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  • Location
    Earth's 4th moon Rydus
  • Interests
    dislocating knee caps
  • College Major/Degree
    Ph.D. in Gamenometry Phsycadellics
  • Biography
    cybernetic mutant
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  • Quark

mister_me's Achievements


Meson (3/13)



  1. Have you ever played Pimp Quest on one of those calcs? Has got to be one of the best. I just wish that the calc would work faster and not take so long to think through the commands that you give it.
  2. The HULK tosses tanks like I toss dead animals!
  3. :offtopic: Besides the okay comp. animation in SW episode 2, the acting was the most horrible in any movie that I've ever seen! And do you know why? Because George Lucas is a great designer but a horrible director and he directed it. The acting would probably be fine if they had just cut out the fake romance. Those love scenes sucked ass. I almost puked.
  4. No clue at all. But I know what an usher is. I didn't know that being one could make you sick.
  5. Did you know that I've heard that about 89% of all cows in the U.S. are now branded with either a MC or a BK to determine if they will go to McDonalds or Buger King? Cows are the living shit of the food chain and I love to eat them!
  6. And how do you figure?
  7. Elves have never even read the Bible because they have nver read the Bible because they have nver read the Bible because they have nver read the Bible because they have nver read the Bible... because they don't even know that it exists.
  8. I pray that God strikes you down and your horsefakaness.
  9. You don't even have enough money for a super computer! How are you supposing to form an empire without a supercomputer?!
  10. Elves never turn and run!
  11. Imaginary #'s are imaginary. They don't exists so who cares?
  12. Don't all you dummies know that we've always been living in the Matrix? Duh.
  13. Prove that you are not real or existing. What I think that has struck Soulja is what happens when you think to hard about something. Soulja is searching for something so deep and so complex (since he will not accept that he exists) that his mind has tricked him into believing that nothing exists. If you really are serious about this, Soulja, then I have a question. Were you ever loved as a kid or felt attatched to something personal outside yourself or did your parents constantly drop you on your head so much that you wanted to believe the pain was unreal so you believed it was really unreal? Dude, you need a hug or something cause youur brain is wacked!:loser:
  14. It was staged, obviously.
  15. Life without music would be a life soon to discover the revolutionary therapy called music.
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