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dattaswami started following A point for debate
Question: I request all of you to read the following article and answer the portion which is marked in blue colour; The point is scientists say that the electron is revolving in the orbit and the energy required for such revolution is very very small. They are also say that electron is not loosing enery and the energy is not supplied from out side. In such case for the revolution of the electron the new energy is supplied which is against the rule, neither energy can be created or destoryed. Please read the following article and answer this. Shankara gave two phases in his philosophy— 1. Phase of Reality (Paramarthadasa):- In this phase the absolute reality and the relative reality are mentioned. God is the absolute reality and the cosmic energy is the relative reality, which is produced from God in the beginning of this creation. The cosmic energy includes the vacuum also and vacuum is the original form of energy, which is very much invisible. The vacuum generating galaxies supports this point. The special theory of relativity also supports this point, which says that the space or vacuum bends along the boundaries of an object. 2. Phase of Relativity (Vyavaharadasa):-In this phase the cosmic energy, which is acting as relative reality in the first phase appears as the absolute reality. The relative reality is matter, which is generated from energy and is treated as a form of energy. In this phase the cosmic energy should be treated as the absolute reality, which never becomes relative reality as long as this phase continues. It becomes relative reality only when this second phase disappears and first phase appears. When you put your finger on a solid occupying some space, which consists of millions of atoms packed together, your finger does not penetrate the solid. You feel that your finger is obstructed by the continuous phase of solid matter. This impression is only an illusion and the reality is quite different. Each atom is consisting of a large quantity of space called Atomic Space. All the subatomic particles put together constitute a very negligible portion of the atomic space. Therefore, your finger is touching a large quantity of space only and the solid matter viz the subatomic particles is only of very very little only. Even the inter atomic distance is also space only. In such case your finger should penetrate easily into the solid. But your finger is restricted by the field of kinetic energy of subatomic particles and also the interatomic bonds which are only bond energies. Therefore your finger is not obstructed by the solid state viz the subatomic particles and instead your finger is restricted by the repulsion of their energy only.Inspite of the real interaction of energy, you are misunderstanding the reality of solid state. Therefore matter becomes an illusive form of energy like a false serpent appearing on the real rope in dim light. If you take the minute subatomic particle, electron, it is now considered that the electron is consisting of sub particles called as quarks. Tomorrow the quark may be found out consisting of barks and day after tomorrow the bark may be found of consisting of darks and so on… This adinfinitum leads to the disappearance of very nature of particle. Even the electron is considered to have dual nature of matter & energy. Even the theory of particle nature is standing finally on the fundamental unit of energy, a quantum. Therefore, the nature of particles is slowly ending in the nature of energy only and you have to treat the quanta of energy as particles. Your finger is penetrating in liquid & gas states of matter because the inter atomic distances are long and the binding energies are weak to restrict your finger in penetration. If you take the energy, its inherent nature is kinetic only because the energy is expressed as the multiples of frequency. Frequency is a kinetic parameter. The kinetic energy is always dynamic in nature. Even the potential energy is the energy associated with a static particle and the potential energy does not mean that the energy is static. The essence of all these gives the final information that the energy means the property of dynamism only. Dynamism cannot be independent. When you see that something is dynamic, you are referring to a static substratum, which is dynamic. When you have arrived to a conclusion that the entire creation is only energy, it means that the entire creation is only the property of dynamism. This means that the entire creation cannot be an independent item since the dynamism requires its associated substratum. Therefore this entire creation, which appears as matter, work, vacuum etc... is a continuous ocean of the single phase – energy. In such case, the cosmic energy or the creation cannot exist independently and requires the existence of its possessor or substratum. When a person is walking, the walk or dynamism cannot exist independently without its associated walker. The walk is generated by the walker. Similarly all this creation or cosmic energy is generated by its possessor or substratum. Such substratum should be named by some word and the word chosen is God. You cannot say that God should be the particle because the dynamism is always associated with a particle only. This conclusion leads to a serious problem. In case you treat God as particle, the God should also be the energy in essence since the nature of the particle finally ends in energy. In such case, God should be essentially energy and there is no meaning in saying that the God is generator of energy. The generator of energy itself cannot be energy. The generator of energy should be totally different and should not be energy again. If you conclude that God is not energy, God is also not space because space is essentially energy. This means that God is beyond the concept of energy or space. The conclusion of this logic is that your intelligence cannot imagine God, who is beyond the dimensions of space. Your intelligence can imagine anything which has the dimensions of space only. When your hand is revolving, each revolution is kinetic energy only. The potential energy associated with the hand may be converted into kinetic energy for some time. When the potential energy is exhausted, the fat associated with the hand may dissolve supplying the kinetic energy. This is conversion of matter into energy. When the fat disappears, your hand stops because there is no provision of conversion of any small portion of matter of the hand into energy. If some provision is made to convert the hand into energy, the revolutions continue till all the hand is converted into energy. At this stage, since the hand totally disappears, there is no revolution because the energy needs association of some matter as its possessor. You need not argue that the electromagnetic radiation traveling in space is independent entity without possessor. The electromagnetic radiation appearing as independent entity is having its unimaginable possessor called as God. The electron is revolving in its orbit and each revolution is an expenditure of some small kinetic energy. People say that since this kinetic energy is very much lesser than the fundamental unit of energy, electron is not losing energy and is not collapsing in the nucleus in long run. They say that the orbit is static. This argument appears in the following way. Suppose somebody is selling 10 fruits for 1 paisa (1 cent). You are taking only one fruit and you may say that since you cannot pay 0.1 paisa (0.1 cent), the fruit is taken free of cost. In this way, you take each fruit and put in your bag. The seller has to agree with your argument since the paisa cannot be divided into fractions. But after taking 10 fruits, the seller will demand you to pay 1paisa! Hence you must conclude this point in two ways. The first way is that the energy needed for each revolution of electron is supplied from cosmic energy, since neither the potential energy associated with electron nor any portion of the particle nature of electron is converted into kinetic energy. The second way is to treat this point beyond logic of measurement of such infinitesimally small kinetic energy compared to the fundamental unit of kinetic energy that can be measured by the human being. This second point is covered under the topic of Hiaasen berg’s uncertainty principle, but even this point needs the requirement of first point because the accumulation of several revolutions can become equal to the measurable fundamental unit of energy. The final solution for this is to accept the unimaginable power of the absolute unimaginable God through this event, which can be called as miracle that indicates the existence of unimaginable God. You should not apply the tautology, which is the logic of the relative items to the ultimate absolute unimaginable God.
The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti
dattaswami replied to dattaswami's topic in Speculations
Matter is an illusion created by the work of resistance of force in atoms Matter is a form of work like the awareness 70) Shaktinirodhakriyaabhramadravyam na anubhavaat kartuh. (If you say that even the matter is an illusion created by the work of resistance of force in atoms, it is negated, due to experience of entity). In atoms lot of space exists as per science. In fact, the solid matter consisting of packed atoms is only full of vacuum and hence the experience of solid state of matter should be the experience of the vacuum only. But the experience of solid state is quite different. When you put the finger, actually the finger should penetrate in to the solid state due to lot of vacuum existing in the closely packed atoms. But the finger does not penetrate into the solid state, which is quite opposite experience. The reason for the non penetration of finger is not due to absence of vacuum in the atoms. The highly revolving subatomic particles in the atoms create resistance-force, which does not allow the finger to penetrate in to the vacuum. Due to this an illusion is created to the observer, so that the observer thinks that there is no vacuum at all in the solid state. Hence, the solid state of matter is the effect of the work of resistance only. Now, this concludes that even the matter is a form of work like the awareness. In such case the matter should not be an entity or working element like the awareness. All this is the argument of opposition to establish awareness also as an entity like matter or to establish matter also as work or non entity like awareness. The answer for this opposing argument is given like this: Even though the solid matter is the form of work of force or inert energy like the awareness, the result of the illusion created by such work is ending in experiencing the matter as an entity. Such experience of entity is not the result in the case of awareness even though awareness is also a form of work like solid matter. Hence, due to the difference between the experience of awareness and solid matter in the end, you cannot treat awareness as an entity like solid matter. Hence, the opposition is negated. -
The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti
dattaswami replied to dattaswami's topic in Speculations
Even the primordial energy is a form of work only 72) Kriyaarupamulashakteranubhavopi bhramah paramaarthe . (Even the primordial energy is a form of work only and its experience as inert energy is illusion, but, this illusion is restricted to the absolute plane). We have proved that the matter is also a form of work and its experience as matter is illusion. Similarly, the inert energy, which is in the primary causal form as primordial energy is also a form of work only and its experience as energy is also illusion. But this illusion cannot be taken to be in the relative world, which is the experience of the human beings. Only in the absolute plane, which means the view of God, this primordial energy is treated as a form of work and an illusion. Here you must differentiate the case of matter from the case of primordial energy. In the case of matter, the illusion of the experience of solid state is due to the work of primordial energy. Thus, the worker is known in the case of matter in the relative plane itself. But if you take the case of primordial energy, it is realized as work but the worker is not realized in the relative plane because the primordial energy itself is the ultimate worker in the relative world. Hence, the worker of primordial energy can be only realized in the absolute plane and never in the relative plane. Hence, you cannot completely declare the primordial energy as an illusion since the worker of primordial energy is never realized in the relative plane. The worker of the primordial energy being realized as work is God Himself and since God cannot be realized in the relative plane, you cannot cross the illusion of primordial energy. Only God can cross this ultimate illusion of the primordial energy or Mula prakruti or Mula maya. -
The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti
dattaswami replied to dattaswami's topic in Speculations
The cosmic inert energy is the space from which the entire creation is evolved 100) AnantagunaakaashaBrahmano vidyante shrutaah srushtisthitilayahetumattvasushuptyaatmatvaadayah. (In the concept of space being called as Brahman, several merits exist like creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe, becoming Atman in deep sleep etc., as heard in Veda). The cosmic inert energy is the space from which the entire creation is evolved. Matter, awareness, light, heat etc., along with their modifications constitute this universe and all this is evolved from the primordial energy, which is the space. In Veda it is said that space is generated from God and from space the entire creation is evolved. Hence, space is the first item of creation, which acts as the primary source for the whole creation. The modifications of the space are due to illusions only and thus the entire universe is an illusion form of the space only, which is the inert primordial energy. Hence, the universe is space only and we can say that the universe is maintained by space. When the illusions are removed, all the modifications in the universe disappear and this is the final dissolution of the universe into space. Therefore, the space can be called as Brahman, which is the creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe. All these points are correlated with Brahman. It is said that the universe is created, maintained and destroyed by Brahman. It is also said that the entire world is Brahman only since the world is based on illusion. All these are merits of the primordial energy to be called as Brahman, the greatest in the universe. The concept that the soul or Atman in its basic form in deep sleep is Brahman is also correlated. -
The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti
dattaswami replied to dattaswami's topic in Speculations
The forms of Maha Maya together constitute Maya 78) Mahaamaayaakaaryagunavarnarupaani maayaa . (The forms of Maha Maya are quality, color and shape, which together constitute Maya). The forms of Maha Maya constituting awareness, condensed light etc., and most condensed matter are quality, color and shape respectively. These three forms of Maha Maya are called together as Maya. A quality is just a specific design of awareness. A color is just a specific frequency of light. A shape is just a specific design of matter. -
The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti 77) Mulaakaasharupatrayam mahaamaayaa . (The root space appears in three forms and these three forms are called as Maha Maya). The primordial energy is called as Mula Maya or Mula Prakruti, which is in the form of space. When this is condensed, it appears in the form of light etc. When this is further condensed, it appears in the form of matter through illusion as explained above. When the primordial energy or its form works in a special technology, such work is called as awareness. Therefore, awareness as work form, light etc., as condensed form and matter as intensively condensed form are the three forms of primordial energy. These three forms are called as Maha Maya.