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About cosmic-chris

  • Birthday 03/12/1977

Profile Information

  • Location
    scotland,northern ireland
  • Interests
  • College Major/Degree
    certificate in natural science
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I love science and have done for many years currently studying molecular science
  • Occupation


  • Lepton

cosmic-chris's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. Thanks fore the insight i didn,t know if i had rememberd it right. thanks guys.
  2. Am i right in saying that oxidisation is the taking away of electrons and redox is the adding of electrons in a chemical equation? And that its to do with the outer shells of the elements?
  3. Well if you didn't have knowledge you wouldn't have intelligence and vice a versa.
  4. Everywhere you look there are problems in the world today ,drug addiction,cancer,global warming,exstinction of species, oil shortages ,food and water shortages in the third world the list is endless but only so many of these can be dealt with limited recources with money and political attitudes towards dealing with these and many other problems. I don't think travelling into space for minerals would solve all the problems in the world and i don't think it would be very cheap either and thats what it would come down to how cheap and affordable it could be for the richer nations of the world.
  5. I think intelligence is in the eye of the beholder, no one can know everything i think that this is a lesson to us all,also it is a complicated subject.All i have left to say is our brains are wired to pick up on a certain area or many and excell at that but who am i to say my brain has not excelled on this subject.And Remember some of the greteast thinkers were depressives.
  6. And the water equation would be 2 H2 + O2 -----> 2 H2O is that correct? I think i have got the hang of it again thanks insane_alien
  7. Methane gas reaction CH4 + O2 -------> CO2 + H2O As there are four oxygen on the right side of the equation and four hydrogen on the left we need to balance that out so it would become, CH4 + 2 O2 ------> CO2 + 2 H2O Would this equation be correct if noy let me know where i am going wrong.
  8. So H2 + O2 ----> H20 why are we missing one oxygen?or am i missing somthing ?
  9. Hi can't remember how to balance chemical equations,can any one shed some light on the easiest method for this?
  10. That looks comlicated. .
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