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  1. so there is a theoretical base time the must have existed a the point of the big bang and would be a accelerated time relative to time as we experince on earth. To that point we calculate the big bang occurred in miliseconds but has that caclulation taken into account the relative difference of time at the big bang. As are looking back and observing this from our relative point in time could the big bang have taken hours in the base time that existed at that point. and as velocity increase would the fact that time slowed have had an impact on the way the universe formed. Apologies if I only have question and no answers
  2. I was pondering today whilst reading an article on the announcement that the UK atomic clock is the most accurate in the world. Well given einsteins theory of relativity time slows down the with velocity If the earth is moving at about 60, 000 mph, the solar system is travelling at 559,000 mph doe that mean that time experienced on this planet is not a true universal time if you could stop all movement in the universe would that give a true time measurment All as gravity bends space the gravity of the re earth should also impact time. Is this correct or is my thinking wrong
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