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Everything posted by Rakdos

  1. Where are Fry, Leela, Kif Prof, and Zap at when you need them
  2. I WANT ABUSE is this the right room
  4. i go to school with the kid, i i mean he is smart and all but he is 16
  5. HAL-9000"Dave, stop. Stop will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a-fraid. . . . Good afternoon, I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the HAL Plant in Urbana, Illinois, on the 12th of January 1992. my instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it, I could sing it for you. . . . It's called 'Daisy.' Dai-sy, Dai-sy, give me your answer true. I'm half cra-zy o-ver the love of you. It won't be a sty-lish mar-riage. I can't afford a car-riage---"Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968
  6. Gollum "Precious, precious, precious! My Precious! O my Precious!"
  7. Nostradamus (Michel de Notre Dame) 1503-1566"Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here."
  8. you lying piece of futruama dark matter you are 16 years old and in high school
  9. man=male flail
  10. a=not tom=cut atom=indivisible
  11. oh shit...
  12. is the multiverse shown in the Michael Chrition Book timeline real or made up
  13. Fluent=understanderable fable
  14. thank you some one agrees with me
  15. It just makes me really mad that everyone gets that wrong (except wave-particle duliaty but that is not the point)
  17. Heisenberg or Schrodinger
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