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Everything posted by questionposter

  1. Of course killing animals is legal in nearly every country in the world in nearly any way, but I think the better question is "Should it be legal?".
  2. As it was also pointed out in that same topic, biologists have no clear line between consciousness and no consciousness and it can't be confirmed or denied right now. However, I fail to see how that relates to being consciously aware at all while dreaming. In my experience I can chose where a direction of a dream is going if I summon the energy to do so and remember my thoughts in it in the same way I can remember my thoughts in reality, as well as being able to use selective memory of reality while in a dream. The only way I can think for this to happen is if consciousness is always there but not always active, in which case it's not the loose, so called "scientific" definition which someone says the scientific community actually agrees on that consciousness is merely electrical pulses being processed between neurons, something like consciousness has to be more complex than that. But, just as we can refine our model of an atom, perhaps there just needs to be a highly refined model of that.
  3. So I'm working on projects with programmers, but I'm not the programmer. I can make GIFs using photoshop to take some time off the hands of the programmer, but GIF's take up a lot of space, so the question is: Should I make GIF's since they can't get any smaller, or can the programmer make the game use less processing for animation if I just hand the separate frame images to them?
  4. Hmm, well I suppose the main problem is then that I don't fully understand the Abel-Ruffini theorum or whatever proves that some polynomials can't have exact roots.
  5. Well Stephan Hawking said paradoxes don't exist, so obviously the egg, because it came from a more primitive species. The chicken is the result of a slightly different animal laying a mutated egg (which contained the chicken). But, what came first: The photons or the matter?
  6. I thought I made it clear I don't wish to discuss this with you any more. Try to not waste the space on this thread.
  7. Well based on our "records" of religious phenomena, it is a likely possibility, just like how "If god existed, he would punish all the gays".
  8. Wait, if matter and energy are equivalent, couldn't I say everything is made out of matter? So wait, is everything made out of matter or photons?
  9. It seems a little too cocky to start with for me, but its generally decent for the information its trying to provide in my opinion. It's a little too dragging on with the philosophical points when trying to describe scientific concepts simultaneously, and I also think the world of quantum mechanics has come to light more in recent years. The thing that's hard is being introduced to the results before the properties and explanations, so if you stated "an electron is like a ripple in the water: a wave on the fabric of space" before you stated that an electron interferes with itself, its a lot less confusing. There's even good theories to explain entanglement such as a particle occupying the same 4 dimensional coordinates while moving in different 3 dimensional coordinates, and there's even math for it.
  10. If the child actually wants to go through with it, what's the problem? How is it sad?
  11. Well OP I think is pointing out these contradictions just for the mere purposing of exposing those contradictions, which doesn't do any good.
  12. But but it's not that I'm remembering them when I wake up, it's that I conscious of what I'm thinking while I'm dreaming, that's why I can remember my thoughts during the dream. If it was just a "waking up" thing, then I wouldn't have any thoughts during the dream. So either I can remain conscious while dreaming because dreams are just an hallucinogenic compund effecting the visual perception centers of your brain along with one or two other things that make it harder to move and focus and nothing more, or the government is planting memories in me. You said you wanted me to see if I could control my actions in a dream, and I said yes which would have defeated some of your previous arguments, and now your saying I"m wrong without even shred of evidence to support I'm wrong, and yet you have the audacity to say I'm making up a hollywood fantasy? Besides, whether or not individual cells have consciousness can't be proven or disproved right now, which was the original discussion, and science doesn't have a concrete definition of consciousness. I will tend to lean towards that consciousness isn't what your describing because the way you describe consciousness can't be substituted into every scenario, and you can lean towards whichever side you want, this discussion is meaningless now.
  13. Well, while I"m in my dream I can choose where it goes sometimes if I focus hard, but I don't know about planning it before I sleep, because when you begin the sleeping process and also during it, there's several hormones that are released, including one that's hallucinogenic and causes dreaming in the first place. In fact, I think there's even an illegal version of that chemical that causes dreaming that you can take while your awake. But definitely when I'm in my dream there's the potential to chose where it goes, I've done it several times before. I mean there's always some random things that pop up or there's always some random paths, but I can chose the general direction they take with all those random things happening and once or twice I even somehow forced myself to wake up, not because the dream ended, but because I remembered that I forgot to turn my alarm on in reality.
  14. Woah, we didn't need a mod, that's amazing!!! I even found a quote from a person who's Ph. D I'm not going to question saying that science is a religion http://www.sciencefo...agic-chemistry/ ..."the religion of science..."
  15. Well all I'm trying to say with it, is if consciousness isn't a physical thing, how can it be bound by the world of small and large or physical being of any kind? Since it can't, it can be in both the macro AND microscopic world. It's sort of like how the 4th dimension interacts with 3 dimensional space.
  16. That doesn't add up, because I can sense my own existence within a dream and at times make free-will decisions using the same thought processes as though I were conscious. I think your suggesting that consciousness is the process of data itself being processed, and therefore when you go to sleep, you are not conscious because some parts of your brain that generate consciousness are not processing information, but either that 's wrong or consciousness is something else.
  17. Well consciousness isn't a physical entity, so doesn't that mean it can occupy the QM realm if it is not bound by physical shape?
  18. Well what created the big bang? What created the first life and what made life start the process of evolution? Also "only an explanation"? That's exactly why I brought it up, because people use both science AND different religions to explain things. When your explaining things that can't be 100% determined, there's virtually infinite room to believe whatever you want. What if god wanted evolution to happen? In the Muslim religion, science is not an enemy of god, so they'd have no problem with that. Neither does Buddhism, nor Shinto, not Judaism, nor many other religions. Both science and religion try to explain how we are here, and that's why people are so involved in it, either science or religion or both can explain their very existence at least to some extent.
  19. But the EM force get's weaker at the same rate as gravity...by the square of the distance.
  20. Well, helium does liquify but it liquifies at near absolute 0, and the purpose of Kelvin units is to not have negative numbers isn't it? Isn't 0 Kelvin the same as Absolute 0? So how could you have negative Kelvin?
  21. What we have are a lot of mathematics to describe situations in a particle collider that are like "Hmm, when we smashed them together, it generated a pattern it shouldn't have, and there's mass missing, so there must be an unknown particle". Gravitons are almost just a random guess at what could fit the mathematics of those anomalies. We know there has to be something that carries to force of gravity, and we know that when there's missing mass but no observable pattern to account for it, there must be an answerable particle or force, but we have an advantage because we already know what the other forces like the strong and EM force do, so what's left but something related to gravity or a bunch of work to define a whole new force?
  22. I would agree that the issue brought up is determinism, but even science can touch that realm, since in quantum mechanics, nature is inherently not deterministic. Free-will I think is caused by consciousness, and consciousness is not a physical entity so we cannot just "point" to it and observe, we can observe. I guess we could think of consciousness as an imaginary number. It's not a real value, yet you can use it to generate real numbers.
  23. But if you ask "How did we get here?", your answer can either be "The big bang" or "God created us". Think about it: The only reason people would believe the seemingly ridiculous things in many religion is because of the fact that they do try to explain things.
  24. So again, I then say "so you can find the exact roots of higher degree polynomials even if they are all imaginary, but you just can't use some general formula for ALL polynomials?".
  25. So consciousness is not a physical thing, I never said it was, I said it was a phenomena at least, and I can't even say for sure it's that. Honestly I didn't even know individual cells had the possibility of being conscious in the eyes of the scientific community before a few years ago, but a lot of this consciousness thing seems almost like fractals of quantum mechanical concepts. Atoms knowing you look at them? Wtf? Not being able to pinpoint a location of consciousness? Wtf that's like the uncertainty principal. Waves of information existing yet not being physical entities? That's another "wtf?". Oh, and when your asleep, what about when your dreaming? Because many times I found myself making free-will decisions when I dream and I somehow even managed to wake myself up because I remembered that in reality I forgot to turn my alarm on.
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