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Nobel okelekele

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Everything posted by Nobel okelekele

  1. I the Name of GOD and Micheal faraday.somebody please help me!
  2. Hello,my Nam is Nobel in Nigeria.i have very little knowledge of circuit.i need help to make a helpful but simple project for my school for a competition.i want to be simple and cheap.
  3. What made me say that electric field is the stable form ofmagnetic field is the fact that;when electricity is converted to heat energy,a small fraction of the heat is examined to be magnetic accordding to the coil setup.and electricity can only be converted to magnetic force and heat. So what i am saying is that,we all know almost all energy forms is lost as heat during a convertion process.which means heat produced even in the convertion of electric to magnetic is just an energy lose,leaving combination of positive and negative charges to form magnetic fields.
  4. What are the four dimental forces of nature?
  5. So i am right.if so why can't magnetic force be conducted like eletricity
  6. If you ask me,magnetic forces are the stable form of eletricity
  7. tell me more about the blackbody spectrum. tell me more about the blackbody spectrum. and how it can be used
  8. what do you mean? and another thing,can infrared radiation be emitted by just iron?
  9. what do you mean by producing it therminally?
  10. Please,give me a clear understanding of infrared,and how it can be produced and used.
  11. Gravity itself@is a natural occurring energy.but if you want to trace the energy source of gravity,you would first ask your self of the chemical combination of the substances present in the core of the earth,other planet and stars,before you can arrive at it's power source.because you know gravity pulls us to the core of earth. So the questions we should ask is what is pulling us before we can answer the question of how it gets it's energy. But if you ask me.the continuous heating of magma in the earth 's core emits the energy that pulls us to the ground.
  12. If all heat are infrared,but not all infrared are heat.then what are the other infrared called?
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