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About tom.redy

  • Birthday 03/11/1990

Profile Information

  • Interests
    energy generation, how universe works.
  • College Major/Degree
    BE mechanical.
  • Favorite Area of Science
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tom.redy's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. I’m a nobody. Nobody’s perfect. So I guess that makes me perfect.

    Read more  
    1. Mystery111


      But perfect ain't nobody, because nobody is perfect.

  2. read #15 how you will spin at incredible speed to generating lots of power?????
  3. as you study more you became more smarter . as simple it is .
  4. that is not feasible. the cost of that sails will be very very high. instead of that using solar panel on earth will be cost effective.(which are not use due to its cost).
  5. wuz here and TonyMcC if at all you installed so called space wind turbine it won't rotate because solar wind dose not have as much density as air, The solar wind is a stream of charged particle it has very less density. "At the orbit of the Earth, the solar wind has an average density of about 6 ions/cm3. This is not very dense at all!"(negligible) the formula for wind turbine generation is power=0.5*area*density*velocity3 hence your wind turbine will not get enough power to rotate.
  6. tom.redy


    moisture is presence of small amount of liquid in substance (especially water). humidity is nothing but water vapor holding capacity of air. i.e when we say 60% humidity ,the air contain 60% vapor of its capacity and if there is 100% humidity the air can't take any more water vapor. hence when you will sweat in 100% humid air the sweat will not evaporate becaues air will not be able to take any more vapor . you know when you are in AC room your body sweat's but sweat evaporation rate and sweating rate is same hence you fell cool and you don't understand that you are sweating. relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air at a specific temperature compared to the maximum water vapor that the air is able to hold
  7. myuncle, your idea will not work because due to FRICTION between stator and rotor of generator it will stop. there should be some energy input to generate energy, i.e you can convert energy from one form to another (energy neither be created and nor be destroy) . you can't make perpetual machine.
  8. hey i am tom redy. I am interested in energy related subject.
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