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About blackbraniac

  • Birthday October 30


  • Lepton

blackbraniac's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello Dave the not-very-good-Catholic:)
  2. Thanks for all the info. Actually, I'm "semi-formally" trained in computers, and I had this idea for a program. ...as for my browser, I think I'm going to trash this whole computer instead of replacing Explorer, lol.
  3. Greetings, My name is ________. No, I will not tell you that much, but I am 16 years old and a physics nerd. I attend a local college and will transfer to another when I feel like it (hehe). I am also an evangelist (yes, for real) which further means that I am a Christian...a Christian science nerd you say!?!?!?! Lol... Anyway, though my first academic "love" is physics, I am seeking a degree in journalism. With my B.A., I'll then go for a masters in education and a doctorate in whatever I decide...
  4. Welcome to the world of weird...hahahahaaa. In genetics, anything is possible. It's all a probablity thing. I myself am black, Irish, Native American, and West Indian. I have caramel skin, brown hair with light brown highlights with a red tint, and eyes that deside what color they want to be ranging from brown to light brown to hazel. I guess you have to look into your background :::scientist side of me kicking in::: if you are able to get a good background on yourself, you may even be able to do a semi-accurate dihybrid cross on yourself. Have fun:)
  5. I grab my information wherever I see it, so I can't quite recommend any particular text for you to use, but I suggest visiting a college bookstore. The only downside is that some stores require a college I.D., so you may need to make a few quick friends with a few students, and the cost.
  6. Thanks Albertlee
  7. I also have a problem...my browser will not allow me to access external links. It will freeze up, along with the mouse, on the page. The mouse can still actually move, but if an hourglass was beside it will not go away. My browser bar on the bottom is fine. Whenever it acts up like this, I have to press ctrl-alt-delete just to remove the page. My actual computer is completely fine, except that I have a problem with getting the net in which it takes multiple tries (I have DSL). Sorry about the choppy writing...
  8. Just how easy/hard/whatever is it to create your own?
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