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Everything posted by questionposter

  1. Some chemist told me that isn't right though, that the same orbitals actually are the same distances from every nucleus and the only reason they would seem different is because with bigger atoms you'd measure negative joules for some reason.
  2. So I know that the energies and possible wave mechanics of matter in the universe are quantized, but do things cancel out in the classical world if its not a near perfect vibration? Because if I do experiments where I move water back and forth, if I do it at just the right frequency, I can sustain a wave who's periods perfectly fit within the container the water is waving in, but if I don't do it at just the right frequency, I don't know exactly what happens, do waves crash into each other too soon or not form too late and thus there is no self sustaining wave? Why exactly can't electrons exist at other decimal energies?
  3. Ok, well what about different atoms changes the momentum at different energies if a ground-state s orbital is the same distance from the nucleus in every atom? Cause an increasing number of protons doesn't seem to change what electrons do, just how much can be in a neutral system.
  4. If information isn't preserved through time, why can you accurately predict the outcomes of things?
  5. For info about life, the universe and everything, see Douglas Adams.
  6. How could a particle decay into a gravitational wave? If matter can only be matter or energy, wouldn't that mean that gravity is energy?
  7. I do a lot work with metal by hand, and recently I've been doing more delicate work with rings and the copper dust on my hands from sanding seems to create more scratches that I have to sand off whenever I hold it. Is there some household or common item I can use to attract copper dust from my work area and hands? I might have magnets somewhereeven if I can't find them right now, would that work?
  8. So if I have something like NaCl and put it in water, NaCl becomes an aqueous solutio. But in an aqueous solution, the ionic equation for salt is Na+1 and Cl-1 since the ions are surrounded by water molecules. But if the ions aren't actually together and they are surrounded by water, why doesn't salt explode to produce sodium hydroxide if sodium is by itself? Why would a solution also taste salty still? Should't it taste like burning metal and bleach mixed together?
  9. How does "i" play a role in reality like that? Do you need it to cancel out some other "i" that's generated by the equation?
  10. I've seen that wikipedia equation before... So really the only reason then is because energy isn't the only thing that determines the wave mechanics of an electron?
  11. If all atoms have the same energy levels, as in the electrons in the ground state electron in lead wouldn't be closer than in hydrogen, and those energy levels can absorb only specific energies of light, why are there many different shaped orbitals?
  12. What's actually going on? You have this thing called a gauge boson which carries the EM force made of energy, and then it pretty much follows a straight path...is there more than one type of it?
  13. Can you surf on gravitational waves?
  14. I noticed that in a description of the byproduct of lightning that instead of it giving a discrete formula it was NOx, and NOx compounds can also result from other high energy events and even a microwave to form NO2 or 3, so is there a limit to what the O can be? Or is it just as I increase the energy, I increase the capacity for O? Could I have NO100?
  15. Insteaf of Planck time, how about an even smaller interval that might matter? How about the distance it takes for a photon to travel from one quark to another quark?
  16. I thought photons appeared to travel at the speed of light no matter what, because if they didn't, they wouldn't be photons.
  17. I was thinking more of actual information to view.
  18. Ok, well, what's an equation for a fractal? Can I just plug in any equation and repeat it a certain way to make a fractal?
  19. I heard that scientists took two entangled atoms and separated one, and shot a photon at 1 and it got destroyed at that end and teleported to the other end and came out of the other entangled particle. Is that true?
  20. http://gizmodo.com/5862229/this-unreal-slow+motion-ice-tornado-kills-everything-it-touches?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews So wait, is it actually a spinning column of water-ice? How does it kill everything it touches? How does the difference in pressure trigger it exactly?
  21. Aren't atomic and sub-atomic particles described using wave mechanics?
  22. Ok, well you know how the energy level is like the amplitude right? Well what's a period? The orbital shape? Whats the phase? The spin?
  23. Is there some way I can punch something into a graphing calculator and have it generate something?
  24. Wait what? Why would you need to use a combined wave function if you can distinguish between individual electrons per location in an atom?
  25. Wait a minute, how does electromagnetism get "pulled" by a black hole? Should that mean magnetic fields bend in the presence of gravity and therefore mean the force-carries for the EM force are either matter or photons? Also, how else could a black hole have an electric field if the EM force is actually effected by gravity like that?
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