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Everything posted by iknowabsolutelynothing

  1. I thought about it quite a while ago but it was kind of interesting so i want to ask the opinion of experts, The theory of evolution says organisms adapt to change through variations. In a more concerted view, let us assume that at a point of time there were organisms that had no visual perception of the world. (I personally think the first sense developed by any organism was touch and the last maybe sight. Reason, feeling gives idea of danger only at impact, smell then follows suit we can know danger next best with our nose, the trough sound. Our most developed organ in danger perception are our eyes. ) So till this point of time sound, touch and maybe smell were the only sense options. Now let us close our eyes. We have no perception of the world without it. The very existence of electromagnetic waves is an unknown. Now thermal radiation is the only thing that we can feel. So theoretically our first evolution towards sight was the ability to feel warmth a low frequency wave. Then of course the next question was how did an organism with no idea a thermal radiation existed suddenly develop an awareness? What caused the evolution?
  2. I was wondering if someone could superpose a wave say of 350 nm wavelength with one so as to just bounce it into the visible spectra.
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