There’s one perspective, which suggest that many more exist, each with their pros and cons. Who knows that black holes don’t exist for the purpose of vacuuming the trash we might send to outer space someday, separating the chafe from the grain? And until that day becomes necessary, scientist need to get on the ball, iow’s fix it.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. What of your trash are you willing to give up?
How else do we feed the peoples of the world? Any suggestions?
What do you think black holes are for? Does that give you something to think about?
The federal government has set a mandate for all children of the United States. That mandate, if that is what it is accurately called is thus; A free and appropriate education for all children. It is an excellent mandate, superb, superlative. In fact there are not enough positive words to describe it. Mandates take time, energy and money. They require faith, action, faith, action, faith, action...............before they reach the final destination. Some days it is hard on all peoples involved.
Mandates require participants, willing participants, believers. As such that includes the federal government at the local and state level. Equality?