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Everything posted by JoshSHill

  1. G'day there peoples, First of all, if anyone here is actually a qualified climate scientist (or a scientist close to the realm of climate sciences), if you could please contact me via my Skype using JoshSHill, that would be really appreciated. I'm a freelance journalist, and I am continually coming across areas where I need someone's help in. The latest is this question; though carbon dioxide is found only in relatively small amounts in our atmosphere, does any increase exchange for a larger increase in temperature? Or, in other words, even though it's in such a small amount, can it still have the massive effect that some would have us believe? Hope to hear from someone, ANYONE, soon! Josh
  2. G'day there peoples, I'm new, so bear with me... I'm a journalist, and I'm writing a piece on the following story... http://www.physorg.com/news119553781.html I need to know just what it is that is causing the hydrothermal explosion. I headed to this site; http://www.hanksville.org/daniel/geology/explosion.html And I got the following, but I'm not certain; A hydrothermal explosion is caused by the combination of superheated water turned to steam meeting with cooler water (or is it) with ... Please explain, and soon... lol! Josh
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