusion that the earth was flat,to the point where you could have been executed if you said otherwise.I am saying we are coming to conclusions before we even begin the journey.There could have been an alternate dimension that tore through a weak point between itself and our dimension.So what was regarded as a big bang was really like water suddenly tearing into the hull of a submarine and filling it. I believe in creation,so I am just making suggestions from the point of view of those who believe in a big bang.Time would have had to exist even before the big bang for it to have occurred at a given moment,however the evidence of the elapse of time would have began at the big bang.Time itself is the very essence of existence which is what I think man is always trying to grasp.Objects exists in time,but time does not need anything to exist. If I were to support the big bang theory,then it would have had to occur in time and not begin time as is commonly believed.The problem scientist have is they can't account for time before the big bang, since there is no point of reference before it does not mean it was not there like still water undisturbed by the existence of matter and energy.The thing that humans try to wrap their minds around is the entirety of space,just how far does it go,since our logical mind tells us that there must be an end to everything.We are very logical as humans and that's our weakness to understanding the universe,we have come to the conclusion that 1+1=2 everywhere in the universe.The reality is there may be places in existence that 1+1 has no meaning or it means something different from 2.Our minds are so young and set in it's ways that we ultimately stand in our own way.We know so little about the brain in our own heads and yet we are trying to put the universe (infinity) into perspective.The question I leave is can finite beings put eternity into perspective,which is what we spend our lives trying to do.To say what was there before the big bang is equally asking ourselves the same question "where does the emptiness of space end? These are two questions too big to answer with science alone which is why I believe in the God of the Bible.Science is very logical and finite with limits.Spirituality easily goes beyond the limits of science into eternity.