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Everything posted by foursixand2

  1. i do appreciate the hope that i probably dont have it as evidenced by nearly normal glucose levels. I dont see how this discussion is a 'bad' move. Its slightly better than doing absolutely nothing, and i doubt its greatly inconvenienced anyone. I havent really made any fuss, and im not a hypochondriac. I didn't even claim to be 'so ill'. But i REALLY do have those two symptoms i mentioned. I have read there are some psychological disorders that can cause a person to think they need excessive amounts of water. Perhaps this is my case. I wont be wasting money on the keto-sticks, they will be stolen if i get them. Why would i care about paying to see a doctor? i dont think you understand, that im not ABLE to do that. I am currently employed as a convenience store clerk. No benefits, including no health insurance. I am looking for a new job though.
  2. This thread is all about this mysterious compound. Perhaps it will become less mysterious with someones strange knowledge. Substance in question : those mouse pads, that have that pocket of jelly on one end, for wrist support. Of coarse this pocket is sealed in plastic. Surely someone else has in curiosity or boredom slit it open and [painstakingly] removed the compound, had some fun with it, and then regretted it. I did. I'm going to be mysterious and not speak of what happened right in this post. But does anyone know what that shit is called?
  3. Thanks for everyones input. I took a blood test last night, my sugar was a little high, but not much (111 and i had eaten a small meal two or three hours earlier). My girlfriends mom is a nurse and shes going to steal some diabetic testing stuff (sticks that i pee on and measure sugar in my urine?) so hopefully i will know soon.
  4. I am an American without Health Insurance, right now i cant really go to a doctor. so i'm hoping someone around here may have some knowledge on the subject. It runs in my family, and i have some, but not all of the symptoms. Excessive thirst and urination. Occasionally blurry vision. I dont really have excessive hunger, in fact i really dont have a big appetite in general ever. I dont really know how to measure excessive fatigue, sometimes im tired when it seems i shouldnt be, but i wouldnt call it excessive. The primary thing for me is the excessive drinking and thus urination. If i dont drink enough i start to feel nauseous. In everything ive read about diabetes i havent seen nausea mentioned, which might be important because this, more than thirst is why i drink so much. The water goes through me pretty fast too. Everyone around me notices that i always have a drink with me, and i visit the restroom probably every half hour to hour, and occasionally more often than that. I pretty much remember when this began, not in one day, but in early 2006 i realized that my habit of excessive drinking was a bit out of the ordinary. And lots of people around me have been noticing recently. So please give me whatever knowledge you have. What are the chances its diabetes if i only have some two of the symptoms (one very noticably), or are there other disorders this might be a sign of?
  5. alright dude. and im sure you came to this opinion after you were impregnated by a rapist? Surely you wouldn't have made such a remark without having carried to term your own pregnancy which was initiated by the most traumatic experience of your life? Or after you discovered you were the child of your raped mother? Correct me if im wrong, but this must have happened to either you, or your mother, or your sister, or your daughter, for you to think you had the right to speak on such a subject. For which i express my deepest sympathies that you had the misfortune to be so near to such a horrific tribulation. I cant imagine the bravery you must have, to have been through that experience and to maintain such beliefs. WOW . . . thank god you never have to meet me face to face.
  6. agree and disagree. As far as logic goes they are the same. The difference is in the intention of the asked question. The latter was probably asked by someone who is considering souls and like nonsense. They mean, is the embryo of a human comparable to a born human? As far as cold science is concerned, and putting asside silly ideas that a human is more than its physical body, the answer is obviously no. The literal answer to both Gliders questions is yes. It is most certainly the exact same creature. Only taking account of the probable unspoken superstitions of the asker of question two, does its answer become no. The mentality of an embyo is nothing like the mentality of a born human. You would not be able to have any form of conversation with an embryo of your own species. Nor would it be able to convey any of its knowledge to you. (knowledge here defined as physical electrical patterns of the brain) In fact information exchange can essentially only occur between born creatures (obviously). You are therefore more capable of being able to relate to, and thus communicate at some level with a born creature of a different species than the unborn of your own (or any other). Even if that communication is as simple as interacting with say a mouse ('i have a morsel of cheese to feed you' or 'i have a boot with which to squash you') it is more communication than you would achieve with any type of fetus. the respective worlds of the born and the unborn are utterly alien to one another.
  7. several of you have already explained what was my hunch about that claim. The purpose of the claim is obviously to say that there are parts of our brain which lay completely dormant and inactive. That if were activated would result in magical supernatural abilities and perceptions. The claim was either deliberately designed to be misleading, or ignorantly snatched and popularized by some dope trying to justify unscientific beliefs. And apparently most people dont give much thought to it when they hear it. The claim is absolutely true, but neglects crucial elements that compose the whole fact. It simply isnt specific enough. Yes we only use around ten percent at a time, but we use every part at some time. There are no 'untapped' areas of the physical brain. Anyone who gave a moments thought to it would realize that if the entire brain were active it would simply be a huge electrical error, most certainly resulting in death. Would it even be theroetically possible to activate the entire brain? how much energy would that use, and would it be possible to direct that magnitude of energy into that particular skull encased pink organ?
  8. i was about to chastize you about your certainty here, but after reading through your stories i dont think i can honestly make a judgment in that direction. I am probably more skeptical about the things i want to believe. Your witness pehaps carries a truer value than mine given the fact of your sobriety. I wish there was more documentation and research done on this phenomenon. It seems that despite being relatively widespread it is a sacred occurance that few ever discuss or give much thought. It appears to be quite common, but apparently so strange that we generally forget about it and move on. There isnt even (to my knowledge) a name for said phenomenon.
  9. i stand corrected. rendering my analogy quite poor. the examples of SkepticLance and Sisyphus stand as much more effective conveyors of the basic point i intended.
  10. i love deja vu. The theory ive heard was similar to gliders, but it was that one side of the brain is lagging, or the other was processing faster, so the otherside sees the information a fraction of a second later and realizes this has been seen before (a fraction of a second ago). i wonder if there is a seperate term for the phenomon of having dreamed an occurance and it later happening. Or to be more scientific the sensation that this has occured, since you cant honestly say you are sure you are really reliving a dream or if its some strange trick of the brain. I have experienced that feeling for hours at a time under the influence of THC. Believing to the point of 'knowing' that i dreamed a sequence of events the night before, the week before, or that i have transcended time and am IN that dream. i have heard of only a few other cases of people experiencing this highly extended type of deja vu during altered states.
  11. i am always less alert on days i have overslept. its like a cloud hangs over you every moment. very lame.
  12. Of coarse they are human. But they have no concept of themselves in the way you do. They lead a completely alien existence. No more or less special than the existence we lead. And an egg is a chicken. Im sure enjoy your delicious over easy aborted chicken fetus. I know i do. You think there is something more holy about a human fetus vs chicken? I can infact conclude the negative, using the same basic premise that would exalt a human fetus. Taking evolution into account, it is entirely possible that the descendants of chickens are destined to achieve an intelligence that surpasses that of our own. They will find our fossils and film a documentary for Chicken Discovery Channel, about a failed civilization of sentient apes. Perhaps we will be considered the SECOND most advanced civilization. Our brains crossed the threshold of consciousness but we bloomed too fast and destroyed ourselves before we were evolved enough to create a stable social structure. So if our status is interchanged with the chicken, it is in fact a much greater sin to consume the fetus of a chicken. For its descendants ten times more intelligent than ours, this is what it is destined to become so therefore it IS. There is no logical reason to draw the line at a modern fetus. The modern chicken fetus is the fetus to the fetus to the fetus to the fetus to the fetus (etc) of the future chicken. The modern chicken IS the future chicken. It is silly, but absolutely logical. Going back far enough our ancestors were rodents, going back farther we were fish, or back to cyanobacteria. How much remorse do you feel for the death of a mouse, or a fish (or their fetuses), of a colony of bacteria? And yet they became us, so they were us . . . . just not yet.
  13. where was the fomula he used?
  14. I think a better question is do we even have consciousness to speak of, to say we are superior in this respect to the rest of known creation. To which i would say barely. We are the first animal we know of that has begun to be able to view ourselves in the abstract, to be able to imagine ourselves from a point of view outside ourself. Beyond that i think the majority of the distinction we percieve between us and animals is an arrogant illusion
  15. There is actually a lot of varience but in many cases yes. Still i would not be arrogant enough to pin the church as THE cause of these statistics, but it would be ludicris to say that it is not a key factor, the correlation just coincidence. However based on YTs information which is new to me, Jehovah Witnesses definately have Mormonism beat in the realm of ostracision. Thank God they are not as numerous. Um or thank the primordial ooze . . .
  16. in one of dawkins books he did an amusing calculation, i dont remember the exact numbers, but something to the effect of if human reproduction maintained its current rate (which is needless to say impossible, but i said it anyway) within some hundred years (1,2 or 3?) every foot of the planet, including the oceans would be covered in humans, and we would be exploding into space, outward in all directions, at the speed of light. i hope and believe that humans will surivive into the future and continue to evolve, but obviously a lot of us will die. Maybe all of us. George Carlin has some interesting ideas on the subject http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw&feature=related
  17. this has actually been done in my home state. http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,510054502,00.html other products of utah? Television and Methamphetamine. Technically it was only the Electronic Television (not the original idea), and it was made in California by a former Utahn. And it was one of those darwin/wallace type events. A dude working independently in germany finished basically the same thing a few months later.
  18. Not yet. its easier to take the drugs:-) perhaps the devil smily would be more appropriate for that confession
  19. I dont have the patience to read through the details of the study, but there are some things i wonder. Did they they take into account the religious background/interactions of suicidal individuals prior to their arrival at an unaffiliated state and self inflicted death? At the time of their suicide they may claim to be unaffiliated, but its highly possible (perhaps probable) that their depression began as guilt for being unable to live up to standards of a religion. In the end they may claim to have abandoned God, but if God originally had a primary role in driving them to the edge, then the religion/suicide correlation is turned on its head. In my home state of Utah, we rank 9th highest suicide rates in the nation. And i dare say we would be a contender for the Gold Medal, if not for the fact that this state is No. 1 for anti-depressant prescriptions. Not only is this state highly religious, until recently our entire population was predominantly one denomination, a christian faith called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You can research the specifics for yourself, but i would dare say this Church has the most demanding expectations for its members to live up to, of any other major christian religion. By the time someone has finally taken their life, they are likely to have isolated themselves from their religious roots, but was that the very environment that initiated pressure, and feelings of failure to live up to the standard? What kind of athiests were these people? Had they clearly and logically thought out their beliefs/ lack of beliefs, or did they simply find themselves in such a dark hole that they conclude there cant be a god? Had they reasoned away the idea of God, or were they angry at him? The reason for unaffiliated status, along with the other factors that lead them to the permanent solution, would be infinitely more telling.
  20. no it takes strong focus, practicing the teqnique etc. It cant be spontaneously induced. a process must be followed
  21. that is absolutely impossible. Drugs are chemicals, your brain is a coordinated network of chemicals, or more precisely the influence of these chemicals upon your neurons. but it is possible to 'hallucinate' without the assistance of externally produced psychotropic substances. Wake Initiatiated Lucid Dreaming. My girlfriend knows how to do it. Im sure it would also be possible with advanced meditation.
  22. i am apparently known here (i do all my internet business under this handle) as foursixand2. would have been foursixandtwo but the 'o' was one too many characters. Anyone viewed the new Tool DVD Vicarious? It literally brought tears to my eyes. My avatar is a picture of a katydid holding a water droplet it is about to consume. My sig is a quote from Douglas Adams, hopefully you already knew that. I suppose this will commence my introduction.
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