amam seems right there; the first living organism must have been either a bacterium or a virus (something small anyways...i dont like biology). if it was a virus we have decended from viruses, if it was a bacterium then at some point in time one bacterium will have been infected by a virus, thus changing its genes to the viruses genes. is it possible that still today, however many billion years later, the most basic trait of a virus' DNA, "to multiply untill all resources have been exhausted then move on", is still within our genes? stands to reason.....other basic traits reman; the instinct to feed, reproduce etc. why not the virus trait?
then again, other animals must have also decended from those very earliest organisms, so why dont they behave in such a way? perhaps it is because they CANNOT behave like this, for exhausting all their resoures would mean the extiction of their species. the will to survive overrides most other instincts. humans are the most intelligent beings on the planet...we are capable of exhausing natural resources and finding an alternative afterwards. maybe this ablity gives rise to the natural virus trait.
maybe im just rambling lol