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Everything posted by TheProphet

  1. Hi, Im in need of a calculator now! So i'd like to hear what u Math guys choice would be in my case! I'll be Studin untill reachin a Master in Physics (i belive it corresponds to this in England and US, Around 4 years od education.) Currently im lookin at the Texas Instruments nr 83, 84 and 89. The only one else i've found was Hewlett Pacards 49G+, altough then the TI-89 seems liek a bether choice! Comments most welcome!
  2. And if you do like to Sitt in the silence reading books in the library! Be Shure to pick upp Einsteins own and only pulikation the the Special and General relativity mater! I'll bet u then will come to understand what we all mean here!
  3. *arghhh** my memory isn't making much use to me right now...
  4. They maybe was reflecting on the Multi Billion $ Figure
  5. Well of course there are other forms Swansont, as you already know of, like Beta and Alfa! Alfa is Helium atoms and Beta is Hydrogen. Shure some more obscure too!
  6. Bosons, Neutrinos: Nah, acording to our View of radioation itäs just POhotons... Momentum is energy that has a direction! No direction or Speed Then no momentum! So that photons have only momentum means actually what u point out! Photons are also energy exchannge particles: So when u anihiliate a Electron positron pair u get energy = Photons! Whom does really like the Particle-Wave Duality? Honestly? ANd i just love answers that simply state: Well it's due to the particle wave duality!.. *argh*
  7. Or maybe so just that the the area for math and music are really close and when using the other stilumaling each other! With indeed some points as Thales pointed out too in his post!
  8. And they are indeed quantized. Mr Feaynman himself taut that at his lessons! ANd Yes Radiation is Photons. all sorts of electromagnetic(mechanic? *ach* waves are photons aswell!
  9. Nicely put.. This shure is what i have comed to conclude to! Makes most sense to me! And what did he really Make up Here Tycho? His specualation originated form a well known fact, and like many others including mysleve whom have comed to the same conclusion! I think it fits like the hand in the glow
  10. Yeah It's indeed a very GOOD summary!
  11. In another thread here in this forum there were some news about Mater - Antimater! The notion was that it's does not seem (or atleast that's one of my specualtions from this) too be exact oposites. Since in the beginging (big bang) there should have been an ever distrubution, hence we shouldn't be here then! But due to (Was it Kaons?) Particle-antiparticle decayings difference, this hint's that normal mater would have won the battle! So more matter instead och antimater to be produced in the very begining of our "time" or this current directon of time. Since also Kaons indicate in it's decay a hint for the Direction of time... So of this holds then i guess the point Atomix thought of falls! Altough Some Feynman indicate Timetraveling with Antiparticles....
  12. Thales: Nice put ! DreamLord: Keep questioning and don't let them bring u down! Nice with more girls here to! I guess we AND science needs them! So guys! Start behaving!
  13. AtomixMX: Why do you avoid a such simple question as DreamLord said if u now know it all? ! IF we didn't speculate nor Theorized what would then science be? The way u put it in the first post abour this specifik subject indeed made me think you where a tad bit NARROW minded... That's due to your post.. but after the second you cleared it upp a bit... but it's just definiton! And do you really have to have a degree and already be a scientist to discuss stuff?!? I belive it's indeed not the point with this forum!.. So be nice! Now Cheers
  14. Well even IF we could teleport an single atom, electron, well "particle" It's still within the Quant world and subject to it's specifik laws! Altough I belive indeed photons can do a little more magic ! But on the macro scale! Such as us Atoms don't behave the same anymore, as most of you already know! So teleporting larger systems would need all atoms in the same state ! Such as like a Superconductor is behaving. This would indeed get into trouble with us humans! I belive this is a little of what "Uknown force" was trying to say also...
  15. Well since u say that i might just be mistaken by the exact year altough it was written somewhere along 50-60s might just have been late 60:s to then.. haven't really opened that book for long so my mistake if so then
  16. Well then their source must be very outdated since some books of my describes Quarks as a mather of fact.. and they are from -54..... But encyclopedias aren't the best source for valid information on such things as Quarks for instance.. go to your library and read a good Fysisks book instead! Even the most introcutionary describes quarks! They even describe the idea of strings altough very very brief...
  17. Well further more only at such angles which would indicate a inner 3 particle system now known as the Quarks! And this isn't anything new it's old stuff!
  18. Haven't we? As far as i know of Quarks have been explored quite well.. Even in books from the 60th:s! And even the first experiments with the Neutron to prove an inner particle system of the Neutron proved Quarks and there individual charges... so what u are saying is real time travel too me!
  19. Well what i've heard (but this is shurely old news) The Laser version had the same problems as the tokamok, it can't sustain the Fusion process.. It worked in pulses insteads since it ignited miniatur hydrogen bombs! And i have not heard recent progress on this type either! The tokamok today i belive is our best bet and I hope ITER is built so that we can se the popential of our technology for this power source! But as usual Poitics is now rouning all the research and building of ITER... Some countries pulled oput the project since they would't get to have ITER in the country and be first with Fusion... Greedy mother f***ers!
  20. The Tokamak for me! But it's one thing to shove that it's theoreticly possbile and a whole other thing to produce stable fusion in a big enough reactor... This shit takes time!
  21. Windows isn't popular! It's a standard that we can't go around and I HATE IT... Well i still belive (or wan't to) that QM CP:s will be for sale within my lifetime atleast...
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