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Everything posted by techster

  1. If you really want science or technology to be your profession, then reconsider what you are looking for. you can always get your work done through easier means but what you learn the hard way, gets to stay with you forever and adds value to you. If you really want to learn about a particular concept or discuss a really confusing problem, you can contact me through my blog (Check the Ask Me link page in it). Teaching is my passion and I would love helping people who want to learn. Goodluck!
  2. You have been given the initial velocity and a final velocity. The thing here is that the final velocity vector is opposite in direction the the initial one. So, I can take them as 25 m/s and -20 m/s. Now, whats the change in velocity? Average acceleration (a) is given as 3000 m/s2. a=(dv/dt) you know 'a' and 'dv'. Find 'dt' I am an engineer and teaching is my passion. you can ask me questions at Techster . I'll be happy to help you out!
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